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Item #: SCP-3XXX

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Two armed guards, in the guise of local security staff for the Worldwide Wonders tourism company, are to be stationed on the premise of the castle that surrounds SCP-3XXX. The door leading to SCP-3XXX has been fitted with a motion-detection system that will trigger should anything come within 5m of the door. Civilian trespassers are to be turned away or, if necessary, treated with Class-A anmestics and released. Hostile trespassers are to be detained for questioning when possible. In the case that further assistance is needed or that contact is lost with the guards on duty, MTF-Beta-10 (“Time Hoppers”) is to be dispatched to investigate and re-secure the area.

Updated on 06/12/1998 (See Addendum-01): A single camera, affixed to a 3” telescope, is to be placed directly outside the entrance to SCP-3XXX and aimed at SCP-3XXX-C. The footage is to be reviewed and telescope alignment checked every 24 hours. Should SCP-3XXX-C show any signs of movement, a level-3 researcher is to be notified immediately.

No further exploration of SCP-3XXX is permitted, pending level-4 approval. Staff are authorized to fire upon any trespasser attempting to enter SCP-3XXX.

Description: SCP-3XXX is a vast landscape of extra-dimensional origin, accessible via a doorway behind what was once the throne room of Faluga Castle, in southern Spain.1

The region inside SCP-3XXX is in a state of perpetual twilight. No flora or fauna exist within and no stars are visible in the sky. The ground and all geographic formations within SCP-3XXX are composed entirely of dark gray hexagonal columns.2 Hills are visible at the horizon. They emit a dull white light and streaks of pink, orange, and yellow colors which fade into the sky. The hills appear at the same distance in all directions and from all positions within SCP-3XXX during all explorations.3

The entrance to SCP-3XXX leads to the base of a large mountain composed entirely of gray hexagonal columns. A structure has been built into the mountain side, designated SCP-3XXX-A. It is, as best as can be ascertained from extant records, identical in appearance and layout to Faluga Castle at the time of its original construction. The only discrepancy is a single stone slab located in the center of the court room of SCP-3XXX-A, inscribed with the words Nam Aeternum.4 SCP-3XXX-A is composed of an unknown material that absorbs all electromagnetic wavelengths below 800nm and has an apparent Mohs hardness greater than that of diamond. For access to a mapping of SCP-3XXX-A, contact head researcher Hector Lamar Antonio Val.

No mechanical devices function within SCP-3XXX, including wrist-watches and ball-point pens (in the latter case, the ink simply stays in place in the pen when dragged across paper). Additionally, all persons cease biological functions upon entering SCP-3XXX. Heartbeats cannot be detected by other persons or themselves. Subjects are able to hold their breath indefinitely without consequence, and metabolic processes 'freeze' as best as can be measured. Subjects who have stayed in SCP-3XXX for extended periods of time do not experience hunger or thirst. Subjects who enter SCP-3XXX remain conscious despite these effects, and resume normal function upon exiting SCP-3XXX without apparent consequence.

Within SCP-3XXX-A, as well as scattered throughout the landscape of SCP-3XXX, are several statues. All have been found within 7km of SCP-3XXX-A. Each statue has been given a designation SCP-3XXX-#, and the locations are noted on the mapping of SCP-3XXX. Each statue depicts a single individual, usually in the midst of performing some action or pose. Those found within SCP-3XXX-A tend to be standing or sitting in close proximity to other instances. Their body language and facial expressions, as felt by researchers, imply a range of emotional states across instances. Those locsted outside of SCP-3XXX-A are universally in poses that imply flight from the castle or else they seem to have fallen and are lying on the ground. Their features exhibit distress.

Of note is that several 'branches' of rough stone extrude from these statues, 'growing' from seemingly arbitrary points into the nearby ground. No statue has been found with more than 5 9 such growths. Since its discovery in 1938, no changes have been observed within SCP-3XXX (See Addenda).

Addendum-01 (06/12/1998): On 06/10/1998, at 1:37pm, local time, the motion sensors surrounding the entrance to SCP-3XXX were triggered. Two members of MTF-Beta-10 were dispatched as a precaution. On-site security responded and discovered a single human male (later reclassified as SCP-3XXX-B) in a state of extreme panic. The following interview was conducted impromptu and recorded by head researcher Hector Lamar as staff attempted to calm the subject.

Interviewed: SCP-3XXX-B

Interviewer: Level-3 Researcher Hector Lamar

Foreword: Interview is translated from Spanish. SCP-3XXX-B spoke an archaic dialect of Spanish, which Foundation etymologists have deduced emerged from the nearby region around the year 1500. SCP-3XXX-B is audibly distressed during most of the interview.

<Begin Log, 12: 57pm>

Interviewer: "What is your name?"

SCP-3XXX-B: "Praise God, the sun! Where am I? What is this place?"

Interviewer: "Please answer my question. What is your name? Where did you come from? Did you emerge from that door?"

Note: At this point researcher Lamar pointed at the entrance to SCP-3XXX.

SCP-3XXX-B: “Yes, the.. the hole in the mountain… I could not believe my eyes. It was not there before. I thought I would spend the rest of eternity in that place. I—”

Note: SCP-3XXX-B begins weeping. A minute passes before the subject is composed enough to speak again.

Interviewer: “What is your name?”

SCP-3XXX-B: “I am Lope de Cartarón. Who are you?”

Interviewer: “I can't tell you that right now. What were you doing inside of there? How did you get there?”

SCP-3XXX-B: “Inside? Inside of what? I have been praying for a respite from this hell for… God! I wanted to die. I begged for it, but there was nothing left to heed my prayers. All I could do was run, but it was never enough. He was always there, on the horizon.”

Interviewer: “Who?”

SCP-3XXX-B: “The king."

Interviewer: “What king? Why is your world in its current state?”

SCP-3XXX-B: “It is… was… my king… I was not near him when it happened, but… It was him. I am certain. My king…"

Interviewer: “Please continue. Explain what you can.”

Note: SCP-3XXX-B pauses for several moments. He is still visibly agitated and breaks his speech several times to weep.

SCP-3XXX-B: “I was in the gardens when it happened, with Isabella. We were in attendance of the queen's funeral. She had grown tired of the festivities. It was too sad an occasion for her, she said. She could not find happiness in her sister's death. Myself, I was simply bored, and I wished to—to comfort her. I had attended many funerals—oh how I miss death—and this one had been put off for too long. His majesty loved his queen dearly. I had waited on him for weeks, tended to him as he grieved, but his mood only worsened. I had to make the funeral arrangement myself, for he would not accept that he must begin to move on. He lay in his room, weeping and begging God for aid.

'More time,' I remember him pleading. 'Give her more time, take it from me if you must.'

No God I recognize answered his prayers. That thing he became… it is the devil. The land is gone, my friends, my family… I don't know what happened to Isabella, but she must be gone by now as well. That place is worse than death. The devil is there.. he… I still feel him coming. This place… we must leave this place. We must flee further inward, if we can.”

Interviewer: “Please stay seated—”

SCP-3XXX-B: “Tell me! Is this place another world? Is that where I am? Can you save me?”

Interviewer: “I need more information from you first—“

SCP-3XXX-B: “Fool! We don't have time. He approaches even now! Can you not see his shadow?”

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Subject refused to answer further questions. When on-site personnel attempted to restrain him, subject became violent and attacked the researchers. This coincided with the arrival of MTF-Beta-10-Alpha and -Bravo, and SCP-3XXX-B was shot twice in the legs when he attacked the new arrivals. Subject expired almost immediately afterward.5 The subject's body was cold to the touch, and later investigation revealed that his blood had not been pressurized. It is unknown why metabolic stasis persisted after the subject exited SCP-3XXX.

Upon subsequent exploration of SCP-3XXX, a new stone figure (later reclassified as SCP-3XXX-C) was discovered. It is currently located 9.3 7.1 km from the entrance. The figure is roughly humanoid, and composed of the same material as SCP-3XXX-A. It has no limbs, only a torso that is fused with the ground around it, and no features are visible on its face. Thick stone 'branches', similar to those that grow from SCP-3XXX-# instances, connect the torso to the ground. Thin versions of these branches grow from its head, forming what resembles a “crown of woven stone."6 A total of 271 273 gemstones are imbued within its body; their composition cannot be verified, but they appear to be a mix of morganite, rubies, garnets, zircon, and tanzanite. No pattern has been found in their arrangement.

Addendum-02 (07/12/1998): After one week of no contact from on-site personnel, MTF-Beta-10 was dispatched to investigate SCP-3XXX. The castle surrounding its entrance was abandoned, and it was discovered that two additional statues had been created near SCP-3XX-C's initial location (now labeled SCP-3XXX-272 and SCP-3XXX-273).