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SCP-XXXX at the fragment from a video footage with minor color distortions.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is located in the fenced area surrounding the weak field of the anomaly and equipped with surveillance systems to give a clear view of SCP-XXXX. The unauthorized presence of any creature in the perimeter should be reported immediately. No important electronic devices should be brought into the perimeter unless it is required by testing procedures that were approved by personnel with clearance Level 2 or higher.

The field of SCP-XXXX is to be monitored for possible expansion or amplification after periods of abnormal oscillations of the aerials inside SCP-XXXX. Sensors and other active equipment for such procedures are to be replaced as soon as any device is malfunctioning. Needed replacements must be ordered into Area XXXX storage right after each procedure. Advanced and sensitive devices should be available in stock with at least two spare units.

Description: The main component of SCP-XXXX is a part of the station of the back-inclined sounding of the ionosphere located in █████████, ███████. The object represents an auxiliary system for the over-the-horizon radar, but recovered data suggests that it was only used as a radio interception point, then abandoned in 19██. Some records indicate various tests within this station, but the building was set on fire with all the archives, deeming further research of the intel impossible. It is speculated that the intended purpose of the object was stated only to hide a classified military objective.

SCP-XXXX is an ellipsoid embracing the inner circle of 971 (ninety-seven) 12 m high aerials and one-story building. Aerials in the area are vibrating with the constantly changing amplitude despite there being no connection to any working powered system.

Any electronics brought into SCP-XXXX are malfunctioning for unnatural reasons. When used inside the anomaly, capturing or tracking devices tend to record, emit or transmit static, looped signals, and non-recoverable corrupted data. SCP-XXXX has a weaker field where the effect is reduced to far less severe signal and data distortions. Most of the devices that were used in SCP-XXXX have their lifespan significantly reduced due to the unexplainable aging and overheating of the components to the point of complete failure.

The weak field is unstable, possibly expanding, currently being an oblate spheroid with an equatorial radius of 137m. The main field is a similar shape with a constant equatorial radius of 98m. The strong field is not measured but appears to cover the area of the building inside the SCP-XXXX whose perimeter is 45×35m.

The strong field, at 20.5m into the anomaly, starts to affect the nervous system of animals, causing spontaneous muscle contractions. Humans also experience clouding of consciousness and memory loss.

Addendum XXXX-1:

Dr. Braum's research report — 07.17.20██

Aerials appear to resonate with unknown signals from space which is the cause for the mechanical oscillations of the entire structure. The signal waves enter the atmosphere in a single area, then travel via a tapering beam with an initial diameter of approximately 4000 km at a diminishing speed from 510 m/s to 3 m/s. The beam ends in SCP-XXXX, where the signal is presumably absorbed by the aerial structure. The signals are not interacting with anything outside the anomaly, they also were impossible to track by any modern equipment until Foundation invented the specialized device prototype, but it requires a wire connection with at least two aerials inside SCP-XXXX, thus cosmic analysis is not possible as of yet. The data recovered from the ongoing research is still ambiguous, some observations defy the laws of physics.