
All SCPs and concepts discussed in this sandbox are based off of SCP: Secret Laboratory, created by Northwood Studios. These are NOT intended to be rewrite concepts for the original articles themselves.

Finished Articles: SCP-999, SCP-096, SCP-079, SCP-049, SCP-173 (Pattern Screamer Ver.), A Letter From the Administrator

Work in Progress: Scranton Reality Displacement Rifle

Article in Production: SCP-173

Note: While additions were added to SCP-049, it remains mostly unchanged. Credit towards SCP-049's article goes to djkaktus and Gabriel Jade. I intend to fully rewrite and redesign SCP-049's document to be unique in the future however!

Item #: SCP-999
Clearance Level: 3/Confidential

Object Class: Neutralized
Disruption Class: 1/Dark
Risk Class: 1/Notice

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-999 is to be kept in an anomalous substance containment barrel, located currently at Site-02 for relocation to Biological Containment Site-66. All testing on SCP-999 is to be halted until object reaches Site-66, to which testing will commence to find any traces of anomalous properties within SCP-999, or find a way to revitalize the object. For security concerns pertaining to the cause of the item’s neutralization, SCP-999’s old chamber is to be guarded and sealed, with two guards positioned outside of the containment chamber at all times unless authorization is given otherwise by level 4 personnel. Lethal force is authorized if any further attempts to destroy SCP-999 are made.

Description: SCP-999 is composed of the remains of a previously sentient object, which was capable of social interaction and feeling empathy for others. SCP-999 has since been neutralized by an unknown party, and investigations are still ongoing into the termination of SCP-999. SCP-999’s effects of causing someone to feel comfort or happiness when touching the object appear to be gone, however, a Kant Counter has detected a faint above average hume signal emanating from the item; if this means that SCP-999 still holds anomalous properties or could be resuscitated is unknown at this time.

SCP-999 holds an orange color, with a viscosity measured at 10,000 cps (centipose) when at a temperature of 21.1° Celsius (70° Fahrenheit.) The substance in question holds an unpleasant smell, described as “smelling of rotting fruit mixed with a burning sent.” It is observed that SCP-999 does not stick to any surface, and holds the texture similar to that of what has been described to be “like a very liquidy marshmallow without being sticky.” Further testing on SCP-999 has been halted, as SCP-999 has been scheduled to be sent to Biological Containment Site-66.

Personnel looking to see previous documentation on SCP-999 prior to its termination should make a request to a personnel supervisor.

Addendum-999-1 (Neutralization Log): On ██/██/████, SCP-999 was neutralized by an unknown party. The use of an Hume Absortion Field (HAF) Grenade1 was seen thrown off camera in SCP-999’s containment chamber. Upon activating, SCP-999 began gurgling loudly and shrieking in pain. SCP-999’s form began to lose shape, and after an entire minute of SCP-999 vocalizing and moving erratically to get away from the HAF Grenade, SCP-999 ceased movement, as the volume of its body spread out on the floor.

5 minutes following this event, guards on site arrived on the scene, as security cameras around the site had been sabotaged. Why SCP-999’s containment chamber camera was left on is still unknown. SCP-999 has since been placed in an anomalous substance containment barrel, and object class has been changed to neutralized.