Scp Draft by Dr Ryan Wolf
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First pair of SCP-XXXX

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All pairs of SCP-XXXX are to be contained in anomalous item lockers ████, and ████ located in Site-███. No personnel may remove them from storage without prior approval from Dr.███

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a single pair of several pairs (13) of ██████ glasses, all with a -18 prescription in both lenses. The glasses frames are grey varying in color and have clear lenses. The lenses and frame seem to be resistant to all damage inflicted, no matter the way it is inflicted. however, the lenses are cracked. All glasses have different amounts of damage, mostly to the lens.

When a pair of glasses is put on, the wearer is inflicted with instant paralysis and limited brain activity. has their head slowly removed by unknown causes. This effect takes hours to recover from after the wearer has the glasses removed. Once the wearer has fully recovered they seem to have no brain damage and have no recollection of what transpired while wearing the glasses. The cause of this is currently unknown, further studies must be done.

The first pair of glasses were found at an abandoned ██████ factory in Tupelo, Mississippi on the production line. They were attached to a severed skull. The skeleton belonging to this skull was found in ██████, Japan. All other pairs that have since been discovered come from abandoned ██████ factories all over the world. All pairs were attached to skulls and had their skeleton counterparts in different locations. how they were separated is under investigation.