GLeeM64's Modified Rippin' Reaper Halloween Prop, Necromechanomicon

rating: 0+x

Mugshot of SCP-XXXX

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The exposed internal organs of SCP-XXXX require daily cleaning. SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard light containment humanoid cell. The cell is to be cleaned of secreted blood and stomach acid bi-weekly.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a stage 2.4 possessed object. The physical form of SCP-XXXX is that of a Ghostly branded Rippin' Reaper animatronic Haloween prop that sits on top of a skateboard. The current state of SCP-XXXX suggests that it has been modified through an as of yet partially unknown method. The Site-36 Magicks Experts theorize that this is an Immortality Trap Scenario with SCP-XXXX being a 2.4 on The Human Scale. The Peganoid responsible has not been identified as of yet.

"An Immortality Trap is when a mortal is promised eternal life through transference of the subject's mind into one or many non-living objects. This frequently is used by peganoids who then latch onto the immortal consciousness and feeds on their suffering. The suffering of the immortal consciousness is determined by The Human Scale." (Page 355 of the Magicks and Adjacent Supernatural Practices Guidebook 3rd Edition)

"Tests have been performed at Site-55 by the resident Possessions Experts that have defined a scale of how 'human' the possessed object has to be to mitigate the suffering of the immortal consciousness inside the possessed object…. For humanoids of Earthly origin, there are certain features that are necessary for the possessed object to have to mitigate the suffering of the immortal consciousness. These are two arms, two legs, two eyes. Any more or any less will increase the suffering of the immortal consciousness." (Page 67 of the Site-55 Possessed Objects Handbooks 1st Edition Revised)

"Peganoids are frequently responsible for Immortality Trap Scenarios. The most common scenario as of 1999 is to list rare books on the book broker site and then ship the unsuspecting buyer a copy of the 4th edition of the Shubgurath." (Page 4 of Peganoids and You)

The Rippin Reaper prop that SCP-XXXX is partially comprised of features a plastic skull on top of a balsa wood and wire frame creating an abdomen that is meant to be placed on the ground to create the illusion of the Rippin Reaper climbing out of a grave. The skull, abdomen, and left arm are all still in tact although organs have been added where they would logically be on a human subject.

Appearence: SCP-XXXX sports the standard plastic skull of the "Rippin' Reaper" animatronic Halloween prop with a human brain inserted into it. The head of SCP-XXXX does not have real eyes or ears and according to sensory tests it has been determined that it cannot see or hear. The left arm is the stock wire +0.arm that is standard with all Rippin Reapers. This arm does not seem to possess the ability to move or feel.

The arm on the right side of SCP-XXXX resembles a degloved left arm of an individual of indeterminate age and does not sport any bones. Instead it features the same wire found on the unmodified left arm where the bones should be. The wire is not strong enough to lift the living arm higher than 2 feet. The wire only allows SCP-XXXX to move its arm and hand enough to pull itself short distances.

The living arm seems to have formed around the wire as the muscles fill in gaps where bone should have been. The arm also seems to have formed without skin as evidenced by the calloused tissue on the areas of muscle that are more prone to contact. These calluses indicate that SCP-XXXX has been in this condition at least 5 years. Along with not having any skin, the living arm also does not have any nerves but, while unable to feel, SCP-XXXX seems to still be able to tell when something is blocking its way. Further tests have been done to determine if the Hellen Keller Method would work but unfortunately is was unsuccessful.

SCP-XXXX is fashioned with a thin polyester fabric resembling a cloak of a grim reaper type character draped over a wooden frame and behind the cloak are organs that appear to have previously belonged to that of a 50-60-year-old with a history of alcohol abuse. SCP-XXXX still has bowels despite not having a body below the abdomen. Since all of these organs are exposed and not held together by a human body it has resulted in the organs sitting in a pile on top of the skateboard under the cloak. Most of the organs appear to function normally; the lungs are able to expand and contract to inhale and exhale and therefore the heart is able to gain enough oxygen to be able to pump blood to the rest of the body although due to the exposed nature of its organs and muscles, SCP-XXXX secretes blood and stomach acid.

The head is fitted with an animatronic jaw possessing the capability of only moving up and down with no sound being produced besides the sounds of the jaw itself moving. The jaw is constantly moving in unpredictable patterns. To determine if the jaw's movements are an attempt to communicate, the movements have been tested with morse code and binary, although neither came out with anything coherent. Tests to find new forms of communication were not fruitful. A request has been sent to the O5 Council to attempt to find a Thamuel SCP object or entity that would assist in communication, or utilize a cerebral hearing aid and a thought-to-text system to attempt to communicate with SCP-XXXX.1

Discovery: SCP-XXXX was discovered in Crewdson, Indiana on July 25th, 2014 by a local farmer named Jim Crocket. He found SCP-XXXX after his dog had attacked SCP-XXXX while it was dragging itself through his property. Jim Crocket then called the local police department, causing a facility plant to contact the local Site-64 to send containment specialists to contain SCP-XXXX. Jim Crocket and his dog were issued class A amnesthetics and the event was stricken from the police station's records. When the containment specialists arrived, they had to perform emergency surgery on SCP-XXXX as it had gravel, plants, and insects inside its organs, as well as the wounds it received from Jim Crocket's dog. The foreign objects, which it had gotten due to the lacerations received from dragging itself, were removed. Containment specialists at the time were unable to determine where SCP-XXXX had come from or how long it had been dragging itself.

SCP-XXXX did not move for 2 days and 14 hours after being placed into its cell. It then started pulling itself around the cell, as if it didn't realize that it had been relocated. Once it hit the wall of the cell, it sat still for 3 minutes before attempting to circumnavigate the obstacle. After it had traced all the walls of its cell, it sat still for another 2 days and 20 hours before attempting again. Every 2-3 days, SCP-XXXX will attempt to get past the East wall, assumedly to resume its efforts from before its containment. This is considered normal, and any change in this behavior should be reported to the acting Non-Human Entity Supervisor on duty.

SCP-XXXX is docile, but it is unknown whether it is willingly docile or if it is due to its sensory handicaps. It is currently unknown if SCP-XXXX has a destination or if it is just its nature to continue moving with no goal. A field research operation would be required to find this out, though it has not yet been determined whether it is worth the risk of exposure that the operation would bring. A request has been sent to the O5 Council.2

Addendum 1 (10/05/2014): The research operation to discover the origins and goals of SCP-XXXX has been approved. SCP-XXXX is to be transported to the location of discovery. A team of two researchers, two containment specialists, and four MTF agents were sent out to follow SCP-XXXX. Since SCP-XXXX does not seem to sleep, one group consisting of one researcher, one containment specialist, and two MTF agents will follow SCP-XXXX while the other team sleeps. They will swap shifts every 24 hours. SCP-XXXX is to be fitted with a tracking collar. The field logs follow.



SCP-XXXX Research Operation Log

Destination: Unknown Destination of SCP-XXXX

Team Alpha Members
Researcher Hogan
Containment Specialist Morgan
MTF Agent Hall
MTF Agent Isaac
Team Beta Members
Researcher Marston
Containment Specialist Roberts
MTF Agent Nash
MTF Agent Charles

Day 1
Team: Alpha
Author: Researcher Hogan
Location: Crewdson, Indiana

Today is day 1 of following SCP-XXXX to its destination. The hypothesis here is that SCP-XXXX might have an actual goal with its movements and that it has a destination in mind. I am currently against this hypothesis but I guess we'll just have to find out the hard way.

Here on day 1 we just got dropped off by the chopper and placed SCP-XXXX on the ground in the exact same position we found him, matching it to the containment scene photos from back in July. Its cold now so we'll have to make some infrequent stops to warm up SCP-XXXX since his organs are so exposed. We were thinking of putting a simple heated blanket on him but since his arm is so weak we were worried that it would mess up his natural rhythm and make him off target.

Day 7
Team: Beta
Author: Researcher Marston
Location: Crewdson, Indiana

Day 7 we're still just going in a straight line. MTF Agent Nash thinks he saw SCP-XXXX rotating slightly but he's not sure so we will have to pay attention.

We are mostly just walking through empty farms right now. Lots of nothing in every direction.

Day 14
Team: Alpha
Author: Containment Specialist Morgan
Location: Shotshut, Indiana

Day 14 and we had to take a break and perform some first aid on SCP-XXXX. His hand was all torn up and some gravel had gotten into his organs.

Day 17
Team: Alpha
Author: Researcher Hogan
Location: Plenow, Indiana

Day 17 and we can safely say that he is still going in a straight line. Doesn't mean nothing though.

Day 18
Team: Beta
Author: Researcher Marston
Location: Plenow, Indiana

So now we are almost 100% sure that SCP-XXXX is changing directions but that doesn't entirely mean that he knows where he's going.

Day 20
Team: Alpha
Author: Researcher Hogan
Location: Penow, Indiana

MTF Agent Nash is to be dealt with when we get back. It has been almost three weeks and SCP-XXXX still showed no sign of stopping, but while we were packing up camp Nash decided to pick up SCP-XXXX, spin him around and place him back down facing a different direction like they're playing with a fucking pinata. When he placed him back down SCP-XXXX rotated back to the direction he was going and resumed his journey so while this was way out of line by Agent Nash it has quite fortunately confirmed through trial by fire that SCP-XXXX does have a destination and he seems to be dead set on getting there.

Day 23
Team: Alpha
Author: Containment Specialist Morgan
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan

We're getting close to a town so it might start getting harder to keep him hidden. If we are spotted we will use cover 1138, saying we're location scouting for a movie and our accompanying SCP is a prop. Funny thing is that its true, he is a prop! Funny.

Day 26
Team: Alpha
Author: Researcher Hogan
Location: Howly, Michigan

We are now in a valley on the outskirts of Grand Rapids, Michigan. There is a very small cabin near the foot of a mountain and it looks like where SCP-XXXX is going. We'll send some MTF ahead to scope out the place.

Day 26
Team: Alpha
Author: MTF Agent Isaac
Location: Howly, Michigan

The cabin seems to have been empty for years. The wallpaper's all faded, the floor's covered in leaves, and there's animal droppings all over. SCP-XXXX made its way into the house through the back door, making a surprising amount of turns. He clearly knows this place. He went straight for the garage and knocked over a bookcase. A bunch of really ugly looking books fell into a pile and SCP-XXXX immediately started feeling each of them. I didn't understand how he could tell which book was which just by touch until I saw the one he was looking for. It was made out of sheet metal, all sharp edges. I cut myself picking it up and then SCP-XXXX wrapped its gross hand around my leg so I placed the book back down to see what he would do with it. He opened the book and started petting the pages. Yeah, petting. All the pages were made out of animal skins. The other guys came inside at that point and locked the book in a mica box like Magicks and Adjacent Supernatural Practices Guidebook 3rd Edition says to do. SCP-XXXX Started freaking out and pounding the ground. We noticed that it got calmer when the metal and animal skin book was closest to it so I suggested we should keep them close to each other just so he stays calm during travel. Researcher Hogan had to remind me that this is a possessed object and the book could be it's anchor like they say in Supernatural Objects, Supernatural Entities, And The Connections Between Them 16th Edition.

Day 26
Team: Alpha
Author: MTF Agent Isaac
Location: Howly, Michigan

The containment specialists have arrived. Looks like we're all going home.


Addendum 2 (12/01/2014): Testing has confirmed that the book, which will now be designated SCP-YYYY, is what SCP-XXXX has been following. More testing to come.

Addendum 4 (5/16/2015): The O5 Council has rejected the request for testing with a Thamuel SCP object or entity but has approved use of the cerebral hearing aid and thought-to-text system with SCP-XXXX to attempt to gain more information about the book that was found at the presumed domicile of SCP-XXXX. Interview logs follow.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: Dr. Buffy

<Begin Log, July 18, 2022, 4:30>

Interviewer: Can you hear us?

SCP-XXXX: 252936583, 252936584, 252936585.

Interviewer: What? Can you hear us?

SCP-XXXX: I hear you. 252936589. Where are you? 252936591.

Interviewer: My name is Dr. Buffy.

SCP-XXXX: How can I hear you? 252936596. Why can't I see you? 252936599.

Interviewer: What is your name?

SCP-XXXX: Dutch. 252936603.

Interviewer: Hello Dutch. What is with the numbers? Are you counting?

SCP-XXXX: Keeping track of time. 252936610.

Interviewer: Why?

SCP-XXXX: It has been 252936614 seconds since I became this way. 252936616.

Interviewer: (Aside) How long is that?

Interview Observer: Like eight or nine years.

SCP-XXXX: Where am I?

Interviewer: You're in the SCP Facility. We contain and protect anomalies like yourself.

SCP-XXXX: What am I?

Interviewer: Well that's sort of a hard question to answer. To us you look like a plastic skeleton filled with organs and a human arm attached to the wrong side. But if we look inside you we can see that that humanoid arm formed around the wire. Can you tell us how that happened?

SCP-XXXX: It didn't work right.

Interviewer: What didn't work?

SCP-XXXX: Please help me.

Interviewer: We're trying. What didn't work?

SCP-XXXX: The book lied to me.

Interviewer: "The book"? Are you referring to the book that you led us to? Please, what can you tell us about this book?

SCP-XXXX: It's the Necromechanomicon.

Interviewer: Interesting.

SCP-XXXX: It was supposed to give me eternal life. I did everything right.

Interviewer: How was it supposed to work?

SCP-XXXX: I was supposed to become bound to an object that I could live through.

Interviewer: So what happened?

SCP-XXXX: It must have chosen this vessel from the garbage in my garage. But I don't know why I still have these organic organs. I was supposed to become immortal.

Interviewer: How were you able to find the book at that house without any senses?

SCP-XXXX: I don't know.

Interviewer: Is the book of any use to you now? Can it change you back?

SCP-XXXX: In the state I'm in it would probably result in my death.

Interviewer: How so?

SCP-XXXX: I don't know how it works. As you can see.

Interviewer: Ah well I guess so.

SCP-XXXX: 252937045.

Interviewer: So how did you acquire the book?

SCP-XXXX: Got it from a used self-help book store.

Interviewer: Why would a place like that have a book like this?

SCP-XXXX: They had foreign imports.

Interviewer: Do you remember the name of the store? Where it was?

SCP-XXXX: No. 252937138.

Interviewer: Fuck. Was it near your house?

SCP-XXXX: Can't remember.

Interviewer: (Aside) Find any and all book stores in that area that match his description.

Interview Observer: Yes ma'am.

Interviewer: So, let's see, what else is there to ask… What were you doing in Crewdson, Indiana?

SCP-XXXX: I don't know where that is.

Interviewer: Well what were you doing so far away from your house?

SCP-XXXX: The book was calling to me.

Interviewer: But the book was already at your house.

SCP-XXXX: Not my house.

Interviewer: Where did you live?

SCP-XXXX: Can't remember the address. Somewhere in Arlen, Texas.

Interviewer: So the cabin in Howly, Michigan wasn't yours. I get it now.

SCP-XXXX: I was wandering until I felt that the book was being taken from me. Then I followed it.

Interviewer: Well it was found in Howly, Michigan.

SCP-XXXX: May I have the book?

Interviewer: No that's property of the SCP Facility now. Now, I have some more questions for you. Who were your friends that we found in the house in Jefferson, Ohio?

SCP-XXXX: They must have been others that followed the book.

Interviewer: What does that mean? How did they get their hands on the book?

SCP-XXXX: I posted it online.

Interviewer: What? Where?

SCP-XXXX: ███-████.███████.███

  • Editor's Note: The website has been successfully shut down and redacted from all public records

Interviewer: God damnit, we've got to get on that.

SCP-XXXX: I just couldn't help myself. The book inspired me to do it.

Interviewer: Literally?

SCP-XXXX: It calls to me.

Interviewer: Like literally?

SCP-XXXX: Yes, it talks to me, tells me what I want to hear. I think it might be lying to me. I don't trust it. It made me this way after saying it could make me live forever. But it wasn't lying, I will live forever. But I'll be living like this. It didn't say that. It didn't have to, it was telling the truth. I love the book. It lied to me. It lies to me. I love it.

Interviewer: What would you do with the book if you did have it?

SCP-XXXX: Why would I tell you? You just want to use it for yourself. You're jealous.

Interviewer: Please, just answer the question.

SCP-XXXX: I refuse to answer any more questions.

Interviewer: Wait a minute, you don't have eyes. You can't read! What exactly do you expect to do with the book? Hello?

Interviewer: (Aside) Is he still alive? Then can he still hear us? Oh well, I guess we're done here.

<End Log, July 18, 2022, 6:13>

Addendum 5: A research operation to discover the origins of SCP-XXXX has been approved on July 23rd, 2022. The field logs follow.



SCP-XXXX Research Operation Log

Location: 773 Hill Street Arlen, Texas

Team Members
Researcher Johnson
Containment Specialist Austin
MTF Agent Foley
MTF Agent Calaway

Day 1
Author: Researcher Johnson

The house had been reclaimed by the state and a majority of his belongings had been sold off at auction; presumably that's where the other guy got the book. They had already dumped what little stuff was left after the auction but thankfully they had logged what it all was. The only things of interest were some water damaged self-help books and the empty box of a Rippin' Reaper Halloween prop in the recycling can in front of the house.

The owner of the house, a Dutch Flynn, aged 56, had been missing for two years, and with no relatives his belongings were reclaimed by the state. That was eight years ago.


Addendum 6: This shall be the final addendum for SCP-XXXX.

According to newly discovered information, each instance of SCP-XXXX is the result of a successful attempt to use the magics found inside SCP-YYYY. After transmogrifying themselves into what they are today, each instance of SCP-XXXX wandered, attempting to follow the book. After having gone missing and being presumed dead, Dutch Flynn, A.K.A. SCP-XXXX, had his property and belongings reclaimed by before being sold at auction. At that auction SCP-YYYY was sold for $40 to an unknown person who then presumably took it to their cabin in Jefferson, Ohio, where all the other instances of SCP-XXXX finally caught up with it.

It is unknown who owned the cabin in Jefferson, Ohio or where they are today.

Addendum 7: A new instance of SCP-XXXX has appeared at the front door of the front hiding the entrance to Site-64. It will be designated SCP-XXXX-6. SCP-XXXX-6 is the most "complete" of all instances of SCP-XXXX, being made out of the head of a mannequin but featuring the torso, arms, legs, and genitals of a human male. The torso is filled with a mostly intact human respiratory, circulatory, and digestive system, but like most other instances of SCP-XXXX features no brain.

It can be assumed that more instances of SCP-XXXX will arrive soon.

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-YYYY

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-YYYY is to be kept in 9385.79-0001.00 in the "Library of Alexandria" of Site-64 with other safe books and book-like objects. The contents SCP-YYYY will be kept secret under level 3 clearance.

SCP-YYYY is being kept where it is, closest to the containment cell of SCP-XXXX while still being in the "Library of Alexandria", in an attempt to help comfort SCP-XXXX as SCP-XXXX feels a constant need to seek out SCP-YYYY.

Description: SCP-YYYY is a book that has been identified as The Necromechanomicon by SCP-XXXX. SCP-YYYY measures 30 centimeters by 12 centimeters and is bound in sheet metal with symbols on the front featuring a deer, a robot, and a skull. Testing has revealed the SCP-YYYY to be somewhere between 2000 and 1500 years old. Each of the pages in SCP-YYYY is made out of a different animals' skin. In total there are 53 pages consisting of 53 different animal skins.

SCP-YYYY was found in a house on the outskirts of Jefferson, Ohio during a research operation with SCP-XXXX where it led researchers to an abandoned cabin in Jefferson, Ohio where SCP-YYYY was found along with many other instances of SCP-XXXX, all of whom were trying to get a hold of SCP-YYYY. The owner of the cabin presumably bought it at the estate auction of SCP-XXXX since they had been missing for years and presumed dead because they were transmogrified into what SCP-XXXX is today. SCP-XXXX acquired the book from an unknown bookstore that the facility has still be unable to identify. SCP-XXXX described the bookstore as a "used bookstore" with "foreign imports" but none have been discovered that meet his description. The owner of the cabin in Jefferson, Ohio has never been found or identified.

SCP-XXXX admitted to having posted the contents of SCP-YYYY on ███-████.███████.███ meaning that an unknown amount of people could have seen it and performed the spells, meaning there may be an unknown number of instances of SCP-XXXX out there.

The contents of SCP-YYYY are written in ancient ████████████ and features a uncredited foreword. The foreword talks of witnessing the evolution of technology and how the writer feels that the evolution of technology should be tied into the evolution of man to help advance the human race as fast as possible. The writer talks of how they explored the entire Earth collecting the skin of every animal he could to create SCP-YYYY. Further pages describe the process of "mechamortality" that the author developed to help himself live forever.

MTF Agent Nash is to be dealt with when we get back. It has been almost three weeks and SCP-XXXX still showed no sign of stopping, but while we were packing up camp Nash decided to pick up SCP-XXXX, spin him around and place him back down facing a different direction like they're playing with a fucking pinata. When he placed him back down SCP-XXXX rotated back to the direction he was going and resumed his journey so while this was way out of line by Agent Nash it has quite fortunately confirmed through trial by fire that SCP-XXXX does have a destination and he seems to be dead set on getting there.