
Current drafts:

These are projects I'm currently working on.


Picture of a person inside SCP-XXXX taken on ██ / ██ / ████

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A perimeter around SCP-XXXX is to be cordoned off, with the cover that the area of forest has been deemed hazardous by the Forestry Commission. Guards disguised as Forestry Commission volunteers are to keep public from entering SCP-XXXX. References to SCP-XXXX in tourist websites for the area have been removed, and books such as walking guides referencing SCP-XXXX are to be removed from sales.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a brick tunnel located in Peebles, Scotland. The bricks are made of stone quarried from a local quarrying site, and are dated to some time in the late 19th / early 20th century. The inside of SCP-XXXX is covered in rings of ice, with large icicles extending from the ceiling. The internal climate of SCP-XXXX is completely unaffected by the external climate, and only change with its second anomalous effect. The temperature inside is -15 degrees Celsius and the humidity is very low. Attempts to modify the climate by normal means (heaters, fans, etc) have failed.
SCP-XXXX's internal climate will not change until an individual enters alone, who is now counted as SCP-XXXX-1. The climate will change over time in a unique fashion to each person, apparently correlating to their emotional state, though this change is only observable by SCP-XXXX-1. Additionally the ice will remain unaffected by whatever changes occur. At the same time, whatever emotions SCP-XXXX-1 has upon entering the tunnel will be amplified over time as long as they remain in SCP-XXXX. This will continue until either SCP-XXXX-1 leaves the tunnel, or a "breaking point" is reached.
If SCP-XXXX-1 exits SCP-XXXX before the "breaking point", their emotions will remain in their amplified state for some time after, depending on the duration they spent in SCP-XXXX and the type of emotion. It appears generally positive emotions last a few days, while negative emotions can last months. While this effect is still present in SCP-XXXX-1, their emotional state cannot be changed, until the anomalous effect wears off.
If SCP-XXXX-1 remains in SCP-XXXX until "breaking point", then the ice coating SCP-XXXX will shatter (though again only observable by SCP-XXXX-1) and the climate will return to its default state. SCP-XXXX-1 then seems to lose all emotional capacity, deemed by psychological analysis to be some form of induced psychopathy. This effect is permanent. While SCP-XXXX-1 will lose all emotional capacity, they still retain their own free will.

Note: The emotional effect could be useful for D-Class or armed personnel, however procedures to prevent self harm while in SCP-XXXX must be developed first. A psychopath who has bitten their own arm off is not useful.
- Dr. █████

Addendum XXXX-1: Experiment log XXXX-a

Subject: D-7564, Caucasian female. Imprisoned for assault and battery. Fifth SCP assignment after monthly amnestics application.

Psychological analysis: Subject showed signs of emotional trauma, related to abusive childhood and previous SCP assignments. Depression and internal anger were present.

Researcher: Dr. █████

Procedure: Subject was equipped with cameras and temperature sensors then sent into SCP-XXXX and left alone for 15 minutes. Guards then entered SCP-XXXX and removed subject.

Results: Guards reported internal climate of SCP-XXXX to have remained unchanged for the duration of the experiment again, while the subject became visibly distressed and confused. This state escalated into violent emotional anger. Subject attempted to exit the tunnel 2 minutes early, though it was thought this was not an attempt to escape but an attempt to attack the guards. Subject was sedated before they could harm themselves or others, and brain scans showed extremely intense activity in areas of the brain associated with grief and anger even while sedated. Subject remained in this state for 2 months before committing suicide.
Temperature sensors showed increasingly cold conditions inside SCP-XXXX. Snow started to fall inside SCP-XXXX, quickly changing to a fierce blizzard which rendered cameras blind. Subject showed no signs of hypothermia or even a drop in body temperature.

Addendum XXXX-2: Experiment log XXXX-b

Subject: D-9053, African male. Imprisoned for shoplifting. Third SCP assignment after monthly amnestics application.

Psychological analysis: Subject showed signs of emotional trauma, mainly related to SCP assignments. Depression and several phobias were present.

Researcher: Dr. █████

Procedure: Subject was equipped with cameras and temperature sensors then sent into SCP-XXXX and left alone for 20 minutes. Guards then entered SCP-XXXX and removed subject.

Results: Guards reported internal climate of SCP-XXXX to have remained unchanged for the duration of the experiment as before, while the subject showed visible distress. Subject progressed from nervousness and awareness to cowering on the floor and crying, babbling inanely. At 17 minutes the babbling stopped, and subject became intensely silent, while shaking violently. At 19 minutes subject suddenly stood up calm and remained still until 20 minutes, at which point he cooperated fully with guards and entered scanning without need for sedation or restraint. Brain scans revealed little to no activity in any areas of the brain related to emotion. Physical examination showed subject had gripped themselves tight enough to tear out parts of flesh, and in some cases bite marks were present. One arm had to be amputated. Subject remained permanently in this emotional state to present date.

Addendum XXXX-3: Experiment log XXXX-c

Subject: D-9053, Asian male. Imprisoned for attempted murder. Third SCP assignment after monthly amnestics application.

Psychological analysis: Subject is classified as a clinical psychopath, displaying no emotional response.

Researcher: Dr. █████

Procedure: Subject was equipped with cameras and temperature sensors then sent into SCP-XXXX and left alone for 20 minutes. Guards then entered SCP-XXXX and removed subject.

Results: No change in climate or subject.

Addendum XXXX-4a: Experiment log XXXX-d

Subject: D-1256, Caucasian male. Imprisoned for sexual assault. Second SCP assignment after monthly amnestics application.

Psychological analysis: Subject showed distress from previous SCP assignments but no serious issues.

Researcher: Dr. █████

Procedure: Subject was equipped with cameras and temperature sensors then sent into SCP-XXXX and left alone for 20 minutes. Guards then entered SCP-XXXX and removed subject.

Note: Subject appeared to become visibly aroused prior to entry, though this behaviour was ignored.

Results: [REDACTED]. Subject was removed 5 minutes early, but died from blood loss.

Addendum XXXX-4b: Following the events of Experiment XXXX-d, extra caution is to be taken when testing subjects to preserve their emotional state. If any sexual emotions are detected in subjects prior to entry, this must be eliminated before testing.

Addendum XXXX-5: Experiment log XXXX-e

Subject: D-7564, Hispanic female. Imprisoned for drug offenses. First SCP assignment after monthly amnestics application.

Psychological analysis: Emotionally stable and still experiencing joy from being told of release in a month's time.

Researcher: Dr. █████

Procedure: Subject was equipped with cameras and temperature sensors then sent into SCP-XXXX and left alone for 20 minutes. Guards then entered SCP-XXXX and removed subject.

Results: Guards reported internal climate of SCP-XXXX to have remained unchanged. Subject sat patiently but happily for a few minutes, smiling. Soon this turned to giggling, which escalated into laughter. Subject started looking around in surprise but was still laughing uncontrollably. They started dancing and performing eccentric actions, while the laughter continued to escalate into a scream. At 19 minutes, subject suddenly became still and silent until removal at 20 minutes. Brain scans showed the same lack of activity in emotional regions of the brain, but a physical examination showed subject had destroyed their voice box and burst blood vessels in their face from the force of their vocalisations. More physical damage was sustained from excessive movement, including torn muscles and tendons and a fractured spine.
Temperature sensors showed increasingly hot conditions inside SCP-XXXX. Cameras showed moisture condensing on the walls of the tunnel and on the lenses. Soon moisture levels were large enough for rain to occur inside SCP-XXXX, however the surfaces were hot enough to evaporate rain droplets on impact. Ice covering the walls of SCP-XXXX remained unaffected. Camera shake and infra-sound picked up at 14 minutes suggested seismic activity within SCP-XXXX. At 18 minutes, stones were hot enough to glow. Ice shattered and climate returned to default state at 19 minutes. No burns were found on subject.

Addendum XXXX-6:

Notice from Site Director

Following a review into injuries and dangers caused by SCP-XXXX, all further testing has been postponed until a procedure to prevent self harm has been established. Subjects who incapacitate themselves become a waste of resources.
Thank you for your cooperation

Abandoned projects

Projects that I've decided not to continue, feel free to take and rewrite. Credit is appreciated for the ideas :)

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX-1,2,3 must be kept separate at all times. Separate cells out of communicative range of each other is mandatory. This includes visual, auditory and physical interaction of any degree. This extends to any data transfer between SCP-XXX-1,2,3 through any secondary medium, including digital networks or physical notes. Access is restricted to Level 3 personnel. No monitoring equipment is to be installed within the cells.
Adendum 1b: Following Incident XXXX-c, personnel are now included as a potential medium. All personnel are restricted from cells, and in the event that communication with SCP-XXXX is deemed necessary, Researchers must use D-Class personnel as communicators. To prevent data transfer via personnel, any personnel who encounter any of SCP-XXXX must be administered amnestics immediately or kept in restrained isolation until this is possible. The same applies to any personnel who discover or are revealed by necessity SCP-XXXX's location. SCP-XXXX's cells must have no windows or any other potential for visual contact of SCP-XXXX. This includes sealing the door to stop potential sightings through the door gap no matter how small. Interior must be soundproofed to prevent any auditory leakage in or out, capable of absorbing sound of up to ███ decibels. Reinforcement of cell is discouraged: SCP-XXXX is not capable of super-human physical abilities so it is unnecessary, but could draw attention if noticed by personnel which could warrant unintentional data leakage. Transfer of SCP-XXXX must be done without arousing interest of any personnel, with SCP-XXXX subdued. Staff involved in the transfer, and any personnel who were present by chance, must be administered amnestics. Prevention of communication of any form between SCP-XXXX is an Alpha priority, especially during a containment breach. Knowledge of location of SCP-XXXX cells is restricted to Level 4 personnel to prevent curiosity breaches. Any other personnel who are revealed SCP-XXXX cell locations must be administered amnestics afterwards.

Description: SCP-XXXX consists of three separate entities, categorised respectively as SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX-2, and SCP-XXXX-3. SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 are both humanoid, and despite anomalies appear human by all biological tests performed. SCP-XXXX-3 appears as a flame that exists without fuel or substance. Tranquillisers and other drugs used on humans work on SCP-XXXX-1,2 as well, while SCP-XXXX-3 can be subdued with fireproof cloth like a normal fire, though it cannot be put out. SCP-XXXX-1 is an Arabian male in its thirties (30), with long black hair, a goatee and long dirtied white robes. A circle of wooden thorns is worn like a crown. It calls itself various names, including "The Revolutionary", "The Son", ████, and "He Who Sees The Horizon". All who have encountered SCP-XXXX-1 have reported that they felt inspired and excited in it's presence, and felt to be part of a great movement, honoured and willing to serve SCP-XXXX-1. SCP-XXXX-2 is another Arabian male of indiscernible old age, with white curly hair and beard, and white robes that do not cast or receive shadow. It's eyes appear to confuse perspective upon eye contact, and appear to emit light. It again calls itself by several names, including "The Redeemer", "The Father", and "He Who Sees Suffering". Subjects who have encountered SCP-XXXX-2 reported to feel calm and peaceful, and were under the impression their life would be just as calm and peaceful if they followed SCP-XXXX-2. SCP-XXXX-3 has a radically different form to it's companions, however the fire is unremarkable to tests despite the lack of a source. It appears to communicate through thought, though measures to prevent auditory and visual contact prove equally effective in containing SCP-XXXX-3's influence. It is thought this is how all SCP-XXXX convey their influence. It was deduced through experiment that apparent telepathy is in fact the effect of the entity using specific visual and auditory cues calculated to manipulate cognitive functions via sensory input, as opposed to external influences. The entity calls itself several names again, including █████, "The Retribution", ██████ ██████, "The Spirit", and "He Who Sees Sin". Subjects who have encountered SCP-XXXX-3 have reported feeling terrified and insignificant, and have been dominated by SCP-XXXX-3. They feel they must serve the entity or suffer utter annihilation, eternal damnation and searing fire, and the guilt of being responsible, leaving them and loved ones destroyed, often including the rest of the world.
The link in appearance and name of SCP-XXXX to the "Holy Trinity" of Christianity is evident, though the nature of the link is unknown. It is unknown if SCP-XXXX is the entity responsible for the religion or if it is simply mimicking it. It has been assumed however that it is not a "God", as it has no extreme or anomalous abilities beyond data manipulation. It may be responsible for manipulating ancient peoples into thinking it is a God.
The three entities are constantly attempting to contact one another. They are capable of establishing contact through any medium of data transfer, and can exploit any channel of any capacity to expand access to one another.
Adendum 1c: Personnel are particularly susceptible to this, as any contact of any form with the entities can be used by them to implant data in the affected's psychology. Exploitation ranges from creating small events such as a flicker of light that draws attention, creating subtle changes in behaviour of the affected discernible only by partner entities, to creating obsessions of various natures in personnel, so that they become devoted to serve the entities. The latter is only possible given extended, isolated exposure, providing a large data channel for the entity. SCP-XXXX can manipulate all forms of information, so any interest or distraction caused in their vicinity can be heightened to lure personnel to exploring their cells.
SCP-XXXX possesses no harmful abilities beyond normal human abilities for SCP-XXXX-1,2. SCP-XXXX-3 is immobile by itself and can only burn personnel if they come into contact with it themselves. Burns from SCP-XXXX-3 appear to be non-anomalous (See Incident XXXX-b). The danger posed by SCP-XXXX would come from their communication. These were suspected from evidence found after initial discovery and capture (See Incident XXXX-a), and was confirmed during the initial interview with SCP-XXXX-1 (See Interview log XXXX-a) and the consequences of lack of proper containment after the interview (See Incident XXXX-c). Interviews conducted to SCP-XXXX-2,3 after Incident XXXX-b using D-Class personnel communicators revealed other hints at SCP-XXXX's nature and leads to historical evidence and resources, however apart from what was initially learned interviews provided little information as SCP-XXXX quickly turned each encounter from an interview to a recruitment.

