Doctor Nate Jed- A God of Water
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a five meter by five meter cube made of stainless steel, with an airlock for feeding. Unless requested, SCP-XXXX is to be fed a diet of watery greens. The site SCP-XXXX is held in must be in a desert.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a pool of water that can move on its own will. SCP-XXXX has been shown to be able to control and absorb any water it touches, as well as being able to shed water as needed. SCP-XXXX will usually take on a humanoid shape when possible. It is not known what the maximum amount of water SCP-XXXX can control at a time is, if there is one, as during testing SCP-XXXX has been shown to use the extra mass to breach containment. If SCP-XXXX ever reaches the ocean, a K-class end of life scenario, however it seems to hate harboring life and containing salt water.

SCP-XXXX has been shown to be able to communicate by vibrating itself at certain frequencies, and has learned to speak english. SCP-XXXX has been shown to only be able to control its main body of water when seperated. SCP-XXXX can change its form and voice at will, and has been shown able to form weapons out of its mass, and is able to refine them to the molecular level. SCP-XXXX is able to tell whether it is high or low tide, despite lacking the mass for a real difference.

SCP-XXXX was discovered on 12/16/██ when a excavation at the coordinates [Redacted] disappeared with blood and scraps of clothes left behind. Agent ████ was undercover as part of the second group sent to investigate. During investigation, SCP-XXXX was discovered hiding in a cracked wall when it tried to escape.

It is believed that SCP-XXXX was thought of as a demon by and ancient civilization, and somehow managed to contain it in a stone tomb of a similar build to SCP-XXXX’s current containment, with the rest of the temple having been around it.

Addendum XXXX-A:

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: Dr. Jed

<Begin Log>

Dr. Jed: So why did you kill and eat those miners after they freed you?

SCP-XXXX: I was hungry.

Dr. Jed: Hungry? What do you mean hungry?

SCP-XXXX: Listen, you try keeping your temper after a thousand without food.
Dr. Jed: But… you’re made of water.
SCP-XXXX: Yes, well, I move around don’t I?
Dr. Jed: (Dr. Jed is silent for a moment.) A thousand years?
SCP-XXXX: Give or take. Really could only tell by the moon’s pull.
Dr. Jed: The moon’s pull? How could you tell?
SCP-XXXX: I’m made of water.
Dr. Jed: I realize that, but you lack the mass for a real effect.
SCP-XXXX: In the short time that I’ve been here, I’ve already heard you people mention things far stranger. I think how I can tell high from low tide is the least of your worries.
Dr. Jed: Moving on, what do you normally eat?
SCP-XXXX: I prefer watery greens, the don’t stain the same way meat does.
Dr. Jed: Why are you so calm in containment?
SCP-XXXX: I could probably escape if I want to, I know you people would hunt me down however. I’m more hoping for either to be let out on good behaviour or have times I can go out. At the very least, this is better than my previous prison.
Dr. Jed: If you were to escape or if you were let go, what would you do with the ocean?
SCP-XXXX: The ocean? No thank you. For one thing, I hate salt water. It messes with my composition. For another, I hate fish, or anything else that swims in the rivers or oceans.
Dr. Jed: Why do you hate fish?
SCP-XXXX: They are to me like have a parasite that digs through flesh is to you. And if it doesn’t hurt, it… tickles.
Dr. Jed: That is all. Thank you for your time. I may have an idea.
<End Log>

Closing Statement: SCP-XXXX is under review to on whether or not to change its class to Thaumiel, most likely either for reconnaissance or combat, however the risks most likely outweigh the benefits, despite its objections.

Addendum XXXX-B:

█/██/20██- Object was crosstested with SCP-005, all data regarding this crosstesting was scrubbed. SCP-XXXX nearly terminated.

Researcher’s note: Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to cross test SCP-XXXX with SCP-009? How the hell did you even get clearance to do it? I was halfway across the site when my glasses shattered from its screaming alone! We’re just lucky it realized it could just split away from its infected parts when smashing the ice didn’t help, or else we would be updating its class for Euclid to Neutralized! If I find out who facilitated the cross-testing, I’ll have you demoted to D-Class! And damn you for scrubbing all of the data on it!