SCP draft

SCP-4000 "Death Scythe"
Object Class: Euclid

Containment Procedures: SCP-4000 is to be kept in a safe, in a 4x4m locked room. There must be (2) guards posted outside at any given time. Only personnel with level (3) clearance or higher may request access to SCP-4000, and for testing purposes only.

Description: SCP-4000 appears to be an old scythe used for cutting foliage. The blade is rather dull and the handle is unpolished. When a human subject makes contact with SCP-4000 (henceforth known as SCP-4000-2), they undergo several mental and physical changes. These include: no of recognition of other human beings (regardless of how well subject knew them previously), greater height, decreased width, loss of weight, sullen and shallow eyes, and much more bony frame. In spite of these physical changes, SCP-4000-2 will be both stronger and faster then SCP-4000-2 was before handling SCP-4000. It should also be noted that SCP-4000-2 will then become incredibly violent to any living beings near it, wielding SCP-4000 as a weapon.

Subject D-■■■■ picks up SCP-4000.
Subject exhibits changes detailed above.
SCP-4000-2 kills nearby guard.
A ghost-like apparition floats out of guard's body and into SCP-4000 (thought to be the guard's [REDACTED]).
SCP-4000-2 terminated.