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Item #: SCP-0000 Level 1/0000
Object Class: Keter Classified


New York City in the SCP-0000 timeline; its world capital.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
Site-48 Dir. Garner Manzanita Rs. Quincy Quirante O-24 "Brave New World"


An advertisement for GoI-0000.

Special Containment Procedures: GoI-0000 is currently contained within SCP-0000. Operation 0000-RIDESHARE is in effect to defend baseline reality from GoI-0000's attempts at infiltration.

Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor for the creation of new SCP-0000-1 instances worldwide. When a new instance is located, the nearest Foundation facility is to dispatch a containment team to the location to detain all inhabitants of SCP-0000 who use the SCP-0000-1 instance.

Due to the prevalence of GoI-0000's attacks on baseline reality, maintaining the Veil is considered a low-level priority.

Description: SCP-0000 is an alternative parallel reality accessible only through wormholes, collectively designated SCP-0000-1, created by the aforementioned reality. SCP-0000 is physically analogous to our own.

The mechanism to create SCP-0000-1 instances was developed by SCP-0000's version of the Foundation, designated as Foundation-0000, using SCP objects and phenomena not yet discovered in our reality. Due to this mismatch in technological development, it is currently not possible for the baseline Foundation to manipulate, create, or destroy SCP-0000-1 instances. It is currently assumed that the technology behind SCP-0000-1 was developed under the command of GoI-0000.

GoI-0000 designates the New York City Taxi and Limousine Corporation (NYCTLC), the only transportation company operating within SCP-0000. To achieve complete dominance over their reality's transportation, GoI-0000 has used its political influence over SCP-0000's official world capital of the City of New York to infiltrate and seize control of the transit systems of other countries and companies.

GoI-0000 also possesses major influence, if not complete control, over Foundation-0000 and SCP-0000's version of the United Nations Global Occult Coalition, designated UNGOC-0000, using the former to develop new paratechnology for its transportation links, and the latter for "global peacekeeping initiatives".

Inhabitants of SCP-0000 do not recognize GoI-0000's global influence as anomalous, and often speak amicably about the company. Due to the existence of GoI-0000, major deviations have occurred between the SCP-0000 timeline and our own. The extent of these deviations is still under investigation.

Addendum 01: The first SCP-0000-1 instance was created in San Joaquin, California, USA on February 25, 2015. Foundation Site-48 was initially tasked with liaison with Foundation-0000's Site-67, which was responsible for the development of reality-hopping technology leading to the creation of SCP-0000-1.

Following discussion, GoI-0000's involvement in Foundation-0000's operations were made clear, as GoI-0000 representatives expressed intent to enter our reality to take control of our timeline's transportation logistics. Foundation personnel refused their requests and attempted to close the SCP-0000-1 instance. When unsuccessful, Mobile Task Force Omicron-24 was tasked with preventing access between dimensions.

Foundation-0000 responded with the creation of additional SCP-0000-1 instances around the globe, in order to re-establish contact with governmental authorities potentially interested in collaboration with GoI-0000. The Foundation responded by dispatching additional Mobile Task Forces to detain and secure all SCP-0000 visitors, and prevent the existence of their dimension from reaching the civilian public.

During an

Transcript 0000-3

Interviewer: Researcher Quincy Quirante

Interviewed: Researcher Polaris Crocker (SCP-0000)

Date: March 6, 2015

<Begin Log>

Transcript 0000-5

Interviewer: O5-8

Interviewed: PoI-0000 (Willard Ford, founder and CEO of GoI-0000)


<Begin Log>

O5-8: Who is this?

PoI-0000: My name is Willard Eduardo Ford, no relation to Henry Ford. I'm the founder and CEO of the TLC.

O5-8: And how did you get my contact information?

PoI-0000: I looked in the phone book.

O5-8: Um… what is the purpose of establishing contact with me?

PoI-0000: I believe we've gotten off on the wrong foot. Our proposal to enter your universe to conduct business was-

O5-8: Denied.

PoI-0000: Unfortunately, yes. Despite my men's best efforts, we were unable to persuade you otherwise.

O5-8: Correct, and

PoI-0000: You keep your world hidden in the dark because you're afraid of objects you deem "anomalous" through arbitrary criteria. Multiple times you've deemed something too anomalous to let the public know, only to be proven wrong much later after you've wasted years of time and millions of dollars oppressing innocent people and animals.

O5-8: A lot of these anomalies are genuine dangers to society, such as the unkillable lizard-

PoI-0000: That we keep in a petting zoo?

O5-8: And the- and the


PoI-0000: With all due respect, sir, we've long surpassed such a fearful paradigm of thinking. Instead of hiding floating objects away in containment cages, we show them off in the Guggenheim museum.

PoI-0000: Think of it as a… liberation. An opportunity to learn from a more peaceful society, a more peaceful reality.




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