Sands of Testing

Item #: SCP-████

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of the anomaly, permanent containment of SCP-████ is impossible. Current containment is to be focused on the retrieval of individuals affected with the anomaly and information management.
After the events of ████-██, instances of SCP-████-1 are to be terminated on retrieval unless the researcher tasked with SCP-████ requests testing. After the conclusion of the test, the subject is to be terminated immediately.
See log ██.

Description: The exact mechanisms of SCP-████ are uncertain. What is known is that the anomaly renders all amnestics ineffective.
Genetic testing has shown that the anomaly isn't genetic.
The foundation is aware of ███ individuals affected by this anomaly. These individuals pose a danger to the secrecy of the foundation and pose an info hazard.

The anomaly was discovered after multiple failed wipes of ████ ████████, who had witnessed SCP-███. The woman was detained and had multiple amnestics tested on her and none were effective. O-5 was made aware of this discovery. The order was given to locate more individuals with the same anomaly due to its implications.