Object class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP XXX is currently employed in research Site -███. It is utilized to conduct research on SCPs that are inaccessible by human researchers due to hazards posed by anomalous effects posed by aforementioned SCP.
In case of a Class Ξ malfunction of control systems the onboard retrieval system must be activated.
In a rare situation that the system is stuck inside the containment of another SCP that has the capability of damaging or accessing the AHC's ██████ or its frame the short range beamer will be automatically activated as deemed fit by the onboard situational awareness system. All research on anomalous properties of SCP XXXX must be overseen by lead researcher Dr Mackenzie Holt.
SCP XXXX must be docked for recharge and repairs every alternate week or as necessary. SCP XXXX must never be allowed to transmit radio waves outside of Site-███.


SCP XXXX after capture.

Description: SCP XXXX is a 2.13 meter tall bipedal android. It can create anomalous tools that can sample, analyze, [DATA EXPUNGED] or accomplish most operations that can be accomplished by research staff. It is very efficient in combat and can anomalously produce kinetic and energy weapons out of its main body . It's main body is made from composite materials out of which carbon fibre and graphene make up 73% and the rest is comprised of ███. The android was found at a warehouse in ██████ ,Comino, Malta. The warehouse was supposedly owned by a cover front for Anderson Robotics. It was raided by Mobile Task Force Gamma-13 after receiving an anonymous tipoff about the warehouse's location. SCP XXX has inscriptions on both arms that designate "AHC".
The foundation had received intel to the raid about a secret program that was meant to create a droid that can accomplish the task of a research team and security personnel singularly two years prior, this intel was dismissed due to an explosion that killed all researchers who were working on the program. One prototype survived the explosion and was stored securely in the warehouse.

SCP XXXX produces traces of ██████ radiation from its chest and cranial regions it is suspected that there are power sources inside these regions. SCP XXXX can also be recharged using microwave . It has a smaller drone that can be detached and operated autonomously. It is designated SCP XXXX-1.
On one incident SCP XXXX was able to interface with ██████ and turned hostile to Foundation personnel see Addendum below for more.

Addendum XXX-01: On 12/2/20██ at 0800 hours SCP XXXX was doing routine inspection of SCP-██████. The containment cell had no radio wave isolator installed. SCP XXXX picked up radio waves and seized all functions. All efforts to regain control of SCP XXXX had failed and SCP XXXX stopped responding. At 08300 hours a maintenance and recovery team was sent to manually retrieve SCP XXXX. At 0835 hours SCP XXXX was placed on a movable platform when it unexpectedly powered on and materialized a Proton accelerator from its arms and deployed SCP XXXX-1, it started firing its weapons and SCP XXXX-1 paralyzed the team using ██████ . SCP XXXX killed ██ personnel and there was only one survivor. A code blue was declared and MTF-Epsilon 11 was authorized to recapture SCP XXXX. Recapture was obtained using EMP charges. SCP XXXX was recaptured after an EMP charge was detonated. SCP XXXX was quarantine and was installed with a physical retrieval system and a short range beamer.

Addendum XXX-02:SCP XXXX was carrying out a routine protocol when SCP-██████ damaged its microprocessor. This caused SCP XXXX to be unable to use its retrieval system and SCP XXXX became unresponsive. Approximately 24 minutes later SCP XXXX regains control and uses its retrieval system Site -███ was placed under lockdown and had lost power due to mass amounts of ██████ waves generated by the jump. Site -███ auxiliary generators provided power while on site security searched for breaches.

Addendum XXX-03: In light of recent events Site -███ was shielded from all incoming radio waves and used ██████ for communication to prevent further incidents. O5 council is reviewing the classification of SCP XXXX from Thaumiel to Euclid .

Addendum XXX-04: MTF Mu-4 code name " Debuggers " were assigned to investigate the anomalous radio signal and its place of origin.

Addendum XXX-05:Post the investigation MTF Mu-4 concluded that the ██████ mainframe belonging to Anderson Robotics was used. After another raid on the facility which was located in ███████, Cagliari, Italy the operatives discovered that the mainframe was specifically manufactured to trace SCP XXXX , instruct and seize control of it.
The mainframe was neutralised. More facilities that are transmitting similar instructions were discovered, capability of the AI to transmit from any commercial transmitter makes eradication of transmission hard . MTF Mu-4 concluded that destroying all facilities was not feasible. Site -███ was shielded from all radio waves to prevent further incidents.