The perfect life form
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Item #: SCP-5640

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-5640 must be contained in a specialized humanoid domicile 5x5 Meters room controlled by level 4 researchers and above, female subjects and personnel are prohibited at the site room at the site [REDACTED]

at SCP-5640's containment room must be equipped with a lead dispenser, SCP-5640 must be given 3 KG of lead in every sleep cycle with the order "just be here", any personnel entering SCP-5640's room must wear protection suits against lead poisoning

Description: SCP-5640 is a gray skin humanoid with a cubical head and orange pupil-less eyes, its mouth has 4 orange fangs, 2 at each side of the mouth in a symmetrical manner, SCP-5640's mouth has the same color as the skin but darker, SCP-5640 doesn't have: tongue, primary nor secondary sexual parts, nails, ears, hair, toes and most internal organs.

SCP-5640 extremely likes lead and will do tasks to get lead, SCP-5640 ranks tasks in the of quantity of lead: 1 - 10 KG of lead : a task a human can do, 11 - 20 KG tasks that would be practically impossible for human but not for a machine, 21 - 30 KG of lead: tasks that SCP-239 could do, [FURTHER DATA HAS BEEN EXPUNGED]

SCP-5640's diet consists of different kinds of metal, here are some examples of effects certain metals do on SCP 5640: tungsten: anesthesia/stopping a task from being done. Iron and others: None. Lead: increased strength and happiness. Gold: anxiety. Copper: the same effects of an energy drink.