James_Irish SCP Drafts
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Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard containment safe at Site-22 outside of scheduled uses. Any conversations with SCP-XXXX during uses are to be recorded, transcribed, and archived. In the event of SCP-XXXX breaching containment, a member of Site-22 staff is to retrieve it from the former location of Site-53.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a pair of size 10 (28.5 cm) black high top Converse brand shoes. Wearers of SCP-XXXX are able to communicate with it telepathically. Descriptions of SCP-XXXX’s voice vary between wearers. SCP-XXXX holds the ability to teleport as well, often doing so during extended periods without use. Following the events of the Site-53 incident, SCP-XXXX is also believed to be indestructible.

Discovery: SCP-XXXX was discovered in Eau Claire Wisconsin after Madeline Brewer apologized to her pair of “talking shoes” in her suicide note. Agent Hoppkins, embedded in the local police force, transferred SCP-XXXX to Site-53 for further investigation, at which point SCP-XXXX’s anomlous properties were first discovered. It was originally left in a cointanment safe to wait further study after its first interview. Its ability to teleport was discovered when SCP-XXXX was found missing from it’s containment safe 9 days after its last use. SCP-XXXX was later recovered from Ms. Brewer’s former residence 3 days later.

SCP-XXXX seems to be recovering from it's past traumas through it's talks with Site-53 personnel and therapy sessions with Dr. Bell.

Incident Log Site-53 Addendum-XXXX:
Due to the activation of Site 53’s nuclear warhead during a containment breach at 53, SCP-XXXX has been reclassified as neutralized.

SCP-XXXX has been reclassified to euclid as of its rediscovery at the surface of Site 53 on XX/XX/2019.

SCP-XXXX has begun teleporting exclusively to the former location of Site-53 during its breaches of containment, as well as within the previous 168 hour window. Increased frequency of uses and therapy sessions is recommended.