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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-XXXX is contained in a 9x9 humanoid containment cell inside Site-88. The cell's bedsheets are to be replaced by a D-Class equipped with a hazmat suit every 14 days. Books written in the 1800s are to be given to SCP-XXXX. The cell's interior is to be monitored by 2 research groups, Group 1 (The Intelligence), and Group 2 (Salad Gang).1 Dr. Kuznetsov and SCP-XXXX are to talk with each other for 1 hour every day.


SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity that appears as a 8´5¨ human woman. SCP-XXXX's hair appears as a crimson red color. SCP-XXXX wears a long red dress made out of a material made out of silk, human flesh and an unknown substance similar to elastic. SCP-XXXX has an anomalous touch that causes any living creature to turn against anyone SCP-XXXX deems to be dangerous to it. Anyone touched by SCP-XXXX is to be classified as SCP-XXXX-1. An SCP-XXXX-1 entity´s muscle strength is 5 times stronger than it's normal strength, this allows the entity to run faster, jump higher and attack quicker.
People affected by SCP-XXXX's touch can be changed back to normal with the use of Class C amnestics. SCP-XXXX has a calm personality, and does not act violent towards Foundation personnel. SCP-XXXX will only talk to Dr. Kuznetsov, as if anyone else attempts to talk to SCP-XXXX, it will appear to be uncomfortable and attempt to ignore the individual.