rating: 0+x
Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in a Safe-class storage box located at Site-28, with level 4 clearance being required for access. Any testing taking place with SCP-XXXX must be done through a shell company by non-Foundation staff at a location not directly maintained by The Foundation. D-Class Personnel assigned to test SCP-XXXX must not be allowed near any form of information-recording materials for at least three hours after testing.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a portable computer disc player, referred to as an ‘Anti-Skip CD Player’ on its original packaging. The object is similar to other Anti-Skip CD Players originally produced by Duraband starting in 2004, but features the statement 'Made in Crocodilopolis' instead of the expected 'Made in x' per standardized American product requirements. The CD player also suffers from discoloration and warping of the plastic due to long-term submersion in a source of freshwater. The apparent damage does not affect the functioning of the object.

SCP-XXXX’s anomalous properties manifest when a compact disc containing at least one audio file is inserted into SCP-XXXX, the listener has both of their ears covered by the attached earmuffs, and either the 'SKIP -' or 'SKIP+' buttons on the right side of the CD player are pressed. All other buttons on the CD player have no anomalous effects and function as expected.

When the ‘SKIP -’ button is pressed, the listener will cease to perceive anything or anyone that is directly related to The Foundation. Foundation sites will appear as empty lots or untouched landscape, and Foundation personnel will become intangible and imperceptible by the listener until after the ‘PLAY/PAUSE’ button is pressed or 60 seconds have elapsed. Pressing the ‘Skip-’ button multiple times has no effect. This effect only alters the perception of the user.

When the ‘SKIP +’ button is pressed, the listener will gain all knowledge of a single documented SCP that would relate to anything the individual knows about, is interested in, or is involved in. The information is reported to the user in the voice, style, and tempo of the associated CD audio. Pressing the button multiple times has no effect. Individuals under the effect of SCP-XXXX's 'SKIP +' effect can only recall the details of a single documented SCP at a time and will gradually lose the ability to recall the learned information over the course of three hours. All memories within the three hour time frame have been noted as being vague and unclear. Information recorded digitally, electronically, or mechanically by the affected individual will persist after they lose their affected memories.

Discovery: SCP-XXXX was discovered after Foundation webcrawlers discovered posts about classified logs pertaining to [[SCP-1000]] on the ‘/r/bigfoot’ board of Reddit. Mobile Task Force Zeta-1000 was immediately dispatched to the location of the IP address associated with the posts and apprehended an individual now referred to as POI XXXX-1.

Interview XXXX-1

Beginning of interview removed for brevity and clarity

Agent Arthur Mulaney: So explain to me again how you became aware of the information you posted on Reddit. From the beginning.

PoI XXXX-1: Sure uh… well it started when Mason1 hit me up asking me about some old tech hardware. I got on Discord with him, we caught up over some CoD, and I was telling him how to hotwire this CD player he had.

Agent: Do you recall any of the specifics relating to the modifications being made to the object?

PoI: Yeah, he was messing around with the circuits. Kept talking about some playback lag on it cus like, yeah, it's 20 year old tech. The thing looks like he fished it out of a swamp.

Agent: How do you know that?

PoI: Cus I held the thing man. It was waterlogged. Reeked like a fish farm too. He mailed it to me from fuckin' Egypt and paid me to work on it for him.

Agent: And what did you do to the object?

PoI: Wait, are you gonna arrest me? Mason wasn't gonna rig that thing to a bomb or some crazy shit was he?

Agent: No. Please answer the question.

PoI: Uh, okay man. I rewired the circuit board like he told me to and I put in one of my dad's Marty Robbins CDs to test it. The thing worked like a dream.

Agent: Did anything of note occur after that?

PoI: Yeah I think so, apparently I went on Reddit and wrote up all this crazy shit about Bigfoot that I started thinking up. I don't really remember doing it but it's under my login and I was planning on getting super high that weekend so it must've been me.

End of Transcript

Incident Report XXXX-2

After interview XXXX-1 was completed, Foundation Security Personnel present at Provisional Site 254 were informed to detain Dr. Hlad for further questioning. Upon approach, Dr. Hlad entered a panicked state and attempted to flee from present personnel. After three minutes of on-foot pursuit, Dr. Hlad was cornered and apprehended.

During escort from the facility, Dr. Hlad was assaulted by a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)2. After several seconds of mauling Dr. Hlad, the crocodile performed an anomalous maneuver similar to a 'death roll' to quickly transport itself and Dr. Hlad into the Nile River. Dr. Hlad or the culprit of his disappearance were unable to be located despite heavy personnel presence and active CCTV camera monitoring.