
SCP-4156 prior to containment.

Item #: SCP-4156

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4156 is to be kept in a body of water in Cell 44C which is 100m x 85m x 45m. It is kept in this huge space because it constantly needs to move, or it will suffocate. It shares this attribute with sharks. SCP-4156 is fed many creatures such as Sharks, Whales (sometimes), fish - usually tuna and such and sometimes just raw flesh and D-class personnel. Cell 44C needs proper filtration at all times, to keep SCP-4156 alive, malfunctioning of this system will result in a situation like Incident 4156-1 (see below).
Description:SCP-4156, or "Mistaken Predatory Whale" is an endothermic predatory whale, thought to have gone extinct ███ MYA. It's scientific name is Basilosaurus phagellans, at least of this specimen. Very few whales have been found, and have been observed to be 27.7 meters long on average, which is way above the normal theorized maximum of 20 meters or Basilosaurus cetoides. B. phagellans has only lived for about 32 years approximately. Observation is very difficult, since it frequently moves around, and requires large amounts of food to maintain.
SCP-4156 is also called "[DATA EXPUNGED]", because it was mistaken for a Mosasaur back in 19██. SCP-4156 is larger than the largest know Mosasaur, which could grow up to ██m, making it very large. The only animal that could grow bigger than it was the Blue Whale and [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-4156 was discovered roughly 16 years ago. It can kill anything as large as whales or sharks as large as Carcharochles and others. Its teeth are measured at 55cm and it weighed in at about 188 tons. It is one of the most massive living things in containment.
No known living organism (not counting SCPs) can survive even a single bite of B. phagellans. Basilosauridae have been long gone, but SCP-4156 is still the largest and most massive example of Lazarus Taxa in general, and kept in containment.
B. phagellans has been observed to been able to hear as far as 1.8km away through walls, and can smell blood from up to ██km away. SCP-4156 can move up to 8m/s at times, which is very fast even for the Basilosaurs. This speed makes them frustrating to examine at times. It has killed a total of thirty-six (36) D-class personnel and so far no scientists or guards and MTFs. SCP-4156 has also been able to replicate sounds of any animal, except humans. Only very simple sentences can be said to it to understand. SCP-4156 has three (3) other specimens. SCP-4156-3, also known as "Delta-4156" or "Δ-4156", having larger teeth, up to 61cm, SCP-4156-7, which has escaped containment, and we know it was ██ meters long, and weighed ███ tons instead of 188 and SCP-4156-16. SCP-4156-16 had smaller teeth, and generally was smaller, instead of having 55cm teeth, it had 48cm teeth, instead of being 27.7 meters long, it was 25.4 meters long, but it was exceptionally intelligent. It could replicate any noises or sounds, independently think and understand complex sentences said by humans and it would have its own complex speech, which is called [DATA EXPUNGED]. Not much is known about it, although it is known that it is a series of clicking sounds and long whale-like howl sounds, matching those of orcas and blue whales. It could also almost perfectly replicate human speech. Instead of certain sounds, they have short and long click sounds. SCP-4156-7 has escaped, and is still getting hunted down by a team of ██ Nine-Tailed Fox personnel and scientists, which will make an autopsy after the kill is achieved for further examination. Close observation of the whales has shown that SCP-4156 can understand SCP-4156-3, so can SCP-4156-16. SCP-4156-7 has no codename currently.