Miniaturized Particle Cannon


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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid Thaumiel (indicate which class)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is not to be used without clearance from Site Command. All personnel seeking to use XXXX must wear a powered exoskeleton during operation.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a handgun with an ergonomic grip, with a cuboid-shaped segment resting on top measuring about 22.86 cm in length with a base area of 42.25 cm2. The cuboid is split into 12 segments, 8 forming what appears to be the barrel of the weapon, the other 4 quartering the remaining cuboid, save for the rear section. SCP-XXXX is highly durable, capable of being lodged into a titanium wall at high force without detrimental effects.

SCP-XXXX is a miniaturized particle beam cannon. Upon the trigger of the weapon being depressed, the weapon fires a pinkish-red blast that leaves boreholes measuring 0.91-1.83 meters in diameter. Surveillance equipment has revealed the total range of SCP-XXXX to be a maximum of 70 kilometers, regardless of conditions or obstacles. Analysis of the beam fired by XXXX reveals it to be composed of gravitons. Where XXXX generates the particles is unknown; however, the gravitons that compose the beams has no detrimental effects to the environment surrounding the blast.

SCP-XXXX has four varying charge levels directly related to the width of the beam, as well as the strength of the recoil. At maximum power, the cuboid expands, revealing the internal mechanisms of the device. Firing in this mode without mechanical assistance has proven to dismember Foundation personnel due to the recoil released from the blast. A radial display located on the rear of the weapon reveals which charge level the weapon is currently operating on.

SCP-XXXX was found in a junk heap located at [DATA EXPUNGED]. The weapon was found partially encased by a slab of solid titanium alloy, apparently having been lodged inside the sheet at extreme force. At this time, Agent [REDACTED] depressed the trigger of XXXX, the resulting blast freeing the weapon, while causing massive collateral damage. Amnesatics were administered to all non-foundation Personnel.
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]