Dr Bjonks Dumpster Fire
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Item #: SCP-XXXX Level 2/XXXX
Object Class: Euclid Classified

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SCP-XXXX located in Liverpool

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard large containment cell. At any time SCP-XXXX breaches containment, SCP-XXXX is to be located and retrieved by MTF units. Any individuals who witness SCP-XXXX are to be immediately amnesticized through the use of Class-A amnestics.

Currently, testing with SCP-XXXX is suspended indefinitely. Any requests for experimentation with SCP-XXXX are to be delivered to Dr Connor Baker for review. Under no circumstances is anyone to be exposed to SCP-XXXX outside of experimental purposes.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an 8.23m sculpture composed primarily of various knives. The Latin phrase "Libera Anima Vestra" ("Free Your Soul") is engraved along the sculpture's forehead. The Foundation estimates between 80,000 and 140,000 knives were used to create SCP-XXXX; however, weight analysis is inconsistent with this estimate - SCP-XXXX is many times heavier than the expected weight of this amount of knives.

SCP-XXXX exhibits two primary anomalous abilities. Firstly, SCP-XXXX is prone to random teleportation throughout English towns and cities; this event can occur between 4 days and 3 months after the previous relocation. SCP-XXXX has not been sighted in locations outside of England.