rating: 0+x

yo uh do the actual set of d and d that makes ya play it k bye

Item #: SCP-XXXX Just call me by my name, I've told you already.

Object Class : Keter I'm not that dangerous.

Special Containment Procedures :
SCP-XXXX is currently not in containment. Yeah, you guys suck at finding me.

SCP-XXXX, when contained, is to be placed within a 5x5x5 meter holding cell A big tight, eh? at Site-██ So you allow the public to access these documents, yet they can't see a two-digit number? Really? constructed out of holly wood. The door is also to be constructed out of holly wood, and is to be secured with a simple key-and-lock system. Fuck Holly. No electronic devices are allowed within 100 meters of the cell. At least allow me to bring my Nintendo Switch, not sponsored.