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Item #: SCP-####

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: No containment is available, as the object is not able to be contained as of the time of this document.

Description: SCP-#### is the designation to the feeling of █████ ████ ██████. Anyone who has been affected by SCP-#### commonly reports having the feeling of someone looking over their shoulder, but when they scan the area they report nothing was there.

SCP-#### has never actually been "seen." It is more of a feeling of paranoia. Some of the symptoms of SCP-#### include, but are not limited to;

1- Sleep deprivation.

2- Hallucinations.

3- Extreme paranoia.

4- Antisocial behavior.

5- Self-harm or suicide.

None of the observed subjects who have experienced the effects of SCP-#### have reported ever seeing anything. Most subjects believe that it is there, but you can not see it.

No, this object is not John Cena. - Dr. Derrick