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Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be kept in Containment Locker xxxx in the shared office of Dr. Naamah and Jr. Researcher Cochran as to facilitate the continued testing long term use. Testing with SCP-xxxx is not to continue without approval from Dr. Naamah.1

Description: SCP-xxxx-A is an orange medicine bottle measuring 3cm in diameter and 7cm in height containing two 2mg pills of Estradiol (SCP-xxxx-A-1). A typo on the label indicates that SCP-xxxx-A actually contains "Estradial."

SCP-xxxx-B is a similar medicine bottle measuring 5cm in diameter and 8.5cm in height containing one 100 mg pill of Spironolactone (SCP-xxxx-B-1).

Both SCP-xxxx-A and SCP-xxxx-B are labelled with a Shoppers Drug Mart label. Both bottles are labelled as having been prescribed to "The girl reading this."
The following warnings are present on both bottles:

  • Take with Food.
  • May cause drowsiness and reduce alertness, use care when driving or operating machinery.
  • You should avoid some non-prescription medication. Ask your pharmacist for more information.
  • If you are not trans and you take this, you’re gonna have a bad time.

The last warning is accompanied by an icon of a winking skull in place of the standard warning icon.
Both bottles are labelled as having been prescribed by Dr. Endo T. Worl. Dr. Endo T. Worl has as of yet not been identified. It is believed that this name is a pun on the common shortening of endocrinologist, as well as a deconstruction of the Foundation’s mission statement. The refills field on each label increments once with each activation.

When SCP-XXXX-A and B are emptied, have their cap replaced, and are left unobserved, they create a new identical dosage, allowing for an infinite amount of both medications to be produced.

When SCP-xxxx-B-1 is taken orally by a human subject not fitting Profile Alpha-xxxx, subject experiences temperature sensation reversal, hot flashes and vivid hallucination. These effects appear to be universal to all not fitting Profile Alpha-xxxx, however, other symptoms appear inconsistently.

When SCP-xxxx-A-1 and SCP-xxxx-B-1 are taken orally by a human subject fitting Profile Alpha-xxxx they appear to behave the same as their standard pharmaceutical counterparts.

The first time a new person uses SCP-xxxx-A-1 or B-1 SCP-xxxx-A or B will also manifest a note measuring 1cm by 6cm (SCP-xxxx-A-2 and SCP-xxxx-B-2 respectively) in accordance with which medications are taken. SCP-xxxx-A/B-2 are only legible to the user. It is believed that the creators of SCP-xxxx are somehow informed of the creation of SCP-xxxx-A/B-2, and what text appears on them (See test logs and Addendum xxxx-B-C).

Recovery Log: SCP-xxxx was recovered from a piece of luggage after being flagged for a random search at JFK International Airport. SCP-xxxx were both activated following Airport staff's analysis of SCP-xxxx-A-1. Foundation personnel were notified, and SCP-xxxx were removed from a suitcase by on-site Foundation staff before the piece of luggage was re-packed and returned in time to make it's departing flight.

A subsequent attempt to detain the owner, identified as Dorathy Vermington (henceforth referred to as POI-xxxx), has unfortunately failed. Foundation personnel were sent to POI-xxxx's primary residence and were denied entry by POI-xxxx's mother. POI-xxxx's mother physically assaulted Foundation personnel before calling the police.

Test logs

Following testing with D-4812, Dr. Naamah has determined that further testing on D-class personnel should continue only in single dose testing except in circumstances where there is something unique to be gained from multi-dose testing. From this point forward it can be assumed that each test was conducted with one dose of SCP-xxxx-A and one dose of SCP-xxxx-B in conjunction unless stated otherwise.

All testing subjects not fitting Profile Alpha-xxxx from this point forward produced identical results to D-4812 and D-5982. All SCP-xxxx-A/B-2 from this point forward appeared blank.

Addendum xxxx-A: Document Ixxxx-01: Profile Alpha-xxxx:
Profile Alpha-xxxx subjects are human being assigned either intersex or male at birth who are, in fact, female or female aligned. As demonstrated by Ms. Cochran, Profile Alpha-xxxx subjects are not required to be aware of their gender, as SCP-xxxx seems to be able to determine whether or not a person fits this profile through anomalous means.

Addendum xxxx-B: following POI-xxxx's connection to airport Wi-Fi at her destination at Toronto Pearson International, the following chat-logs with members of GOI-5869 were recovered:

writers note: Spiro is actually also a heart medication in addition to being used for HRT. If both were left out, I can see a mistake like that happening.
writers note: dot herself is anomalous, thus facilitating her escape.
writers note: The bit about Dot's mom assaulting some foundation staff feeds into a tale I'm working on, and I think its cute, so I want to keep it, but if its way too goofy then I'm sure I can make some edits [[/footnote]]
writers note: Members of GOI-5869 are aware of the foundation through repeated run-ins.