I see, you see, we all see, anomaly.
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SCP XXXX Outside Site 193 for testing.

Item#: SCP - XXXX

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The containment chamber of SCP XXXX is to be monitored at all times. No personnel below clearance level 4 are permitted to be informed of up to 60% of information surrounding the nature of SCP XXXX. Information regarding the nature of SCP XXXX is regarded as info-hazardous and proper protocols are to be maintained at all times.

Should personnel show changes in appearance or in their voice, they are to be treated with amnestics or transferred to another project.

Subject XXXX - 1 and Subject XXXX - 2 are to be kept within standard humanoid containment chambers equipped with a window with any or all of the following testing equipment: Live Video Surveillance, Playback Video Surveillance, Standard Photography Cameras, Infrared Cameras, and/or Audio Surveillance equipment.

Subjects XXXX - 1 and XXXX - 2 are to be fed humanoid rations consistent with feeding times, provided with running water and a lavatory station.

Description: SCP XXXX is a humanoid figure which has no definable form, but rather appears differently on every surveillance type by an individual. When an individual sees SCP XXXX, they will view SCP XXXX in a different physical appearance than other observers. Photographs, video recordings, live feeds, audio transmissions and infrared cameras have also shown to yield a different physical or auditory appearance.

Tests have shown that each individual instance of SCP XXXX will present identical tactile, odour, physical appearance and behaviour as expected for that form. When SCP XXXX is an inanimate object, subjects report the form remains stationary even sometime after SCP XXXX is no longer in the area. After some time the inanimate form will disappear from said location and will reappear relevant to where SCP XXXX is currently located.

SCP XXXX was obtained by the foundation in the wake of Site-193's opening. During the night, following the importation of a new SCP to the site, Security Personnel Michael Smidt noticed an oak tree (of the genus Quercus) inside of containment cell 398. The containment chamber was closed and locked and security teams were dispatched to analyse the situation. Debate sparked after teams attempted to define what resided in the containment chamber.

Interview SCP XXXX - 1 was initiated soon after containment was assured. Junior researcher Dr. Jonathon Ingram conducted the interview, as he viewed SCP XXXX as a 26 year old brunette female. Interview was conducted behind a bulletproof glass window situated in the containment chamber.

Following this interview, security cameras were viewed and SCP XXXX can be seen traversing the site and eventually finding the containment chamber. Security following importation of SCPs has been updated.


Test XXXX-1 was conducted to explore what research staff observe when studying SCP XXXX. Test results are listed below.

Following the results of test XXXX - 2, another test was conducted which explored what effects common medication would have on SCP XXXX. Results are listed below.

Following a temporary absence of Dr. Jonathon Ingram, Dr. Julia rose posed a question to which was subsequently tested. Could the onsite supercomputer decode or process a photograph of SCP XXXX? Test results are displayed below.

Addendum SCP XXXX - 1

Note from Site Director Kevin Hershel and 05 - 7: The following interview log and medical documentation have been heavily redacted due to the hypothesis that information surrounding the incident is info-hazardous. The following Incident Report has also been redacted with only personnel with clearance level 4 or higher allowed to access it. Data collected from Test XXXX - 1 is to also be considered outdated.

The entity has been recategorized as Euclid.