SCP i dont know the number, by happy but sad
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Item #: SCP-i don’t know the number

Object Class: ummm… i forget.

Special Containment Procedures: i think we have it in a cage? Or maybe a cell, i don’t know? I think i remember, but i cant put my finger on it.

Description: i know its a hamster. Maybe it has an extra eye. I don’t know.

Conclustion: this hamster has the ablity to suppress memory’s of is self in others mind. For this reason, me have no conclusive data on this creature. All personal who saw this “hamster” have no recollection of its containment or its item number. All report it being a hamster, rat, or in 2 cases a bat. We can conclude that it has a third eye based on all reports. Unfortunately, all who had recollection have been terminated for other reasons.

News: the memory suppression has spread to the intire wing of containment. All who work in this wing have no recollection of room 8829, in witch this scp is contained. It’s SCP number is known to all personal out of the building as 2205. All inside wing 627 are to be terminated and SCP-2205 is to be moved to wing 629 for further research.