Living Rust (Looking for Review)

Item #: SCP-0000

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 is to be contained within a spherical palladium microalloy glass compound with a two (2) meter diameter, suspended within liquid nitrogen. The containment unit must be reinforced with four (4) titanium (CP Ti Gr.4) strips riveted with 18-8 stainless steel rivets, each strip is placed evenly across each major stress point of the container. The temperature of the containment unit must be maintained at 190.0 K (-83.15 °C), with leway of five (5) degrees, and is to be constantly withheld from any solid object by four (4) electromagnets with gadolinium ferromagnetic cores. SCP-0000 is to be monitored by two cameras located within the sphere, any notable growth of SCP-0000 is to be reported immediately.

The sphere is held within a hermetically sealed vacuum chamber measuring at eight (8) meters cubed. All entrances into SCP-0000’s chamber are attached to a three (3) meter cubed airlock system. All materials brought into SCP-0000’s containment unit are to be completely sterilized before entering, in the event of airborne spores of SCP-0000 escaping its containment the unit is to be filled with hydrochloric acid fumes and all excess growth is to be sprayed with phosphoric acid found on site by a biological hazard team, if SCP-0000 has grown to greater mass than fifty (50) kilograms, on site pentafluorostiborane, perchloric and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid are to be used on SCP-0000.

Description: SCP-0000 is a small abstruse unidentifiable metallic formation resembling oxidized iron. Upon coming in contact with any known non-liquid matter, SCP-0000 begins to rapidly corrode and encase the substance. In all cases the rate of corrosion is affected by both temperatures and the material that is being broken down. The average rate of growth to cover the surface of a transition metal such as iron measuring one (1) meter squared is 6.8 minutes, in this time all metal in contact with SCP-0000 is corroding completely in about 3.2 seconds. However, as SCP-0000’s total mass increases the rate of growth and decomposition is effected, for every one (1) centimeter - the speed of corrosion accelerates by .023 seconds, for every two (2) centimeters the rate of growth increases by .04 seconds.

As SCP-0000 breaks down materials it exhausts carbon in the atmosphere and generates trace amounts of ionizing radiation - depending on SCP-0000’s total mass the severity of the radiation differs from Alpha, Beta and Gamma. As SCP-0000 reaches a collective weight of approximately thirty-four (34) kilograms it begins to release a visible, dark red-orange perfume mimicking the scent of rotting tissue. The gaseous substance released by SCP-0000 contains spores in which remain active for around twelve (12) hours before dissipating. Within this time period all solid materials that come in contact with these spores begin to grow microscopic crystalline structures of SCP-0000. After three (3) days the structure becomes active.

Upon coming in contact with a living organism SCP-0000 begins to expeditiously consume the subject. Due to the immense amounts of carbon SCP-0000 can completely encase an adult caucasian male weighing approximately seventy-eight (78) kilograms and standing at 168.3 centimeters in 7.3 minutes. After being entirely enveloped the subject enters a coma-like state, whilst unconcious the subject has been reported to live [DATA EXPUNGED] days within SCP-0000. All growth is halted after a living organism is encased, any attempts to remove SCP-0000 during this state have failed and resulted in the removal of the subjects skin, muscle and in some cases the █████████ system. SCP-0000 secretes a viscous fluid with a black pigment as the organism is consumed, the fluid is comprised of potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium and calcium. After the subject is entirely depleted, the growth of SCP-0000 slowly returns, on average, growing thirty (30) - fifty (50) seconds slower than before and is never completely recouped.

Common rust removal acids such as phosphoric acid or hydrochloric acid stunt the growth of SCP-0000 and neutralize all spores, however, if SCP-0000 has greater mass than fifty (50) kilograms these acids will have miniscule effect on it. Stronger acids such as pentafluorostiborane, perchloric and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid will corrode SCP-0000 quickly and effectively. In most cases SCP-0000 appears to be highly sensitive to temperatures, the lower the temperature the slower SCP-0000 can grow. All spores released by SCP-0000 will perish in temperatures under five (5) degrees celsius, meanwhile SCP-0000 will become dormant at temperatures of negative one-hundred (-100) degrees celsius and lower.

SCP-0000 was originally found in ██████████████, Germany in 19███, SCP-0000 had completely enveloped an entire village and had reached a critical size of ████ tones (See Document 0000-1). The foundation was notified and a large quarantine of the location was put into effect. After multiple months and strenuous removal the foundation completely isolated the ruins of ██████████████ and reallocated one (1) tone of SCP-0000 to the foundation for further investigation.

Document 0000-1: After ██ months in ██████████████, Germany, one member of the last biological hazard team was interviewed by multiple Doctors:

“I’d never seen anything like it - It wasn’t of this world, it coated everything - and I mean everything, rust cascaded the surface of every fucking material the eye could see. No one was anywhere, the town was silent and still, the only murmurs of noise was the clammer we made upon arrival - it was deathly still, even the animals had vacated the area.”

The man continued but with a slight pause as he looked back onto the past few months,

“… After awhile of searching and excavating we began to notice how fucked up this thing really was. People were suspended in cocoons of wires, metal twisting and turning through every crevice, wrapping the corpse in a skin-tight macabre intertwine of cords as thick as rebar. After the first month we were finding more and more corpses, over sixty-six bodies were found, each one’s face was in a perpetual state of torment, their eyes still moved left to right as we eradicated SCP-0000 with acids, their breath still filled the air as their bodies were transformed into the visceral black-sappy fluid that covered everything.”

Another long pause filled the room as a doctor audibly took notes on his clipboard.

“… We found two children, still alive, wrapped up in blankets of oxidized metal, all we could see was their dying eyes, buried underneath sheets of the material. After multiple hours of struggling to pry them of out SCP-0000 … I swear - all we did - was tear the fucking skin from the children’s poor goddamn corpse. The kid screamed and clawed - we ended up euthanizing him and each other victim we came across - the thing had fused with their bodies - it fucking became them.”

The audio tape ends.