scp 3596
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Item #: SCP-3596

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3596 is to be kept within a standard human containment cell at Site-11, with one armed guard outside of it's door. Guards are warned to ensure any personal communication devices are set to mute and/or vibrate, until further notice. SCP-3596 is to be given access to publicly available television and internet, provided they do not breach standard containment procedures. SCP-3596 may make requests to have pre-recorded media brought to it's cell. All requests made by SCP-3596 need to be screened for auditory anomalies before being delivered.

All instances of SCP-3596-1 are to be kept on either individual USB keys or compact discs, and stored in a safe document storage locker in Site-11. A joint taskforce between MTF ETA-11 "Savage Beasts" and MTF MU-4 "Debuggers" is to regularly monitor and contain any instances of SCP-3596-1 that were copied elsewhere after Foundation staff and SCP-3596 deleted it's ██████████ account.

Description: SCP-3597 is a human male of Spanish-American descent. All medical testing done before and after acquisition by foundation staff have yet to find an explanation or source for it's anomalous capability. SCP-3597 is capable of creating electronic-synthesized music which triggers intense emotional responses in listeners. These pieces of music are designated SCP-3597-1 and thus far have all been traced back to the ██████████ account that SCP-3597 uploaded them to. It should be noted that SCP-3597 has no history of formal training or education with music and has even been described as suffering from Amusia.1

SCP-3596 came to the attention of the foundation when stories began to spread amongst music and club subcultures of 'Musical E', a soundbyte that was used to give listeners a sudden and intense feeling of euphoria and arousal. MTF ETA-11 found the source and foundation assets uncovered the home address of it's owner.

Test A - Date11/08/20██

Subject: SCP-3596 and a non-anomalous laptop with software installed based on SCP-3596's instructions. D-4581 and D-9745 were used as test subjects.
Procedure: SCP-3596 was requested to create music that could cause listeners to feel "Happy".
Results: After two hours, SCP-3596 turned in it's work. Total runtime has 34 seconds. At 6 seconds both subjects were seen bursting into fits of laughter, as the music played. When the music ceased, laughter continued for approximately eight seconds. Both subjects reported sensations analogous to 'tickling' around their ears, which caused the effect. Extended monitoring of the D-class subjects showed the effects subsided completely after 30 minutes.
Analysis: It should be noted that the total time it took for SCP-3596 was quite obviously extended, as it burst into several fits of giggling in the midst of it's work. SCP-3596 explained later that it "Only knows that it's working when it works on me". Plans for testing to create sounds that can [EXPUNGED] have been called off indefinitely.