Jetson Green

Item #: SCP-XXXX A Mildly Threatening Message

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a secure non-flammable storage container and should only be removed for testing purposes.Subjects should avoid direct contact of bare skin with SCP-XXXX unless instructed otherwise.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a normal 8.5 by 11 inch piece of paper taken from a standard spiral notebook. SCP-XXXX has signs of folding, tearing, and burning on the outer edges of the paper. While a person holds SCP-XXXX with direct skin contact, a short statement in text appears at the center of the page which appears to be a threat to the person holding the item. The threat changes depending on the person holding it [See Threat Logs] but will always be vague in its meaning. SCP-XXXX does not respond to being held without direct skin contact. When placed back down after being held with direct skin contact, SCP-XXXX will ignite and slowly burn leaving nothing in its place. This event is SCP-XXXX attempting to find a new person to hold it as it will soon reappear at a minimum of 25 foot sphere shape radius. Maximum distance pf return has yet to be determined.

Anyone who holds SCP-XXXX with direct skin contact begin to suffer from extreme paranoia for the next 24 hours, despite some messages claiming to take place years into the future of the subject's life. In all instances except one [See Addendum 1], these threats appear to hold no meaning. When a subject is questioned about the message, they will report not recalling the exact message, instead giving a paraphrased, highly inaccurate version of the message. Questioning of the subject will cause an onset of the paranoia despite the subject's inability to recall the actual message. Said paranoia is more extreme than how it was previously and usually lasts the rest of the day, ending exactly at 12:00 AM of the time zone the subject is accustomed to. The following day if the subject has yet to be questioned about message, they will act as they normally would have before coming in contact with SCP-XXXX.

Test Log:

Test Purpose: To determine the effects of SCP-XXXX when a subject is exposed for several consecutive days.

Overseers: Dr. Grant

Description: A D-Class Personnel was asked to pick up SCP-XXXX and state what the message said. Each day afterwards the same D-Class Personnel was asked what the message had said.

Day 1: 10
Day 2: 9
Day 3: 8
Day 4: 7
Day 5: 6
Day 6: 5
Day 7: 4

Note: Further testing was terminated after the effects that the paranoia was having on the subject. When guards arrived to give the subject his afternoon meal, subject had been found in the corner of his cell surrounded by pieces of hair and small puddles of blood moaning how his chest hurt. Subject was promptly removed from the cell and sent for medical care as his cell was examined. The next day the D-Class was reported feeling perfectly healthy. Later on he was asked why he had ripped out his hair. He responded with confusion, stating he was unaware that he was missing hair at all.

One thing to be aware of is that the subject had been counting down from his original number. What would have happened had he managed to reach the end is uncertain but we believe given the state the subject was in on the final day before Test Termination, the subject would have most likely died. Whether it be by his own hand or out side forces.

Test Log 2

Test Purpose: To determine the effects of SCP-XXXX on the visually impaired.

Overseers: Dr. Grant

Description: A D-Class Personnel who had lost her vision during a fist fight with a fellow D-Class was brought in to hold SCP-XXXX.

D-Class: Enters Room of SCP-XXXX

Dr. Grant: Lifts the lid of SCP-XXXX's container

Foreword: The audio of SCP-XXXX's chamber during testing of SCP-XXXX on the visually impaired.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Grant: "Miss, please pick up the paper from the box in front of you."

D-Class: Slowly picks up SCP-XXXX and holds it firmly in her hand.

Dr. Grant: "Can you please tell me what the paper says?"

D-Class: Remains silent for a moment.

Dr. Grant: "Miss, can you ple-"

D-Class: I fucking heard you the first time, are yo seriously asking me what I see on this piece of paper? Are you joking?

Dr. Grant: "Miss?"

D-Class: "I can't see shit. What, ya fucks feel like you wanted to pick on the blind girl for a bit today? Ask her what she can see? Well I can't see anything! Ya happy? Got a good laugh in?"

Dr. Grant: "I'm terribly sorry, it wasn't our inte-"

D-Class: "Yea yea, save it. Was this all you wanted from me? Can I be brought back to my cell now?"

Dr. Grant: "Yes, that will be all. Guards, please bring her back to her cell."

D-Class: Is slowly escorted out of SCP-XXXX's chamber.

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Said D-Class personnel was given minor luxurious items of chocolates and one meal of her choosing as an apology for the incident.

Note: The test proved to have no effect on those who can't actually see the message. Though SCP-XXXX still burned away after being placed down and was later found three floors above its containment cell in the middle of a tesla gate. Despite being shocked multiple times, the paper remained unscathed.

Threat Logs:

Threat Number of Times Used
"Tick Tock" 9
"You're Next" 2
"Time is Short" 3
"You'll Suffer a Slow Burn" 1
"You'll be Alone" 1
"10" 4
A Random Date 5

Addendum 1: A foundation scientist (Subject S) reported accidently touching SCP-XXXX, saying "it was hidden in-between other files". The truthfulness of this statement is uncertain, but Subject S had definitely come in contact with SCP-XXXX. When asked what message he had received he claimed SCP-XXXX had said "You'll Suffer a Slow Burn".

Other scientists who were close to Subject S have reported that throughout the day he was jumpy and unlike his usual self. Being weary of any hot objects he came close to. One scientist had offered Subject S a coffee, telling him that it'll "calm your nerves". When handing the coffee over, the scientist had tripped and dumped the coffee onto Subject S's arm causing scalding and burning the skin. The next say Subject S came into work asking how he got the burn mark on his arm.

Tests to recreate this scenario have proven unsuccessful. Making us believe it may have been a coincidence.