

Working Title: The Triumvirate


Object Class: Euclid Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Observation Posts RCM-001, RCM-002, and RCM-003 have been established in order to maintain constant observation of SCP-XXXX. Each of these sites are approximately 1,000 meters from SCP-XXXX and are equidistant to each other (approximately 1,730 meters).

In addition to constant visual contact, special considerations have been taken in order to prevent the local population from directly interacting with SCP-XXXX1.
These measures include seismic activity detectors placed, approximately, every █████████ between each observation posts, thermal imaging systems, and Pyroelectric Infrared Systems (PIRs).

Due to SCP-XXXX's proximity to ██████ and ████████████, security operatives at each site are instructed to detain any civilians attempting to enter the containment zone of SCP-XXXX. Upon detainment, all civilians are to be debriefed, and subsequently administered a class B amnestic and a Class B sedative, and promptly returned to the nearest civilian population center.

Description: SCP-XXXX was brought to The Foundation's attention via communications with Outpost EC-137-B, an establishment in rural ███████. Communications mentioned the local nomadic population's fascination with a particular mountain range in the area. Claims of a blue or violet colored glow were common. After corroborating local innuendo with regional legends and history, a detachment of Mobile Task Force Mu-13 was sent to the area to ascertain the validity of the stories. Upon investigation of the surrounding area, SCP-XXXX was discovered and cataloged.

SCP-XXXX is a sphere of (typically) visible light floating above a stone column. SCP-XXX is approximately two meters in diameter, though its dimensions have been observed to change. The stone column is cylindrical, approximately 1.5 meters in diameter, and two meters in height, and comprised entirely of a yet-unclassified stone2. SCP-XXXX and its column are flanked on three sides by figures, approximately four meters in height, and humanoid in appearance. These figures have been given the designations of SCP-XXXX-001, 002, and 003, respectively.

These figures are depictions of humanoid entities with that are similar in structure, but unique when considering their finer details, such as depicted gender, body pose and position, and their individual non-humanoid features. Each of these figures is seemingly constructed by the same stone SCP-XXXX's column is made of and maintain the same durability of said stone.