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Item #: SCP-4XXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4XXX-1 is to be kept in a secure locker at Site-██, near London. At least once per day, the item should be thoroughly checked by research personnel of clearance level 2 or higher. Any changes are to be reported to the site manager within twenty-four hours. In the event that the map or the "Check before you travel" information within SCP-4XXX-1 changes to display a station being closed, containment procedure 4XXX-"Mind the Gap" is to be enacted as detailed further down this document.

SCP-4XXX-2 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell furnished with all basic amenities at Site-██. SCP-4XXX-2 is permitted to wander the low security areas of the facility and may eat and socialise with the staff and borrow books from the library. SCP-4XXX-2 may request items for his own comfort and entertainment. The following items have so far been approved for addition to the subject's containment cell:

  • One television with access to all standard Freeview channels.
  • Several boxes of ██████ brand miniature electric railway tracks and rolling stock, recovered from the subject's original place of residence.
  • A daily subscription to ███ ████████ newspaper.
  • A bi-weekly subscription to Rail Magazine.

Any attempt made by SCP-4XXX-2 to leave the facility is to be treated with severity. It has yet to happen, but punishments could include isolated containment and the confiscation of his miniature railway.

Following the August 2018 incident, the special containment procedures for this item are subject to change, pending further research.

Description: SCP-4XXX consists of two contained items, referred to as SCP-4XXX-1 and SCP-4XXX-2.

The first item, SCP-4XXX-1, is a leaflet containing a map of the London Underground railway network. Its main anomalous property is the fact that it appears to be an issue of the leaflet from a year in the future from whenever it is being viewed. For example, if the leaflet is viewed in September 2018 it will display the London Underground network as it will appear in September 2019.

The second item, SCP-4XXX-2, is a 77-year-old white British male whose internal bodily structure is anomalously interconnected with the London Underground railway network. X-ray imaging and keyhole surgery have revealed that his body contains a series of tiny railway tunnels which are topologically identical to the lines of the London Underground network as they appeared in 2003. Whenever a train stops at an "afflicted" station within the real London Underground network and then continues down the track, it will be anomalously shrunk down and transported into the replica within SCP-4XXX-2's body. Any passengers or other items within the train are also shrunk down and transported. This only occurs if the train first stops in the station. If a train continues straight through without stopping, it will not be transported.

"Afflicted" stations can be identified in advance using SCP-4XXX-1. Stations marked as being closed on future versions of the map will become "afflicted" at the date indicated in the "Check before you travel" information. The amount of time for which a station is "afflicted" has varied anywhere from two days to three years. Containment procedure 4XXX-"Mind the Gap" should be carried out at "afflicted" stations as summarised here:

Firstly, Foundation agents planted within Transport for London should determine whether the station closure for the date displayed in SCP-4XXX-1 has already been scheduled by the organisation. If it has not, the agents should ensure that a closure is scheduled by organising engineering or improvement works as a cover story.1 Upon the station's closure, construction workers should be dispatched to the station to carry out the engineering or improvement work. A small team of agents accompanied by available members of MTF Epsilon-12 ("The Train-spotters") are also to be dispatched to the station for the duration of the closure. They are responsible for ensuring that no trains stop on any platform within the station. In the event that a train does stop in the station for emergency reasons, the train should be evacuated of all passengers and then sent along the track autonomously. Passengers should be released with an appropriate cover story. The use of amnesiacs is permitted at the discretion of the agent in charge. Once the closure period is over, Foundation personnel may leave the station and allow service to resume as normal.

The Foundation is researching the possibility of sending an exploration team into SCP-4XXX-2 to perform research and, as a side objective, attempt to recover the disappeared passengers. However, there is currently no known way of returning items from SCP-4XXX-2 to their original size, as the mechanism causing the shrinking is unknown.

Instances of SCP-1017 do not seem to interact with SCP-4XXX in any unexpected ways, and have never had reason to stop in an "afflicted" station.

Addendum 4XXX-a: The following is a log of notable events involving SCP-4XXX. It does not include details of every "afflicted" station.