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The following file is Level 6/XXXX Classified. Unauthorized access is forbidden.
Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Explosion caused by SCP-XXXX prior to initial discovery.1 1946.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
GRINDL-Area-82 S. Tavish Goodwell R. Edward Zolotov Psi-4 "Prophet’s Guards"


Fracture Zone.

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-XXXX is currently located on a secluded island dubbed the Fracture Zone (see Article 2.8 Psi-4) 2086.938 miles (3358.600 km) off the coast of Douglas, Michigan. To contain SCP-XXXX, Area-82 has been built within the Fracture Zone, approximately 400 meters east of where SCP-XXXX is stationed. The Fracture Zone is currently designated a high security military weapons testing site, and government officials disallow individuals from coming within 30km of the site. A full contingent of research staff, as well as the specially designed Mobile Task Force, Psi-4 "Prophet’s Guards", are to be stationed at Area-82 at all times. 13 Grand Stabilization Pylons are stationed on the outskirts of the Fracture Zone and are to remain active at all times, with any damaged or malfunctioning unit repaired or replaced as soon as possible. SCP-XXXX is to be monitored on a 24-hour basis by members of MTF Psi-4. SCP-XXXX is to be monitored for increased activity, which may signify an Emergence event. All personnel stationed at Area-82 are to be equipped with a Military Grade Maxim 9 at all times. Personnel interacting with SCP-XXXX are to wear standard foundation hazardous chemical resistance gear. No individual is permitted to come within 1648 ac (666 59⁄64 ha) of SCP-XXXX without Level 5 clearance or above.

In the interest of maintaining the highest level of security relating to SCP-XXXX, access to information pertaining to SCP-XXXX is to be restricted to Area-82 personnel and those with level 5 or higher security clearance. All Level 4 or lower staff are to be administered a Class-B amnestic and have replacement memories implanted before any transfer off-site. Any breach of information regarding SCP-XXXX is to be immediately reported to the O5 council, and will be punishable with termination. SCP-XXXX itself is to be monitored at all times for activity. Protocol Targetization is to be enacted immediately should SCP-XXXX begin an emergence event.

Deployment of MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" to counter hostile Fractionator instances is authorized. Expanded deployment against other threats must be approved on a case-by-case basis by Site Director Tavish Goodwell. Instances are to be separated by category into their respective hostility ranking. Should the number of instances in any given category exceed 12, the O5 council must be contacted. Should a emergence event occur, Protocol Targetization is to be implemented.

Access to any documentation or knowledge regarding SCP-XXXX is to be provided only with the express permission of Area 82's site director or three members of the O5 council. All members of the "Crimson Light" research team are to research methods of terminating SCP-XXXX as quickly as is feasible. All containment procedures will become inept once a viable termination method is available.


SCP-XXXX is a 702 metre (2,303 ft) tall humanoid of extra-dimensional origin. It's skin is chalky blue in color with a rough, leathery texture It's body is skeletal, with bone outlines being visible. Despite it's skeletal appearance, SCP-XXXX has an estimated body mass of 9,480,800 kg. A large ring-shaped object with seven spear-like objects hovers approximately 6 meters (19 ft) behind the head of SCP-XXXX. Testing has shown that this object is composed of a anomalous form of electromagnetic radiation waves. These waves give off a scentless aura of red heat with a temperature of up to 3,300 °C (5,972 °F). SCP-XXXX appears to be completely unaffected by this object despite the immense heat. SCP-XXXX's blood is AB+ with trace amounts of nitrogen being present in it's bloodstream. On the back of SCP-XXXX is a large organ resembling labia. This organ is mostly composed of muscle and exposed skin and is able to open and close on command.

When open, the organ will dispense up to 6 large winged creatures dubbed "Grey Hawks". These creatures are serpentine in form, with two large wings sprouting from their backs. Their head is equipped with two large receptors resembling eardrums which are presumably used for navigation. A "Grey Hawks" mouth is nearly identical to that of Eunice aphroditois2, with the mandibles being longer then a human arm. An average "Grey Hawk" can reach sizes of up to 107 meters (351 ft) in length, with a wingspan of 95 meters (311 ft) in length. "Grey Hawks" carry haemolymph3 in their blood despite their lack of a vertebral column.


Encrypted rock formation located 45 ft east of Area-82. 3/17/2011.

Large SCP-XXXX Large monoliths and encrypted rock formations can be found around the entirety of the Fracture Zone. written in a near perfect version of the SCP-4179 (though previously thought to be impossible). Below is a list of all translated encryptions.

The following excerpts have been translated from encrypted stones written in SCP-4179. Though some have proven to be untranslatable, four encrypted stones have been found to be written in a comprehensible variation of said language.

MTF Psi-4 "Prophet’s Guards"

Identification Number: MTF 59903-7-BSI

Classification Type: Designated K-Class Task Unit.


Members: Team Lead Bravo 1-1 (Rodger O’Harrow), Lead Medic Bravo 1-2 (Alex Ferdinand), Training Professional Bravo 1-3 (Howard MacCallum), Demolition Expert Bravo 1-4 (George Ulatowski), Artillery Specialist Charlie 1-1 (Allen O’Harrow), Hazardous Chemical Expert Charlie 1-2 (Wallace Tackett), Secondary Medic Charlie 1-3 (Yin Hasegawa), Mechanical Engineer Charlie 1-4 (Terrance Abendroth).

Note: Replacements for both Bravo 1-2 and Charlie 1-4 are going through extensive training and will be ready to be transported to Area-82 within a week. Replacements are Dillon Gabehart (Bravo 1-2) and Kevin Naffziger (Charlie 1-4).


Mission: Assist in the cleanup of all Foundation facilities destroyed in the aftermath of an emergence event. MTF 59903-7-BSI have been granted permission to assist Dr. Edward Zolotov in his ongoing investigation of Research Study CODE: RED, though this is not MTF 59903-7-BSI's primary objective.