
Item #: SCP-4062

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedure: SCP-4062's host is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell located in site-19, area 7. Before transport, SCP-4062’s host must be confirmed to be in a relaxed state before moving them to another part of the facility. This is a safety precaution to keep its host from triggering SCP-4062.

However, if an incident were to occur where SCP-4062 becomes violent then it must be sprayed with a foundation made herbicide. This was designed to temporarily disable its abilities to make it easier for staff to retrieve SCP-4062's host.

Furthermore, to keep SCP-4062's host occupied between experiments or observations they have received medical books that are to be kept in their containment cell. These items are not to be removed unless the host becomes violent or disobedient.

Description: SCP-4062 is a golden colored flower that resides in the right eye of its host. Its roots are spread throughout the inside of its host's body and even on the outside of the entity's face.

SCP-4062’s host is a humanoid entity with the roman numeral “one” printed on its forehead. The host is able to comprehend human speech and emulate human emotions. Yet, their body doesn't require any human necessities such as eating or sleeping.

As for the composition of their body, they have no human organs or fluids. Aside from the roots connected to SCP-4062, their body is completely hollow. Their skin is composed of fired kaolin a primary material used for making porcelain. Their attire is also attached to their outer skin, the fabric is made of various materials such as raw silk and cotton.