
SCP-████ is located at ████████████, russia, at coordinates : 43.2██████, 13█.█████. SCP-████ effects seems to be random, The location of SCP-████ is to be hided from sattelites imagery. Unauthorized personnel that sees SCP-████, SCP-████ instances, or location, have to be given A amnestics Terminated (decision made by O5 council)

Containment :

SCP-████ is hard to contain, due to it's ███████ nature. Some Instances, for exemple, appear outside the containment zone. SCP-████ is to be contained in ████ by ████. A dome has been built on the zone, using SCP-███ and SCP-████, The use of those SCPs were judged "necessary" as the structure by itself was unbuildable, by common human means. The pretext of a "hided nuclear plant accident" is to be given as information to the nearby civilians.

SCP-████ sattelite picture, before containment

Description :

SCP-████ is a Soviet military base, abandonned in 19██, november ██. SCP-████, when inactive, looks like a normal military base, there is visible signs of rust and damage. SCP-████ will generate random effects appears according to seasons, days and hours. As SCP-████ produce alot of anomalies, MTF ZETA-9 units are to investigates the anomalies produced by SCP-████. Dr Zlavnik classified events and effects of SCP-████ discoverd so far :

Anomalies type K

Magnetic anomalies
Radioactive anomalies
Biohazard anomalies
thermic Anomalies
memetic Anomalies
electric anomalies

Events made by SCP-████ :

SCP-████ has 3 main parts :

the interior refering "in SCP-████", the inside cannot contain anomalies, but can contain shadows and blue shadows. The scale of danger of the inside is 4/10, as alot of it remain unexplored.

the main room when entering the principal bunker doors of SCP-████ the entry on the right leads to the undergrounds, while the one on the left leads to the different military rooms.

Undergrounds is the lower part of SCP-████. The undergrounds changes paths and room every 5 yours, making the undergrounds a potentially dangerous place. Undergrounds are knew to be incredibly dark (darkness like scp 0-87). The undergrounds are patrolled by humanoids figures, with black eyes, scails on them, and armed with sharp teeth and cloaking devices. Instances of SCP-939 have been found, but with white and grey colors, compared to the one detained at facility-██. Possible origin from SCP-████ discovered. The undergrounds contain also huge pipes, which can contain multiple unknown creatures.
the undergrounds change every 5 hours, but the rooms all are the same, the organisation only is changed. The undergrounds rooms contains :
-Radar room
-gun stock room
-warhead controll center
-nuclear waste depot
-bunker dorms
-server farm
-unknown machine rooms
-Memetic creation center
-a collapsed room, with a gravity anomaly at it's center, the anomaly does'nt seem to disapear after some time, like other anomalies do. The anomaly can be heard emitting some low vibration sounds.

undergrounds can contain anomalies, but in less numbers than the surface

chances of spawning

magnetic anomalies 1/6
biohazard anomalies 1/7
radioactive anomalies 1/15
electric anomalies 1/2

Undergrounds maximum anomalies storage is about 15 maximum, the reason it's restricted is unknown.

Underground tunnels : underground tunnels are in perpetual movements, it seems it's timeline, dimensions, and portals are very versatile, meaning being too fast, too far, or too slow could bring you in a diverent universe, at this time, only the MTF lambda-5 are authorized to explore SCP-████ undergrounds. The MTF's reported all rooms found to this day :

-Tesla rooms
-warhead factories
-another bunker
-a portal leading to a dead world
-a portal leading to [DATA CORRUPTED]
-a room made of ears
-a sacrifical room
-a church, praying a unknown god
-a spatial anomaly leading to a different timeline **(situated between 1500 and 1550)
-a room full of unknown anomalies
-a room made of rotting corpses
-a radar room with only one radio, Radio signals where coordinated to be emitting from a sunken submarine near the java trenches, the radio signals are random, and looks like different lenin's and stalin's speeches.
-a completely destroyed room, with a black unknown liquid everywhere

the undergrounds also contains anomalies, they can be ilimited, and appear randomly.
a siren can be heard when the underground tunnels move too much, emit too strong radiations, or are about to send to trespasser to a unknown dimension or timeline. Possible way of SCP-████ to warn the trespasser, (see addemdum 3.9).

-the undergrounds can also spawn other SCP's. A copy of SCP-173 have been discovered in one of the radar rooms, SCP-096 was found wandering the tunnels. At the time SCP-096 has been discovered in SCP-████, SCP-096 had breached it's containment.

interviews with SCP-████ instances :

Important interviews :

Interview 2:1 "Lenin's return"
Interviewer : Dr Yaniz
Interviewed : Vladimir Illitch Lenin
Time : April ██ at : 07:02PM, year 20██

Dr Yaniz: good day sir, can i-

Lenin: good day, i thought that Alex would come to interview me at the end of the speech, but it's not important, forgive me for cutting your phrase, but this time, i have to go alot sooner, please take this note, i really have to go. Im sorry, i will see you or Alex soon.

Dr Yaniz: of course, i understand, thank you for your time.

end of interview 2:1

The note given by Lenin contained some "censorship" apparently applied "indirectly" on the note, Lenin probably had to give to some "censorship" administration. -Dr Yaniz

please, help me, they captured me, i miss my family and everything, i'm not happy where i am. They are not good.

hello, i'm affraid i can't Proceed in ExpLAining what the SEcret Military machinEs arE. It's very complicated, i Hate that i'm not abLe to exPlain more, as I believe that with your curious nature, it SeeMS annoyIng. I gave my words to the administration, and they █████, You might be FAMILiar with THose problEms, as i know You still have administrations. I aPpreCiATE yoUR interviews, it gives Me some Time to kill. It's All information i can give you, no description of our beautifull world. I HAvE asked them also if i could give You thE Fetail of the baTtle our glORious NatiOn fOuGht. My regards.


The note seems unclear, it does'nt really mean anything, as he gave us the note probably because he seemed it was important. There's probably a hidden message, seing the letters in caps. I will add the Text analyzer log if it detects anything. -Dr Yaniz

-Version 1.9.9
-Text_Analyzer_2.0 SCP foundation
-Manual log printing…
-done: showing results.

Text analyzer results : filename: Lenin's note

**Subject: hello, i'm affraid i can't Proceed in ExpLAining what the SEcret Military machinEs arE. It's very complicated, i Hate that i'm not abLe to exPlain more, as I believe that with your curious nature, it SeeMS annoyIng. I gave my words to the administration, and they █████, You might be FAMILiar with THose problEms, as i know You still have administrations. I aPpreCiATE yoUR interviews, it gives Me some Time to kill. It's All information i can give you, no description of our beautifull world. I HAvE asked them also if i could give You thE Fetail of the baTtle our glORious NatiOn fOuGht. My regards.


Procedure: hello, i'm affraid i can't Proceed in ExpLAining what the SEcret Military machinEs arE. It's very complicated, i Hate that i'm not abLe to exPlain more, as I believe that with your curious nature, it SeeMS annoyIng. I gave my words to the administration, and they █████, You might be FAMILiar with THose problEms, as i know You still have administrations. I aPpreCiATE yoUR interviews, it gives Me some Time to kill. It's All information i can give you, no description of our beautifull world. I HAvE asked them also if i could give You thE detail of the baTtle our glORious NatiOn fOuGht. My regards.




-letters added : 11
-message probability : 90%

-end of log

Dr Bogdan: Lenin warned us, we will have to be carefull from now. They are dangerous. Dr Vladnov might be right, after all.



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Notes for O5 Council :