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Item #: SCP-4052

Object Class: Safe Keter

Special Containment Procedures: [Paragraphs explaining the procedures]

Description: SCP-4052 refers to the network known as Local 58 (████-TV) and its unusual broadcasts that began in the 1960s and continuing up to the present day. The network is known to serve the towns of ████████, ██████ ████, and █████ █████, ████ ████████, United States. The broadcasts have consisted of the following:

  • A broadcast which seems to portray the United States surrendering to an unknown enemy. Broadcast gives instructions on how to commit suicide to "take America with [them]" and that the message will repeat until there is no one left to see it.
  • A program which appears to be a 1930s-era children cartoon. It depicts a small creature named "Cadavre" who is apparently searching for his spouse's grave. He finds a realistic skeleton in an empty grave before wandering around a bit. Near the end, he returns to the grave only to find it empty, and he lies down facing upward looking at the sky. Afterwards, [DATA EXPUNGED], and the cartoon ends.
  • A dashcam video with a timestamp of ██/██/202█, which shows the driver following a route chosen by a GPS. The route begins to show bizarre turns, eventually leading the driver into a forest before instructing the driver to stop. An unknown entity can then be seen in the distance, which gets closer to the vehicle before attacking and presumably killing the occupant, ending the video.
  • An Emergency Alert System message that instructs viewers to not go outside as a meteorological event involving the moon is occurring, and that it should not be viewed with the naked eye. It is then is hijacked by an unknown individual claiming that the alert has been lifted and the moon is safe to look at. It is then again hijacked but by a different unknown individual, warning that the previous message is a hoax and people should stay indoors and not look at any mirrors, or have any windows open. It is again hijacked but now shows a series of messages claiming that "the moon found me through the mirror" and "[we] will look together" before cutting to a live feed of the moon. Screaming can be heard from citizens below, and it is hypothesized that the moon was emitting some sort of unknown force that causes humans to [DATA EXPUNGED].

All of the above broadcasts have been followed by a message from Local 58 apologizing for the incident. No reason has been found as to why these strange broadcasts occur. After the conclusion of Incident 4052-49A-1 and subsequent interview on ██/██/2019, it has been determined that the broadcasts of Local 58 may be representing a forthcoming XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. Further information is classified and may only be accessed by Level 5 Personnel or the O5 council.

Addendum 4052-1A: Incident 4052-49A-1 and Interview: