
Please note: Still editing formatting and getting used to it. 'SCP-XXX' is a placeholder until I get the actual SCP number. This is my 1st SCP!

<The Morphean Engine>

<Item SCP-XXX-1>

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
Object XXX-1 is contained within Facility XXX-1. The ground floor of the Facility appears as a light industrial premises complete with offices, warehousing and a dispatch area to provide the appearance of a mundane factory. Entry into Facility XXX-1 proper is via a spiral stair case and 2 elevators in the southern end of the Facility. In event of a breach, access can be isolated electrically, forcing the doors and elevators to become inoperative, as well as hermetically sealing the area. The area is also mined with explosives in order to further seal the shafts.
Access to the rooms within the lower level of Facility XXX-1 is by an electronic security system which provides access to various rooms via PIN, biometric and swipe card access. Only personnel with level 3 clearance and upwards can enter.

Object XXX-1’s storage room is in the north eastern area of the complex. It’s signage has been changed in order to make it appear as a locked storage closet. it's access panel is also hidden away. Like the rest of the Facility, it's walls are made of reinforced concrete, and it's door is made of reinforced steel. Object XXX-1 resides within. Power to Object XXX-1 supplied by nine, 3-phase power outlets from Facility XXX-1’s the Accumulator Room. These outlets designed to be manually isolated in the event of a breach. Power failure will also result in the door sealing, as with the rest of the Facility.

Other areas of note:
The Accumulator Room is central to Facility XXX-1, being the largest single area, and located north of the main stairwell. It is an underground vault of 60 by 50 meters in length and width, with a height of 6 meters. It houses 10 banks of megawatt-sized accumulator batteries. The banks themselves are temperature regulated with liquid nitrogen to -91 degrees kelvin. The Accumulator Room is much warmer, at -15 degrees Centigrade. However, frost is noticeably absent owing to de-humidification processes. The Accumulator room capable of being manually isolated from the [] city electrical grid. Staff are reminded to wear extreme cold weather equipment before entering.

The Control Room is located south of the Accumulator Room. It contains four workstations with remote access to Object XXX-1, as well as Facility XXX-1’s electrical, mechanical, and security systems. In the event of a containment breach, the Control Room has it’s own UPS, independent air and food supply and can function as a panic room for up to 36 hours. It’s walls are constructed of 2 feet of titanium reinforced concrete. Off site personnel are instructed to alert ‘Gamma 3, ‘Jungian Shores’ security team in the event of lack of contact outside a 12 hour shift within Facility XXX-1.

Object XXX-1 appears as a smooth, flat, featureless black box,approximately twice the size of a desktop computer tower, with a casing of about 60cm by 60cm in height and length and 45cm in width. The larger sides are flat and appear to be made of stamped steel, with no screws, or latches other methods of disassembly. The thinner sides of Object XXX-1 contain a variety of ports. The front side of this casing has the ability to adjust to a variety of peripherals, including a keyboard, monitor, and network cabling. The rear of the casing contains a series of nine, 3-phase power sockets.
Xray and MRI scans appear to show a thin slice of a non-metallic substance within the housing. Further magnetic scans show complex electro-magnetic waves forms during item XXX-1’s activation. Further testing is required to determine how the patterns interact with its operations.

Object XXX-1 remains inert until connected to an electrical power source. It will accept one or more 3-phase cables in order to activate. Once powered, XXX will be silent and appear inert with the exception of a slight electrical humming noise. When connected to peripherals, Object XXX-1 allows a user to access a GUI interface known as 'Channel of Ashtu'.This interface is written entirely in Sumerian.Currently, Dr.El Faayez has deciphered it as a power management menu, and allowed activation of Objects XXX-2 A-C. Object XXX-1 can be rendered safe by unplugging its power cables.

Objects XXX-2 A-C:

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
Objects XXX-2 A-C refer to three objects, which are kept in a hermetically sealed room referred to as the ‘Air Lock’. This room is located on the north-eastern side of Facility XXX-1. The Air-Lock is constructed of 1.5m thick walls of titanium reinforced concrete, and is accessed via a 90mm thick, composite titanium door on it’s southern side. There is an almost identical door on the northern side of the room. The northern door leads to Facility XXX-2 once powered. Both doors are able to be sealed by accessing Facility's XXX-1’s electronic security system. The Air-Lock’s air supply is independent, and able to be regulated via the Control Room. In the event of a containment breach, the chamber can be filled with a mixture of cyanide and/or nerve agents, or shut down, leading to asphyxiation. As the room has no windows present, it is equipped with remote AV recording equipment. This includes light enhancement, infrared, ultraviolet, electromagnetic, acoustic and ultrasonic sensors.

The northern doorway has embedded within it’s titanium frame Objects XXX-2 A-C. All three Objects are linked to Facility XXX-1’s Control and Accumulator rooms. In order for Object XXX-1 and XXX-2 A-C’s anomalous properties to manifest, both must be connected, powered and the correct sequences activated by the ‘Channel of Ashtu’ GUI. Power and connections can be isolated manually in the event of a containment breach.

Objects XXX-2 A-C appear as a set of 3 stones about 35cm in length, 12 cm in height and 10cm in width. They are embedded inside on the top and sides of a reinforced titanium door frame of the Air-Lock. The frame is approximately 2 meters in width by 2.5 meters in height.

The objects appear with a multitude of cracks and chips consistent to have been caused by age. They are attached to Object XXX-1 with six of the, phase-3 cables each. These cables branch out, surround and are embedded into the stones with the appearance golden metal capillaries. The metal composition of the cables has been analysed as a high purity quality gold and silver alloy. XXX-2 A-C have been carbon dated back to approximately 2300BC (see report XXX-2 R12). Although obscured to the visible eye, ultra-sound analysis has shown that each of the objects appears to have an inscription carved into it’s longest side in Sumerian (see report XXX-2 R19).

For it's anomalous properties to complete manifest, SCP XXX-1 and XXX-2 A-C must be connected and powered with[ ] terawatts of power. This allows it's inner blast doors to open, and provide access beyond into Facility XXX-2. However, the artefacts require more power than a city grid is capable of providing, and power must be accumulated in the Power Room. It is theorised an on site nuclear reactor could provide an appropriate source, however approval has been denied due to the proximity to [], a city of almost 5 million inhabitants. XXX-2 A-C's use is limited to 15 minute to 2 hour periods before the power array is exhausted and must be recharged over a period of 24 hours. See Log XXX-85 for testing results.

<Begin Audio Log, Test XXX-85 [0811]>

'Audio log of Senior Researcher Dr, Takahashi Hiromi, on 19/11[], working with Objects XXX-1 and XXX-2 A-C.Today was our first activation of ‘Channel of Ashtu' operating system. Subject XXX-1 was with us in Control, under heavy guard to help activate all Objects. XXX-1 assures us she's cooperating, and so far that has been the case. But, there's something in her voice that I just find off putting.

'One of the junior researchers, Keller, refuses to work with Subject XXX-1. She said the 'shadows sway at her whisper'. Whatever that means. We checked the cameras and Keller's interaction with XXX-1, and there is no sign of anything anomalous. Keller became very heated while discussing the incident. She has been given a course of amnesties and reassigned. I can't have her affecting the team morale or our research here.

'Anyway, at 0817 we sent in our first D-Class. DXXX-1 is a Male, aged 27, with no mental anomalies, prior history of DUI and vehicular manslaughter. He was equipped a flashlight, a bottle of water, and pair of high calorie bars, a [] brand digital watch, a [] radio with a PTT headset and remote AV set. DXXX-1 was given strict instructions to stay within radio contact, and return when instructed beyond the area if XXX-2 A-C's blast door. The doors were kept open, and a repeater unit set up within the Facility XXX-2 door to allow the AV set to transmit.

Within 2.3 seconds of energising Objects XXX-2 A-C, we were given the all clear by Dr. El Faayez, and he opened the northern doors. DXXX-1 entered, he said the immediate area was dark, but it appeared to be an office building, with separate offices and a large room filled with cubicles. DXXX-1 explored the immediate area, however his path was blocked by a set of unpowered electronic doors. Despite using some force, he was unable to gain entry.

During the first test, Subject XXX-1 was asked whether the area beyond the blast door was a hoax.
Subject XXX insisted we check DXXX-1's AV equipment, and found via radio calls that the time stamps were out by some 31 minutes, when compared to the 15 minutes logged in the Control Room. DXXX-1 was asked to return, and did so successfully.

<End Log, XXX-85 [0811]>

<Begin Log, XXX-87 [0834 Audio/Visual]>

Audio Log of Senior Researcher Dr.Hiromi. It was decided to explore the area beyond the blast door further. DXXX-1 was sent in again, with a Class 3 technician, and 2 security escorts. They were designated Team XXX-1, and were equipped with a standard field kit, and both electronic and mundane break and enter equipment. The team quickly made their way through the office space and to the nearest depowered door. With some effort the Technician powered the door and it was able to be forced open. The team left a repeater station within the offices and continued on.

Next, Team XXX1 entered what appeared to be a lab area, complete with glass partitions, unpowered lab equipment machinery, tubing, and a variety of transparent specimen boxes. DXXX-1 was instructed by the security team to check the first of the transparent boxes. The video feed shows what appears to be a pinkish stain on the box, then inside is what looks to have been a shrunken, almost crust-like gel on the bottom. Another specimen box shows a claw-like appendage, like a spider, which has died on curled on its back. The specimen was grey, mottled with specks of red at the fibrous joints of its exoskeleton. The AV feed shows the sound of broken glass crunching, and the team find an area within the lab, littered with it. The glass is seen on the video feed to come from a bench, as if a container had been knocked over.

The team jump, baring weapons. Their torches and video feeds track ticking noise, as if an insect or rodent, running across the ceiling and walls. The team's torches illuminate nothing but cupboards and inert equipment. They are told by control to clear the room, and continue to explore.
The AV feed then transmits the scream of one of the team members, and as the group turn, they find one of the security team members gurgling, his throat slit open and dropping to the ground. The technician and D-Class attempt to assist him, but the technician's feed is then interrupted. The feed from the remaining security team member explodes into a strobe of gun fire. The gunfire ends abruptly, and as the team member's feeds are terminated.

The D-Class's feed is shows him running panicked, torch in hand through the corridor, and back towards the offices.
It was then decided to seal the northern doors. This ended the transmission from the D-Class.

<End Log, XXX-85 [0923]>

<Begin Log, XXX-1-12 [012 Audio/Visual]>

Interview Log

**Interviewers: Dr. Takahashi Hiromi and Agent David Stone **

Interviewed: Subject XXX-1

Stone: ‘Subject XXX-1, please state your position and work within Facility XXX-1’. His tone is business like and sharp, carrying an authoritive tone.

Subject XXX-1: 'Firstly, I prefer if you called me Professor Willets. I am the lead researcher of this facility'. The Subject’s tone is pleasant, the syllables of the word 'researcher' seem inviting.

Stone: 'What was it that you were researching here, Professor Willets?' Stone pauses, but continues with his business like tone.

Subject XXX-1: 'We were working with the ‘canal’, or ‘channel’, of Ashtu'.

Stone: ‘What is the ‘channel’ or ‘canal’, of Ashtu?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘It is said that the ancient Sumerians were given a channel to the underworld, a pathway which several of their gods travelled beforehand.I believe I have discovered it, and I was in the process of testing and exploring, before you interrupted'. Subject XXX-1 intones the final word sweetly.

Stone: 'Which gods are you referring to specifically?' Stone's voice almost quavers, but quickly calms.

Subject XXX-1: 'Inanna specifically, she journeyed into the underworld via a cave. I've found that cave’. Her tones lower, and almost a pleasant purr.

Stone: 'You have?’ Stone redoubles his efforts, his tone firmer, however, an fearful tension can still be heard.

Subject XXX-1: 'Yes, and I’ve even managed to open the gate way, and set up a facility inside it. Then continued to study it'. The lines are encouraging, as if the interviewer is treated as an adult, a peer.

Stone:'and what have you found?' His sentence brief, as if rushed.

Subject XXX-1: There is a pause. ‘Possibilities, teaming, endlesspossibilities'. Subject XXX-1 answers with a rhythm, almost hypnotic and seductive.

Subject XXX-1 fell silent. Agent Stone ended the interview, Subject XXX-1, refusing to answer any further questions.

<End Log, Subject XXX-1-12 [012Audio/Visual]>

<Begin Log, XXX-1-107 [017 Audio]>

Audio log of Dr. Amon Faayez, linguistic researcher. I have begun a translation of the inscriptions of anomalous Objects known as XXX-1 and XXX-2 A-C. Thankfully, I've made good progress, and have issued a basic translation sheet for operating the ‘Channel of Ashtu’ computer system. Please see addendum XXX-1 A47.

What's curious is that the entire interface is written in Sumerian. Which, in itself is not unusual, systems are written in German, Arabic or French. But in this case, it’s not just the GUI, it’s the whole computer operating system and programs on top of it. Well,that’s something I’ve never seen before.
Things get even more curious with this Object. I have worked on a variety of translations from Sumeria. But in this case, what we have is a dialect of Sumerian, and a curious one at that. It's known as 'eme-sal', a 'singing dialect', used exclusively by women during rituals and prayer. What's also curious is that Summerian's grammatical genders involve animacy. People, gods, even statues are referred to 'as animate, or alive'. Mundane Objects are not.

For example, the operating system for XXX-1 is considered to be inanimate, as is most of the equipment, diagrams and power levels within it. As would be expected.
But, when it comes to the Object 'XXX-2 A-C', the three stones, they are referred to as being animate, as you would a person. They translate as:A: 'canal’ or ‘channel’', B: 'she who ferries', and C: 'mother of miscarriages and still born'. The final one is quite the contrast. Perhaps we do not have all the stones? Perhaps there is another context? Perhaps a mistranslation? Perhaps the operating system will provide us with more insight, or even Subject XXX-1. I'llrequest Agent Stone interview XXX-1 again'.

<End Log, XXX-107 [017 Audio]>

<Begin Log fragment, XXX-102 [0715 control room]>

Log commences at 0715 on [] with AV feeds fromTeam XXX-2:

Control Room: Agent Stone,Dr. Takahashi Hiromi, Dr.Amon Faayez

Delta1: D-Class DXXX-2:
Sierra 1-3: 1-3: Security Agents-1-3
Sierra Super: Security Agent-4/Supervisor
Tango 1: Technician
Romeo 1: Researcher Dr.David Dassar
X-Ray 1: Subject XXX-1

0715: All feeds show interior of the Canal Airlock

0715: Control advises participants that the ‘Channel of Ashtu’ has been activated. Southern Air-Lockdoor confirmed sealed.

0716: An audible hum can be heard, it changes and shifts tone. Northern Air-Lock door opened. Dr.Faayez reports Channel of Ashtuterminal Power Full.

0716: Sierra Super: ‘Okay team, NVDs on. I want the D-Class to enter each of the rooms, and then we alternate quartering until we’re done with each section’.

Sierra 1-3: All call signs acknowledge.

Sierra Super: ‘That means you Delta 1, you’re up front, like we showed you’.

0717: Delta 1 is seen entering the entering into FacilityXXX-2.

0718: Camera 116 shows Echo team entering the blast doors. There is enough light to see a corridor with closed doorways. Tango, X-Ray and Romeo 1’s AV shows they have switch on their lamps. Sierra team have switched to NVD.Blast doors remain open as instructed by Dr.Hiromi.

0721: Delta 1 is seen entering the first of a multitude of doors along a corridor. The end is some 30 meters away. The green lit feed from Sierra 1 and 2 shows them clearing the room. Sierra 3 and Super stand overwatch in the corridor with Tango 1, Romeo 1 and X-Ray.

Sierra 1: ‘clear’.
Camera feeds show Delta 1 entering the room opposite the corridor. Sierra 3 and 4 enter next checking the next room.

Sierra 3: ‘clear’.

0739: The Echo team are seen clearing the cubicles and entering an open office space of cubicles. The cubicles are some 1.7m in height, and stretch out into an area some 20m x 20m.The area is lit by torches, and green NVD feeds, however areas of darkness are prevalent.

Delta 1: ‘Did you guys hear that? It sounded like a scratching sound, in the ceiling’. Three torch beams areseen panning around the ceiling, bleached pale green on the grainy NVD feeds. They show acoustic tiling, with regular air vents and dead lighting.

Romeo 1: ‘I didn’t hear anything’.

X-Ray 1: ‘I heard it, but it didn’t come from in here, it came from beyond the doorway’. The team’s torches and feeds are seen concentrating on the top part of a door way, seen some 15 meters beyond the cubicles. The D-Classes camera is sheen jolting rapidly. As if he is breathing heavy. ‘We’re not going in there are we?’

Romeo 1: ‘of course we are, Sergeant?’

0739: Sierra Super: ‘1 and 2, I want you clearing the cubicles. I’m going to provide overwatch onto the doorway. Dr.Hiromi now would be the time for you to draw your gun. Herb, keep your light on the doorway’.

Sierra 1 and 2’s feeds show them clearing 8 cubicles.

Tango 1: ‘Do you want me to try to take any of the hard drives?’

Sierra Super: ‘no, we’re going to clear the place first, and try to restore power. Like we said’.

0747: Control: ‘Sierra Super, be advised, Accumulatorpower is at 68%’

0747: Sierra 1: ‘Copy’.

0752: Sierra2: ‘Sierra Super we’ve cleared the cubicles. Are you guys ready for this door?’

0753:Sierra Super: ‘let’s do it”.

0754: The team enter through the doorway into the labs beyond. Their torches can been seen reflecting off glass panelling, and open door ways, palely shining into further rooms.

0756: Sierra Super: ‘These rooms are big, let’s stick together’.

0757: Feed shows Sierra 1 and 2 splitting and checking the first of what appear to be large expansive labs.

0813: Sierra 1: ‘man what is that thing? It looks like a shrivelled dead hand’. His NVD feed can be seen over his gun barrel, pointing a specimen containers the size of a water cooler. EntityXXX-1-A can be seen appearing dead on it’s back.

0815: X-Ray 1 feed lost.

Romeo 1: ‘Prof. Willets?’

X-Ray 1: ‘We’re not sure, we’ve been finding all manner of…creatures beyond our lab. We’ve been taking back as many alive as we can to study’.

Sierra 1: ‘Well this one looks dead for sure’.

Delta 1: ‘Hey, my torch just died’. Delta 1’s light is seen to stop working on the feed.

Tango 1: ‘let me have a look at it’. Tango 1 can be seen removing and checking batteries on the torch.

0819: Sierra 3: ‘Did you guys hear that? The scuttling noise?’ The feed shows team members panning their cameras across the ceiling panels. A definite ticking noise, like claws can be heard moving to the right of the team. Heavy breathing can be heard from Delta 1 and Tango 1. The sound stops suddenly as they light a section of ceiling nearby. The team members are seen backing away.

Sierra 2: ‘Damn, got NVD failure’. Sierra 2’s feed flips up, his NVD recording the ceiling. He flicks the flashlight on his rifle. The feed continues to record the ceiling tiles above his head.

Sierra Super: ‘Okay fall back to the entrance, let’s see if we can’t back out a bit’.

Romeo 1: ‘What is it Willets?’ The camera pans onto X-Ray 1, she stands wearing a grey jumpsuit, her dark hair tied back from her pale face. Romeo 1’s torch light’s up her lower body. His torch suddenly goes out, and X-Ray 1’s eyes are seen to flash light.

0820: “It’s here! It’s here!’Delta 1 screams, NVDs and other torchers scan frantically.

0820: The feeds explode with gunfire. Sierra 2 discharges four shots from his rifle in the direction of a nearby bench.

Sierra Super: ‘did you see it?’

Sierra 2: ‘I saw something, it’s using the darkness’.

Sierra Super: ‘Okay we need the lights back on. XXX-1, where’s the fucking generator?’ The tension can be heard in his voice as his green vision swings around to the doorway.

X-Ray 1: ‘Down the hall and to the right’.
Sierra Super: ‘Were going there now”.

0823:The team membersexit the lab. They turn right, down the hallway. Sierra 1-4 are seenchecking corners and doors.

0825: Romeo 1’s feed is seen to suddenly drop down and spin. There is a wet gagging sound.

Sierra 2: ‘Shit his throat, get pressure on it, and get the dressing over here’. Sierra 3’s NVD shows a black viscous fluid pouring down Romeo 1’s shirt and over his armoured vest. He is helped to the ground by Sierra 2. Sierra 1, Sierra 3 and Sierra Super provide cover. There is the sound of tearing Velcro as Sierra 2 opens a first aid kit.

0825: ‘Sierra Super to control, urgent! We have a man down’.

Control: ‘Copy we’ll send a medvac, hold your position. Power is down to 14%’.

Sierra Super: ‘14%? Where were our other alerts?

Control: ‘we alerted you, last one was at 0848’.

Sierra Super: ‘Control, it’s 0826’.

Control: ‘Standby Sierra Super, help is on the way’

Romeo 1: AV feed shows a torch shining into his eyes, and hands wrapped around his throat as he struggles. Sierra 2 is seen with his NVD flipped up, he unwraps a large pressure gauze. The NVD records a slight flicker in the shadows above.

Sierra 2: ‘just hold it for fuck’s sake’.

Romeo 1: AV feed shows Delta 1 pressing the trauma gauze down onto his throat. Tango 1 keeps light onto the situation.

Sierra Super: The feed shows the muzzle of his rifle scanning the corridor.

Sierra Super: ‘Talk to me guys’.

Sierra 1: ‘Room’s clean’.

Sierra 3: ‘Corridor’s clean, Sarge’.

X-Ray: ‘We need to get the generator active’.

Sierra Super: ‘we’re not going anywhere without back up’.

X-Ray: ‘We can’t wait until then’. She is seen to scan the ceiling intently, chin raised, her torch off, she fixates down the corridor.

Sierra Super: ‘no one’s going anywhere’. A final tone in his voice.

0827: The corridor explodes again. Sierra 1’s NVD feed shows him firing a series of semi-auto shots on his rifle into the office space. The NVD feed strobes and bucks. The feed shows Sierra 1 backing away from the door way.

Sierra 1: ‘It’s here, it’s here!’

Sierra 3: ‘What?’

Sierra Super: ‘What do you see?’

Sierra 1: ‘Something out of the corner of my eye, on the goggles’.

X-Ray: ‘Switch them off, use your torch’.

0829: Sierra 2 is seen to apply a second trauma gauze onto Romeo 1’s throat, the NVD feed shows both men’s hands syruped with black blood, and the second compress quickly darkening. Romeo 1’s movements are weakening. Sierra 2’s upturned goggles show a fleeting movement encircle the torch lights.

0829: Sierra 1’s NVD feed explodes into a volley of gunfire, flashing through the green haze. The feed turns right, and collapses to the ground.
Sierra Super: ‘Mark!! Control we have another man down! Control!’ Sierra Super’s NVD feed shows him kneeling at Sierra 1’s. Sierra 1’s face covered in a black fluid, with multiple lacerations. Sierra Super’s rifle is seencovering the ceiling and walls of the lab corridor. There is no response from the control room.

Sierra Super’s NVD feed shows him kneeling down at the still body of Sierra 2. Sierra 2’s rifle torch highlight’s a section of wall near the labs. X-Ray 1 is seen staring at it unblinking, thenside steppingto the left cautiously, her eyes glow pale and are fixated. She moves again, slowly, catlike.

0843: Romeo 1’s feed shows Sierra 2 standing up, moving away from him and shouldering his rifle. There is the snap of plastic, and Delta 1’s AV feed shows him removing a pistol from Romeo 1’s holster.

Sierra 2’s NVD feed shows him covering the corridor opposite Sierra Super.
Delta 1: ‘It’s here, I just saw it!’ His AV feed shows him panning his torch around. It lights up X-Ray 1’s back.

Delta 1: ‘What the fuck is she doing?!’

Sierra Super: ‘Move back XXX-1, you’re going to get in our line of fire!’

X-Ray 1: ‘D-Class, move your torch left, over near the metal frame’

Delta 1 pans his torch to the left, it shines off pale wall, and across a metal fixture.

0844: Delta 1’s AV feed shows X-Ray 1 dash to the periphery of the torch light, her right arm spears out, like a hook. There is a sudden sharp stab, and an infantile scream. A piercing sound like the squealing tyres reverberating through a metal pipe. The D-Class's feed is closest, only 2 arms length. It picks up X Ray 1 withdrawing a shuddering arm from the side of the torch light. A star of nothing seems to lash out, a series of lacerating cuts thresh on her forearm, she winces her face away.
Sierra 2 and Sierra Super's feed shows them aiming their guns at X Ray 1. She struggles with the whipping Entity, muscles and black flecks of blood flayed from her right arm,bright on their NVD feeds. Her other hand has now caught what looks to be writhing air.

0844: 'Shoot it, or it will kill you' She snarls.

Sierra 2's feed shows him triggering a burst, then Sierra Super unleashes shot after shot. The pitched squealing can be heard over the gunfire.

Delta 1's feed shows X-Ray 1’s arms withdrawing under his light. Her right arm is shattered at the wrist, a fragment of tendon swinging limply. Her left arm, lacerated, dark red blood seeping out. X-Ray 1 does not appear to be in any pain.

Sierra 2 and Sierra Super's feeds show them backing off. Delta 1's torch beam widens quivers and expands as he steps back. X-Ray 1's eyes seem to soak light and draw the viewer in. There is an oozing gash across her right cheek, and several across her chin. The worst cut is across her lips, which appears to have been bisected them diagonally upwards, and opened her left nostril.

X-Ray 1: 'We need to get the generator activated. Technician, get up'.
Even through the feed, X-Ray's tones are less a command than a threat.

0845: Control: ‘Sierra 1 sitrep’.

0848: ‘Control, Sierra 1 – we have two casualties, and seem to have killed an –‘

Sierra 1’s transmission ends as The Channel of Ashtu' depowers. The northern doors are sealed as per protocol XXX-48’.

<End Log fragment, XXX-102 [0715 control room]>

<Begin Log, XXX-107 [017 Audio]>

Interview Log:

Interviewers: Dr.Faayez, Agent Stone

Interviewed: Entity XXX-1

Stone: ‘Entity XXX-1, tell us what we were dealing with inside Facility XXX-2’. Stone’s voice remains calm.

Entity XXX-1: ‘I believe it was a dream fragment, or what we’ve termed a Morphean Construct’. XXX-1’s voice comes across soothingly.

Stone: ‘What do you mean by “dream fragment?” Please elaborate’. Stone’s words are sharp, and direct.

Entity XXX-1: ‘Well, we found the area beyond the gateway was a plethora of creatures, each one unique, and singular in form’.She speaks warmly, as if of a child.

Stone: ‘What sorts of forms did you find?’ Stone hesitates speaking, slightly.

Entity XXX-1: ‘The first form we came across was harmless. It appeared as a protozoa, but about half a foot in size. It floated, was largely transparent, and non-hostile, it seemed to respond to emotional cues, and had the intelligence of a dog. It died about 3 months into captivity.

Some of the lifeforms were more hostile. We encountered a creature which superficially resembled a fractal spider made of black chitin. However, it was the size of a man, and seem to lack an abdomen, or any other distinguishing parts, other than serrated legs. It was killed after stalking and attacking our security team’.

Stone: ‘So what attacked our team?’. His tone is almost impatient.

Entity XXX-1: ‘Again, it was one of the dream forms.’ She responds plainly.

Stone: ‘Why do you call them that?’

Entity XXX-1: ‘Because we dream them into being. Within our reality, the shapes and concepts we dream are entirely our own and stay in our minds. But in Ashtu’s realm, she cannot distinguish between what should be ours, and what should be hers.

But to be specific - if you look at dream symbolism, we were dealing with an unknown, or unseen fear experienced when dreaming, that has manifested’. Entity XXX-1 speaks reverently, as if marvelling at the very idea.

Stone: ‘I see. Then what should be ‘hers’? Or Asthu’s as you say.’ Stone’s voice remains moderate, like he is taking in the information, but not quite believing it.

Dr.Faayez: ‘Excuse me, if I may interrupt. I understand that Asthu was a goddess of the Sumerian underworld, is that correct?’Dr.Faayez voice contains barely contained excitement, as if on the edge of an ecstatic leap of thought.

Entity XXX-1: ‘Yes, one of them’. There is almost a tone of gratitude at Dr.Faayez’s invocation of the goddess.

Dr Faayez:’The goddess of…still born and miscarriages. How is she involved with this gateway, and these…Morphean Constructs exactly?’Faayezis earnest in his questioning.

Entity XXX-1: ‘In the ancient world you can imagine the Sumerians had nothing in the way of healthcare we have today, and the rate of death and miscarriage during childbirth was appalling. Hence why they paid homage to Mother Ashtu. Despite the worst happening, she would deliver the unborn souls of the stillborn to the underworld.

But her domain is far beyond that of a guide, Mother Asthu’s domain is one of potential. Of things that have failed to have been born into this world, and things that, with dreams, could be achieved’. Once again she speaks warmly, and reverently.

Agent Stone: ‘What do you wish to achieve by this?’

Entity XXX-1: ‘only our potential. It’s limitless’. The joy can be heard from her voice.

Entity XXX-1 goes silent, refusing to answer any questions. Agent Stone ends the interview.

< End Log, XXX-107 [017 Audio]>

Entity XXX-1 has so far been cooperative with Containment team XXX - Jungian Shores regarding Facility XXX-1, XXX-2, entities XXX-1, XXX-1 A-C and Objects XXX and XXX-1 A-C. However, Subject XXX-1 is silent and refuses to answer any questions about her regenerative properties, or any anomalous powers or abilities she may have. Nor will she speak of her backers and funding. She does not appear to be a part of the Sarkian movement, although does know about them, and recommends they not under any circumstances be given access to The 'Chanel of Ashtu'.

Currently Facility XXX-1’s library and notes are being translated and catalogued by Dr.Faayez, and her status as well as Facility XXX is classed as safe. Research and further exploration continue into both Facility XXX-1 and XXX-2 regarding the potential mentioned by Subject XXX.

Entity XXX-1
EntityXXX-1 is an anomalous Entity contained within a room within Facility XXX-1. The room is secured with an electronic panel, linked to a monitored security system with Audio and Video recording. It is accessible by biometric, swipe and PIN. Only Level III personnel may access this room, and Class II at the least must at all times be present to escort the Subject. The Entity is not allowed to leave Facility XXX-1 unless authorised by Class IV personnel or higher.

EntityXXX-1 is allowed access to meal and recreational facilities, as well as internal email. XXX-1 is allowed access to any and all of her research materials, and dialogue with her is encouraged in the interests of research. Any external communications are to be authorised by Class IV personnel. Entity XXX-1is to wear a standard X-Ray Class jumpsuit and have her identification displayed at all times. Failure to do so will result in loss of any or all privileges.

EntityXXX-1 appears as a woman of medium build, and height in her late 30s. She has thick, straight, dark hair to her jaw line, and dark eyes and olive skin. She speaks with an untraceable accent, although is highly intelligent, and able to converse in a manner of topics. Her favourite being her research, which she will discuss at length.

Anomalous Properties:
Entity XXX-1 appears to have a variety of anomalous properties. First is the imperviousness to pain, shock and the ability to regenerate from grievous wounds, and (see Log fragment, XXX-102 [0743 Video]). It is theorised that Entity XXX-1 also has some form of anomalous senses, being able to detect Entity XXX-2, (also see Log fragment, XXX-102 [0743 Video]).
It is reported by one staff member that Entity XXX-1’s gaze, and/or voice are capable of creating a fear response. Although this response is sporadic, and there is no evidence that can be seen on audiovisual recordings. Further monitoring is required to determine whether this is a Cognito Hazard.

Subject XXX-1:

<Begin Log, XXX-172[0912 Audio]>

Interview Log
Interviewers: Dr. Andrew Carter, and Agent David Stone
Interviewed: Subject XXX-1, aka Anna Delaney

Carter: ‘Thanks for speaking with us, would you like to start by telling us your name, and how you became involved with Prof. Willets?’
Subject XXX-1: ‘Sure. My name is Anna Delaney, and I guess I met Prof. Willets in a roundabout way through [] university. The psychology department were doing a qualative study on lucid dreaming, and I thought it would be an easy way to earn some money’.
Carter: ‘Thanks Anna. Tell us more about the study’.

Subject XXX-1: ‘Well, it took them a week or so for them to get back to me, but then the university counsellors interviewed me about my dreams. The common things we dreamed of, what we thought they’d represented, and how they influenced our daily lives. That was stage 1.I’vealso studied a fair bit of Fruedian and Jungian dream interpretation, along with mythology, which I guess is part of a psyche degree.So it was actually pretty interesting’.

Carter: ‘You mentioned a stage 1, was there a stage 2?’
Subject XXX-1: ‘Yes, Stage 2 involved us tracking our dreams in a daily journal. They said some 1 in 5 people have regular lucid dreams. The research shows that the frontal cortex, the part of the brain that involves planning, memory, and cognition stays active during a lucid dream’.
Carter: ‘That’s really interesting. So who were ‘they’’?
Subject XXX-1: ‘University researchers. There was a psychiatrist, a ‘Prof. [] who ran the research group’.

Carter: ‘Did they do a stage 3?’
Subject XXX1: ‘I guess you could say that, the next bit involved hooking us up to ECG machines while we slept. It was pretty cool. Could you imagine being paid to sleep?’Subject XXX-1 is heard laughing.
Carter: ‘I see, what did they find?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘Well, what they seemed to be most interested in was the fact that I was able to have more control over my dreams than most. About three quarters of the time they said, most people, on average, are only able to lucid dream about a quarter of the time. Turns out, I was one of those rare people whose brain stayed more active, more often during sleep,I was staying lucid well over half the time. They found out I can also change the location, narrative and characters within the dream easily enough’.

Carter: ‘That’s fascinating. How long did this phase 3 go on for?’
Subject XXX-1: ‘through the spring break between the second semester and new year, but it was conducted at this sleep centre called ‘Soma’. The place was odd. The top floor was a factory,with offices,they were making distributing…something. They even had a weigh bridge, and gate house, delivery trucks coming and going. Although, when we went in, we went into the basement for the dream study. I was on the EEG machine for about 2 weeks total while I slept and they monitored.
‘Then they offered me something more. That’s when I met Prof. Willets. She said that they were trialling a new series of drugs which helped enhance sleep. It was a full-on medical clinical trial. The pay was pretty good, it was difficult not to refuse.

Carter: ‘I can imagine. What sorts of drugs did they give you, and if so for how long?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘Well I can’t remember the names of any of them, but they were meant to increase my REM sleep cycle, or suppress it depending on what they gave us. I think I took them for another week or so. They kept the EEG on for the whole time.’

Carter: ‘What sorts of effects did these drugs have?’

Subject XXX-1:’Well, my dreams were so much more vivid, and I was lucid dreaming more frequently. I could also control the dreams better. If I had a problem to solve, like I was lost inside a shopping mall, I could will myself into finding a way out. If I had somethingchasing me, I would turn and fight it, or will it to go away, I would defeat it with enough will power. All it took was me to be aware I was dreaming. Honestly, I could be and do anything I wanted in a dream, it was rather incredible.’
Carter: ‘That is indeed incredible. Dreams certainly have the power to influence us in the waking world too. Were there any side effects from these drugs?’

Subject XXX-1:’yes, I’d wake up, but I was still really tired. It was like a night’s worth of sleep just wasn’t enough. Prof. Willets said my REM sleep was extended, and deep sleep cycles reduced. She told me deep sleep is where you truly get your rest, your body releases growth hormone and allows itself to heal properly. But with this drug, I’m not sure if I was getting enough of it, so I’d sleep some 12 to 16 hours a day’.

Carter: ‘How long did you think it was that you were on these medications for?’

Subject XXX-1:’It’s hard to tell, I think it was about 2-3 weeks. It was because of all the sleeping, it really messed up my sense of day and night. Eventually they took me into this really odd part of the basement. I was so tired I only remember it looked like a bank vault, and inside, it was like a cave, with just a room bored out. I just remember going to sleep there. There was the sound of running water, like a river as if behind a wall. Prof. Willets and a few of the scientists watched over me. Oh yeah, I remember one other thing, they had guards, armed with guns.’

Carter: ‘Why do you think they bought armed guards?’

Subject XXX-1:’I have no idea’

Carter: ‘Alright then. How long where you down there for?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘I can’t remember, the medications just really knocked me around after I slept. I’d wake, eat, be so exhausted I’d just go back to sleep. I remember talking with Prof.Willets,she’d have me do these visualisation exercises before sleep. She’d have me visualise everyday things like, rooms, corridors, chairs, tables, doors. ThenI’d find myself, walking these blank corridors, into these empty rooms, and willing myself to go further, and then willing myself to find my way back. I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming, or awake, I was that tired, the drugs knocked me out so much’.

Carter: ‘Is there anything else you can remember?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘Yes, no, not really. It was all a blur, until one day I woke up, and the lights were off, and the place was dead quiet. Usually you could hear, researchers, staff, even security guards around the place. But it was empty and silent, I knew I wasn’t dreaming, and the drugs had worn off, because I was more alert. Butthere was nothing, no one. It was pitch dark, although it felt familiar, like in a dream. It was like I knew where everything was, the door handles, the corridors, the furniture. Like a house you’ve grown up in’.

Carter: ‘That’s rather interesting. Did you explore the place?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘I did, managed to get a torch, and some food. I was absolutely starving, I didn’t know what they were feeding me, but I could feel I lost weight. The main staff room still had things like sugar, biscuits, canned food and so on, so I absolutely gorged myself on that. I couldn’t eat anything from the fridge, that had gone off. I think everyone had left days ago’.
Stone: ‘Did you come across anything…unusual?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘Well, other than being locked in a building with the power off, and no way of getting out. I’m not sure you could get any weirder than that. Well, other than being found by some sort of SWAT or rescue team, with Prof. Willets. We came across two bodies on the way out, but I didn’t get a good look at them. The team kept moving me on until we were clear of the place’.

Carter: ‘How are you feeling now Anna?’

Subject XXX-1: ‘Okay I guess, I’m sleeping better, I’ve put on a bit of weight, and you guys have looked after me pretty well after I was rescued. When do I get out of here though?

Carter: ‘We have a few more tests to run. But I’m pretty sure we can let you out shortly.’

Subject XXX-1: ‘Thanks Dr. Carter, I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me’.

Carter: ‘You’re welcome Anna, we’ll get you through this’.

<End Log, XXX-172[0912 Audio]>

Closing Statement:
Subject XXX-1 was given a Class A amnestic, and was retained within Facility XXX-1. Research continues with her ability to lucid dream and affect the environment within Facility XXX-2. The next phase of testing will involve attempting to recreate the environmental changes pioneered Entity XXX-1.