Insomniac Figure
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Object Class: Keter/Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: The SCP is to have a tracker that cannot be turned off, or lose battery at any given moment. Do not directly observe entity while discharge is in process. People affected are to be held by the foundation until said otherwise.

Description: SCP-REDACTED appears as a tall black figure, and will appear within the bedroom of anyone within the age of 12-18. the creature will appear while the victim is in sleep paralysis, and pose as a sleep paralysis demon. The creature will then begin to move towards the victim, and then grab them by the head. The victim will then gain lethal insomnia, and any attempts to sleep will summon the creature again, and repeat the process. The only way to lose the effects of the creature is to survive without eating or sleeping for three (3) days.

Any attempts to photograph the SCP will cause its victim to become an instance of SCP-REDACTED, causing them to become another Insomniac Figure. The process takes between 12 - 21 days. There has only ever been one (1) successful photo of the SCP.

The SCP has also been reported consuming its victims after they die from exhaustion. If the victim does manage to lose the effects of the SCP, they will never be able to enter sleep paralysis again, or be affected with sleep related SCPs.

The SCP will also attack anyone that tries to attack anybody that intervenes and that over the age of 18 years old, or under the age of 12 years old.

The SCP can be discharged, which requires about 10,000 volts of electricity, and will remain discharged for the next 72 hours. While discharged, the entity cannot teleport, or force people into lethal insomnia.

The entity can teleport to anyone who is currently in sleep paralysis, and is also within 80 miles of the entity.

The following is an interview with SCP-REDACTED

Interviewed: [SCP-REDACTED]

Interviewer: [Dr. ████ ]

Foreword: [An interview with SCP-REDACTED, after being discharged.]

<Begin Log, [14:53]>

Dr. ████: [SCP-REDACTED, can you explain to us anything about you?]

SCP-REDACTED: [I do [unintelligible audio]]

Dr. ████:[Could you repeat that?]

SCP-REDACTED:[I do not know about [scrambled speak]]

Dr. ████:[You know what? Just.. never mind. End log.]

<End Log, [14:55]>

After the interview with SCP-REDACTED, Dr. ████ was showing signs of severe aggression towards other foundation members. A few had suggested that she had been drinking on foundation grounds, which is prohibited. No evidence has been provided to support this theory. Others think that it is because of the interview with SCP-REDACTED.

Addendum: The SCP was first ever reported to the foundation because of lead researcher
Dr. ████, telling other people about her encounter with the SCP. The tracker was able to be added thanks to her as well, as she had attached the tracker while the SCP was visiting her.

Encounter One (1)

Encounter Two (2)