Dr Tenor
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Item #: SCP-5205

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: [Containment Procedures: One 25x25 meter soundproof room with a double airlock with 1 meter thick lead doors with soundproofing. No one shall enter or exit through the air locks without Level 5 permission and 2 MTF shall be stationed at the door and block any person or persons from entering. This is to prevent the field of SCP-5205-1 from expanding to a larger size that may cause damaging effects to humanity.]

Description: [Description: SCP-5205-1 is a field of effect that causes any object that can produce noise to have the effects of SCP-5205-2. SCP-5205-2 is an audible sound effect that causes noises to traverse from low to high and high to low when an object omitting the a sound enters in the field of view of any person encapsulated in 5205-1. Both 5205-1 and 5205-2 are invisible and are only able to be detected by the human ear listening for the change in sound. 5205-1 came into custody after a mining expedition at [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] the mining group stumbled upon stumbled upon a small container that was sealed with unknown technology, possibly extraterrestrial. The container had inscriptions of a language not known off or seen before though after some digging an English translation was found. While testing the latch of the container opened letting out 5205-1 and 5205-2 simultaneously. Luckily experimentation took place in the containment cell now and the cell has been upgraded for the larger field.]

Addendum:Addendum #1

[Junior Researcher [DATA EXPUNGED] was fiddling around with the latch to open the container in which both 5205-1 and 5205-2 were in. He accidentally pushed a button causing it to open and the insides expanding outwards. All researchers were ordered to evacuate and examination of the researchers resulted in result of their inner ear forming into a different shape, possibly for the ear to be used to the sound effects of 5205-1 and 5205-2.

Addendum #2

D-11265 was brought into the sound chamber with microscopic sensors in her ear to see what happens when a person comes into contact with 5205-1. When D-11265 entered the chamber their inner ear immediately shifted and moved and caused the D-11265 to have a sight “tingling” at the ear.

Addendum #3

D-11265 setup a Lionel brand train and track inside 5205-1 and powered it on making it move from one end to the other. During this D-43562 was in the middle of the track and when the train came up and passed him he reported hearing the sound to go up in pitch and down in pitch according to the direction]