Egg of God II


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Threat Level: Current Threat Level: Black

SCP-XXXX-1 at a currently unknown age.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in a hermetically sealed, climate controlled containment cell, with the internal tempature of the cell to be kept at a minimum of at least -86.111 degrees celsius. A small porthole window is to be installed into SCP-XXXX's containment cell in order to assist in obeservation. A full-scale skeleton crew of at least two general scientists and one oooligist1 is to observe SCP-XXXX's overall structural intergrity and to track the current rate of cracks and external damage to SCP-XXXX's outer layer. All crew involved with monitoring SCP-XXXX is to to wear anti-memetic hazard suits at all times when within distance of SCP-XXXX.

At all times, Research Team Alpha-8585 "Billion Tears', are to scan information regarding the following events, and to observe SCP-XXXX's general condition. When SCP-XXXX reaches a critical period in condition, the Japheth procedure is to be put into IMMEDIATE action. The list of events are:

  • Damage and state of Earth's general enviroments.
  • Incidents of severe violence, and man-made atrocties.
  • Natural Disasters, such as tornados, hurricans, earthquakes.
  • Events resulting in severe loss of human life. (Famines and Pandemics.)
  • Extinction of animal specimens.
  • Wars.

*Usage of Atomic/Nuclear Weapons.

At current time, the ratio between an event and damage done to SCP-XXXX consists of the following. Note that information is aproximate, and is subject to change at any given moment.