First Draft for 5627
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Item #: SCP-5627

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5627 is to remain in a 4 kilometer squared lake in █████. Barbed wire fencing is to surround the lake. All residents within a 10-kilometer radius are to be administered amnesiac and relocated.
Armed guards are to be stationed at the dock at which SCP-5627 is located.

Description: SCP-5627 is a sky and sea brand rubber inflatable pool ring with yellow and blue stripes in an alternating pattern. The hole in the middle measures 49 centimeters.

Upon entering SCP-5627, you will see nothing but black for approximately 7 seconds. After those 7 seconds, you will be 6 feet underwater. When you surface you will encounter 5 human-like entities on the dock labeled SCP-5627-1 to SCP-5627-5. They are fully cooperating with foundation staff and have even allowed DNA samples to be taken of them.

Addendum 5627-A

Interviewed: SCP-5627-2

Interviewer: Dr.███

Foreword: The following is an interview conducted on June 8th, ████.

<Begin Log>

Dr.███: Thank you for talking to me today.

SCP-5627-2: Of course! Can I get you a drink before we start?

Dr.███: I’m ok. Can you please tell me your age.

SCP-5627-2: I’m 13, turning 14 on ████.
Dr.███: Ok. When I came out of the water, were there any splashes or strange occurrences?
SCP-5627-2 well there was a splash in the wormhole.
Dr.███: The wormhole?
SCP-5627-2 Yeah! It’s what we call the inflatable tube thingy. When we dive into it it looks like we disappear into a wormhole!
Dr.███: Can you show me?
SCP-5627: Sure!
SCP-5627-2 proceeds to jump into SCP-5627 and vanish without a splash. It does not resurface until 1 hour and 27 minutes later
Dr.███: Do you know how long you were gone for?
SCP-5627-2: Yeah of course. I was in the water for like 5 seconds.
Dr.███: You were in the water for over an hour.
SCP-5627-5 Are you ok there buddy? He was only in the water for a few seconds. Maybe you need to head back from wherever you came from.
<End Log>

Closing Statement: Following SCP-5627-5’s request, Dr.███ jumped through SCP-5627 and returned to the original lake. What transpired has started experiments to see if time works differently in SCP-5627.