Khris R
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard 96 by 96 meter bookcase with no more than ten to twenty books. Books are to be changed bi-monthly, access to SCP-XXXX is prohibited with the noted exception of those with Level 3 clearance, with express permission from Level 4 or higher. Interviews with SCP-XXXX are to be cataloged and written using electronic record keeping software or voice recording instruments as hand written accounts are unattainable after interview; interviewers are to be checked afterwards for any sings of mental degradation or memory loss.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a standard twenty-two centimeter red faced book of unknown publisher, publication date or author. The object was recovered after V██████ City Library reported books missing their contents, patrons reporting loss of memory, severe headaches, and in the case of head librarian ██████ complete mental degradation of victim , at which point the foundation was alerted and agents dispatched. SCP-XXXX manifests a field of an unknown type said field has been measured to be approximately 9.4 meters. Upon coming into contact with any book, human or written word this field will absorb all knowledge, memories and text from all nearby areas. Prolonged contact with humans results in severe loss of memory and in extreme cases: complete mental degradation.

Addendum: SCP-XXXX is shown to be sentient, and has responded well to written interviews, how it is able to communicate is as of today unknown, further testing is required- Dr. R██████

Interview with SCP-XXXX:

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: Dr. R██████

Foreword: Written interview with SCP-XXXX. Recorded using electronic pad.

Begin Log, [August 2█, 2███ ]

Dr. R██████: Do you know who I am?

SCP-XXXX: You are Dr. R██████

Dr. R██████: I'm surprised you know my name.

SCP-XXXX: I know many things, my good doctor. I have absorbed knowledge from a great many sources.

Dr. R██████:Such as?

SCP-XXXX: [SCP-XXXX proceeds to show a diagram on how to build an unknown machine, researchers after interview attempted to build machine have shown it to be fully functional but it's purpose is as of yet unknown. At this point Dr. R██████ began to feel lightheaded, and ended the interview, they were then checked for mental degradation and and following no signs of degradation, allowed to leave.

End Log

Closing Statement: SCP-XXXX shows a great knowledge of many things, further interviews requested.-Dr. R██████