Homeless Heterotroph




In compliance with foundation policy regarding the decommission of anomalous objects, SCP-#### should be redesigned SCP-####-EX and have its special containment procedures discontinued.

However, after an evaluation of the 12/27/15 incident, the foundation Ethics Committee has ordered SCP-#### to remain catalogued by an SCP designation until 12/28/25. at which point it will be presumed decommissioned inconclusively.

As SCP-#### remains theoretically missing, SCP-####'s former containment chamber: Housing Unit 7 in the humanoid containment wing of Site-98, remains formatted in accordance with SCP-####'s prior containment procedures. Should SCP-#### be rediscovered, SCP-#### is to be returned to its containment chambers.

((Collapsable: Display Containment prior procedures))
//Additional Collapsable 3/21/99
SCP-#### is to be contained in Housing Unit-7, located in the Humanoid containment wing of Site-98. SCP-####'s containment chambers has been outfitted with a standard foundation grade work desk. SCP-#### is to be supplied with a Montblanc Meiserstuck 149 black fountain pen.

Twice a day, SCP-#### is to be fed photocopies of the legal documentation surrounding a selected case of litigation within the State Of Illinois, a province of the United States of America. Said documentation must be screened prior to ensure that it does not entail any relevance to the current political landscape of Illinois or the United States of America.

SCP-#### should be fed a variety of Litigations, Civil in the morning and Criminal in the evening. Containment supervisors for the Humanoid Containment wing of Site-98 are to be trained to recognise nutritional deficiency in SCP-#### and given jurisdiction to change SCP-####'s diet should they become apparent.

As the extent to which SCP-#### is capable of altering reality is not understood, but has been definitively observed SCP-#### should be treated as a potential reality bending anomalous object. As such, 2 contingency plans are in order for situations in which SCP-#### would attempt to breach containment. Protocol SCP-####-ISBA and Protocol SCP-####-ISBB. Protocol SCP-####-ISBA entails the retrieval of the object should it breach containment. Access to Protocol SCP-####-ISBA is restricted to personal with sufficient need to know or a clearance level of 3 or higher. Protocol SCP-####-ISBB entails the termination of the object should it turn hostile against the Foundation. Access to protocol SCP-####-ISBB is restricted to the Director, Research head, and Security chief of site-98.

Additional Collapsable 3/18/99
SCP-#### is to be contained in Housing Unit-7, located in the Humanoid containment wing of Site-98. No further amenities aside from lighting have been deemed necessary for SCP-####s containment. Housing Unit-7 is to be under surveillance by two CCTV-Security cameras at all times. these cameras located in the north eastern corner of the cell and above the door of the containment chamber separately. As an added measure, SCP-#### has been outfitted with an ankle bracelet to track its location should it breach containment.
Additional Collapsable 3/10/99
SCP-#### is planned to be contained in a standard Humanoid housing unit in the Humanoid containment wing of Site-98, currently Housing unit-7 is allocated for SCP-####'s future containment. Until SCP-####'s anonymous properties are better understood it is to be contained in detention cell 2 in Site-98's second priority preliminary containment wing. SCP-####'s detention is planned to continue until the SCP-#### containment supervisor feels its anomalous effects have been evaluated to the point that proper containment is possible.


SCP-#### is a relativistic entity constructed in parallel with the archetypical portrayal of a superhero and of a lawyer. SCP-#### is presumed to no longer exist in light of the 12/27/15 incident. SCP-#### appears to be caucasian male with blue eyes standing (Write this latter). SCP-#### was formerly Lawyer Mannington, a citizen of the United States of America who previously resided in the province of Illinois. No birth records, or any other form of identification beyond SCP-####'s ( _ ) have been identified

Despite the fact that SCP-####'s outward appearance is almost identical to that of Homo sapien
SCP-#### displays numerous abnormalities in its anatomy. SCP-#### does not maintain any form of homeostasis, nor does respirate. SCP-####'s circulatory system is devoid of any substance except for water and lacks any-form of immune system. Despite this, SCP-#### has never been observed to harbor any form of pathogen within its body. SCP-####'s body temperature remains at an equilibrium of ( _ ) regardless of its environment. SCP-#### lacks an anal orifice and sexual genitalia. SCP-#### lacks any form of cellular component and consists entirely of proteins maintained though anomalous means. SCP-####'s Esophagus ends with a spatial anomaly in place of what would be the Lower Esophageal Sphincter. Objects passing this point appear to physically shrink and eventually vanish entirely. Due to this anomaly unusual location technical specifics have been made difficult and the function of this anomaly remains unclear. Though it is likely SCP-#### uses it to gain subsidence.

SCP-#### is mobile and capable of performing a multitude of implausible and impossible physical actions though its abnormal method of mobility. While SCP-#### clearly appears to have been constructed or conceived in a way that mimics a Homo Sapiens SCP-#### does not move through the motion of its mussels, but rather the motion of each individual protein. SCP-#### is capable of moving, stretching, and bending all the proteins that compose it through an poorly understood form of Psychokinesis that has been designated SCP-####-3. SCP-#### has never been observed to physically harm itself through SCP-####-3. To date, all motions that SCP-#### has made seem to have been the product of SCP-####-3.

SCP-#### typically uses SCP-####-3 to imitate motions that it understands as human, however seems to struggle to perfectly replicate any motion it observes. Oftentimes SCP-####'s mobility is distinctly abnormal and abstract despite the objects intentions. When in the presence of Individuals, Animals, or Cardboard Cutouts, SCP-#### will attempt to walk from one location to another in a variety of ways. Often times in an eccentric manner. SCP-#### is consciously aware of the discrepancy between it's walk and the movements it attempts to imitate, and will voice to anyone within its general vicinity reassurances that it is in-fact, walking. When SCP-#### is not in the presence of individuals, animals, or cardboard cutouts, it will animate itself by simply moving its feet, legs, and lower-body and dragging its torso, head, and arms behind it.

Any clothing of apparel that SCP-#### is given to wear, regardless of size or composition, Will slowly dematerialize through an uncontrolled cascade of local-realty shifts, these reality shifts are then followed by counter-shifts that will materialize business cards reading "LAWYER MAN, attorney of law and justice." Followed by the previous home phone-number of Laurence Mannington. These cards include a picture of SCP-#### manipulating its face into a smile. Noble gases of varying quantities have been noted to materialize alongside SCP-####'s business cards. There is some relation between the mass of the clothing or apparel that SCP-#### is given to wear and the amount of business cards produced as well as the quantity of gas that accompanies it. However no definite trends have been observed.

The Foundation is currently unaware of SCP-####'s exact date of birth or manifestation, SCP-#### strongly resembles a fully grown biologically male Homo Sapiens however it's internal anatomy and cognitive development do not reflect it's external appearance.

(Section on internal anatomy) (Baby-teeth are called primary teeth)

SCP-####'s own cognitive abilities widely vary,
SCP-####'s behaviors (Beyond it's vivid personalty and assumed persona.) when interacting with Personal, Animals, or Card-Board cut-outs clearly indicate that SCP-#### either severely struggles to, or is incapable of, recognizing non-verbal expressions of emotion. SCP-#### seems to otherwise understand most states of human emotion when given verbal or written portrayals of emotion.

The Foundation came to acquire SCP-#### in the aftermath of the first reported SCP-####–Sigma event, which occurred on March 6, 1999, at 1410 hours Central Standard Time within the George N Leighton Criminal courthouse located 2650 S California Ave #526, Chicago, IL 60608. SCP-#### was the state appointed counsel for the prosecution in the case of [REDACTED]. At this time it is unknown how SCP-#### ended up in that position, though it is assumed that SCP-#### actively sought it out on his own.

The SCP-####–Sigma event lasted for seven minutes and 14 seconds, during which SCP-#### brutally bludgeoned to death the defendant and their attorney to the applause of everyone present in the courtroom. Including the soon to be deceased defendant and counsel. At the conclusion of this incident the courtroom was evacuated and SCP-#### was apprehended by members of the Chicago Police Department. SCP-#### was then given to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Unusual Incidents Unit, who then placed SCP-#### into the the custody of the SCP foundation given they had no adequate measures of containing or neutralizing SCP-####. A transcript of compiled materials from the March 6th incident can be found below.