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SCP-34-85-J prior to containment, with several affected individuals riding atop. Note: 5 more victims are in the interior of SCP-34-85-J.

Item #: SCP-34-85-J

Object Class: Stronk

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-34-85-J is to be held inside a 25 x 25 metre box, made of 50 cm thick solid steel, with a hatch on top. At least two (2) replacement boxes must be on-site at all times. The box is to be suspended via chain over a 20m x 20m x 10m hole in the concrete containment chamber filled with four million litres of water. This pool is edged by drains, and a half-metre high wall to absorb waves. The eighty-five (85) instances of SCP-34-85-J-1 are to be held in high-security storage lockers.

Description: SCP-34-85-J is identical in nearly all ways to a standard soviet T-34-85, however, it is made of a previously unknown material, designated SCP-34-85-J-1. The material is metallic, lightweight, and extremely durable. In the factory SCP-34-85-J was constructed in, several cargo manifests had "Stalinium" written on them. All other materials listed were that of a normal vehicle, so it was deduced that "Stalinium" was SCP-34-85-J-1. In the factory, eighty-five (85) sheets of "Stalinium" were found, all one square metre. During a containment breach, SCP-106 came into contact with seven (7) sheets of "Stalinium". SCP-106 could not dissolve the sheets.