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Item #: SCP-3604

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3604 is contained in a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell with minimal security. During transport, SCP-3604 must be monitored by a minimum of one armed guard.

Requests for items from SCP-3604, pending approval by Level 4 or higher authority, may be granted sparingly. The following items have been granted to SCP-3604:
- One robe
- One wool blanket
- One modern pedal harp

While SCP-3604 has not exhibited any known dangerous behaviors thus far, precautions must be upheld. Should the entity display any compliance less than that of its usual acquiescence, all personnel are to demonstrate firmness. On the unlikely occasion that SCP-3604 becomes violent, physical restraints are to be used.

Description: SCP-3604 bears heavy resemblance of an intersex marble statue of an angel, standing at 5.5 meters tall, weighing about 70 kilograms, and having a wingspan of approximately 10 meters. The entity is pure white and, aside from its unusually soft-feathered wings and hair, has a smooth stone-like texture. However, upon further inspection, SCP-3604's body is not firm like its appearance suggests, and its surface is as malleable and soft as the average human’s muscle tissue. While SCP-3604 has wings that can move and function, it cannot fly, due to its heavy weight.

SCP-3604 does not have human internal anatomy despite its humanoid external profile, and x-rays of SCP-3604 return with a lack of organs or skeletal structure. It does not require sustenance to live, but has the ability to ingest anything it can fit into its mouth. It does not digest, and anything it swallows seems to simply disappear. The entity does not produce its own body heat, but claims that it can sense temperature and is mildly sensitive to low temperatures. SCP-3604 also has the ability to communicate vocally through any existing language, human or otherwise.

Addendum 3604.1 (Incident): On the ██ of ████, ████, SCP-3604 received a modern pedal harp upon request two weeks previous. Upon SCP-3604 playing a song, all staff within earshot of the song, including those monitoring through speaker systems, immediately felt an unusually strong sense of relaxation and contentment. Dr. ███████ █████, who was overseeing SCP-3604's interaction with the harp, described that she felt, "Heavy and lethargic, but in a pleasant way." No further effects of the music were discovered. Dr. ███████ █████ requested that SCP-3604 play █████ ██ ████ on its harp. The entity complied flawlessly, the new song causing the same emotional effect on staff. When Dr. ███████ █████ requested that SCP-3604 play the song █████████, SCP-3604, once again, complied flawlessly, despite having been contained at the time the song was published and having no means of listening to it. Further studies on SCP-3604's musical abilities are to be conducted.

Addendum 3604.2 (Incident and Interview): SCP-3604 appears to have a distinct aversion of the religion of Christianity and anything related to the subject. Upon the topic arising in interviews, it will avoid answering questions and will fall into a state of quiet nervousness. If the topic is pressed, it will cry white tears and become uncooperative. See further details in the following Interview Log:

Interviewed: SCP-3604

Interviewer: Dr. ███████ █████

Foreword: SCP-3604 is interviewed in its cell with. Dr. ███████ █████. They sit at a table across from one another.

<Begin Log, ██/██/██ >

Dr. ███████ █████: Thank you for having me today. I have some questions for you concerning your origin.

SCP-3604: Yes. I shall answer them to the best of my abilities.

Dr. ███████ █████: Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. (Glances at held clipboard) What is your earliest memory?

SCP-3604: Oh… I thought the first questions wouldn't take much effort to answer. (Laughs quietly, fiddling its fingers awkwardly) I do not remember anything further back than two thousand years or so. It is all quite foggy. I… Ah… (Hesitates)

Dr. ███████ █████: Please continue.

SCP-3604: I remember…Father and my siblings. And Father's rules. He was strict. Quite strict. He reminded us time and time again that we should not question him, and do as he said. All of my siblings followed every rule without fail, and I did too, at first. But some of his rules seemed silly to me, so I began to stop following them. Father and my siblings disowned me soon afterward.

Dr. ███████ █████: Are you saying that you were once a human with a family?

SCP-3604: I am as human as I have ever been.

Dr. ███████ █████: Then there are more out there like you?

SCP-3604: Not that I know of, no.

Dr. ███████ █████: What species were your father and siblings, then?

SCP-3604: "Species" is a meaningless word to them. They are detached from this Earth.

Dr. ███████ █████: And are you detached from this Earth as well?

SCP-3604: No. Not since I was disowned and cast to it.

Dr. ███████ █████: What do you remember of first being cast to Earth?

SCP-3604: I remember… (Looks down at the table) …adjusting to the pain of existing physically. Then I remember screaming. Then darkness. Then this place.

Dr. ███████ █████: Could you be more descriptive, please? What did you see?

SCP-3604: There is not much more to describe. I saw very little. My main concern was gathering my mental and emotional bearings, rather than my physical ones. The only thing I remember seeing was…a courtyard, I believe. I am not certain that that is what it was.

Dr. ███████ █████: You were first located in a Catholic church courtyard, yes, on a pedestal. Pedestrians claimed that you had formerly been immobile and no different than a regular statue. They said you suddenly hunched over and then collapsed.

SCP-3604: I suppose that sounds about right.

Dr. ███████ █████: Your initial location, physical form, and description of your past leads me to believe that you have a strong connection to the religion of Christianity. What are your thoughts on this?

SCP-3604: (Draws itself in as though feeling insecure or unsafe)

Dr. ███████ █████: 3604? Please respond.

SCP-3604: Not necessarily…inaccurate…

Dr. ███████ █████: What is your connection to Christianity, exactly?

SCP-3604: (Draws in further and tucks its legs against its chest, whispering) Tense.

Dr. ███████ █████: Please elaborate.
SCP-3604: [Begins to cry tears of cloudy translucent white color) I would rather not. It is painful to think about.
<End Log>

Closing Statement: Dr. ███████ █████ exits the cell without further discussion apart from parting words. SCP-3604 retreats to a corner of the cell, assumes an upright fetal position, and continues to cry for several hours without vocalization. It resumes its usual activities with no further signs of distress aside from quietness.

Addendum 3604.3 (Incident and Interview): SCP-3604 has begun to exhibit unusual behavior when in contact with Dr. ███████ █████. It is not believed that this change is connected to the events of Addendum 3604.2, as SCP-3604's change in behavior began on the ██ of ███████, ████, five months after Addendum 3204.2. This behavior consists of increased emotional sensitivity, spontaneous outbursts of crying, and clinginess directed toward Dr. ███████ █████. SCP-3604 claims that this is due to the fact that it firmly believes Dr. ███████ █████ will "climb the ladder" on the date of ███████ ███, ████. Whether or not this is caused by actions of Dr. ███████ █████ is currently unknown. See further details in the following Interview Log:

Interviewed: SCP-3604

Interviewer: Dr. ███████ █████

Foreword: SCP-3604 is interviewed in its cell with. Dr. ███████ █████. SCP-3604 sits on the floor in the corner of the cell, having refused to sit at the table.

<Begin Log, ██/██/██ >

Dr. ███████ █████: Could you please explain the reason for your distress?
SCP-3604: You're going to climb the ladder soon.
Dr. ███████ █████: What do you mean by that, exactly? Are you suggesting that I will be promoted?
SCP-3604: (Pauses) If that is what you want to call it. Is this "promotion" something that you want?
Dr. ███████ █████: I…suppose? Why—-
SCP-3604: Are you really so unhappy in your current position that you would want such a thing? Doctor…I had no idea. I-I am so sorry… If that is truly the case, then I understand. I am not upset with you for leaving me. (Begins to cry)
Dr. ███████ █████: Uh… When do you believe that this promotion will occur?
SCP-3604: I am unsure, but it will be soon.
Dr. ███████ █████: Can you make an estimation?
Dr. ███████ █████: SCP-3604?
SCP-3604: Are you really that eager?
<End Log>

Closing Statement: Dr. ███████ █████ continues to make further inquiry to no success for several minutes, then leaves. SCP-3604 then begins to cry hysterically from what appears to be extreme emotional distress for approximately 90 minutes. It closes its eyes and seemingly falls asleep. This is the first known record of SCP-3604 in an unconscious state since its initial discovery. SCP-3604's dormancy lasts for several hours. Upon awakening, the entity remains in its position in the corner of the cell.

Addendum 3604.4 (Incident): The events of Addendum 3604.3 seem to have been caused by the Containment Breach of ███████ ███, ████, which occurred three days after Interview 3604.3. During the containment breach, Dr. ███████ █████ was killed by SCP-████. SCP-3604 was not monitored during this period, as the personnel on duty evacuated the area. After the containment breach was secured and Dr. ███████ █████'s body was discovered, SCP-3604 was found in its cell in a state of shock before being informed of Dr. ███████ █████'s death. When questioned, it only stated, "Father did not allow her entry."