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Non anomalous object bearing resemblance to SCP-5920

Item #: SCP-5920

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5920 is to be contained in a standard locked cell at most times. The cell and any other area SCP-5920 passes through is to be fitted with protective covering over all air ventilation systems and additional small passageways such as holes and cracks in walls. SCP-5920’s cell should be routinely checked for any small exit points such as aforementioned cracks and holes. SCP-5920 is to be provided with a device capable of playing MP3 files as well as access to several MP3 files.

Any evidence of SCP-5920’s existence should not be permitted outside of the facility. Including documents, images, and recorded audio of or pertaining to SCP-5920.

Description: SCP-5920 is a small “teddy bear” like object in the form of an elephant. SCP-5920 appears to have a fluffy texture typical of most “teddy bear” objects and has been reported to feel like it has stuffing inside of it. SCP-5920 is estimated to be roughly 12cm tall and 8cm wide. With the length of from the end of its tail to the end of its trunk being presumed to be roughly 16cm. SCP-5920 has the basic features of an elephant however they appear toned down to create a more appealing and “cute” (as described by D-class personal) looking object.

SCP-5920 is a conscious entity fully capable of motor abilities as well as making small uninterpretable sounds when interacted with or experiencing joy. SCP-5920 is usually a docile entity, however it has been observed to respond with moderate violence when provoked through means that showed intent to harm. On one occasion when tapped curiously on the head by D-class personal, SCP-5920 appeared to launch itself upwards. Flipping itself over and delivered an upwards strike with its back legs to the test subjects face. Followed by it flipping back over in mid-air and using its front arms/legs to grab the test subjects face and pull it down to the ground with it in its fall. Causing the D-classes face to collide with the flooring of SCP-5920’s containment cell, “like a pro wrestling move or something” (as described by D-class personal). Based on other tests it would appear SCP-5920 is familiar with its own unique melee combatives. The origins of which is unknown. Further testing is required.

SCP-5920 regularly spends most of its time listening to music on its provided device. The entities fondness for music was discovered when initially testing to see what aggravates SCP-5920. SCP-5920 was observed to become hyper and believed to dance to the music. Exercising motor abilities such as jumping, rolling, moving its arms/legs. SCP-5920 was also observed to repeatedly move its head up and down in response to music (which D-class personal claims to be something called “headbanging”). The ferocity of this action appears to scale depending on the MP3 file playing and the intensity of each part of the track.

Due to SCP-5920’s observed enjoyment for music SCP-5920 has been provided with the MP3 playing device as additional measure to ensure it’s remained friendliness to Personal. It has also been noted that the observation of SCP-5920 during this period improves staff morale.
When interacting with SCP-5920 the entity has been observed to be friendly. Provided SCP-5920 is not provoked it has been observed to make squeaky noises, grab onto personal’s limbs in a believed attempt to cuddle them and even make nonverbal expressions using its arms/legs. Such as pointing and even waving at both familiar and non-familiar personal. Interestingly when waved at by personal SCP-5920 will wave back, proving its ability to non-verbally communicate.

SCP-5920 has displayed the ability to climb on and around personal and can mount itself on shoulders, atop heads and sitting in the palms of hands.

Addendum: It is worth noting that SCP-5920 has become a favourite of most scientists and D-class personal at the facility. As for SCP-5920’s alignment in terms of hostility, it can be presumed to at least be completely neutral unless harmed by an individual. At bets it might be hoped that SCP-5920 could perhaps be an ally of the foundation or its members and may even be a valuable resource for the foundation due to its small size and agility. Further testing with other SCP’s is required to determine potential use. Some personal are especially excited to see SCP-5920 interact with SCP-999.