
Item #: SCP-6890

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6890-1 is to be contained in an air tight sealed plastic bag with a steel zipper which gaps are less than 0.0625 mm wide. It can be contained in a room of any size, but must be dry with no possible moisture able to enter the room or the bag. Any SCP that produces, contains or is fed liquid/something that contains moisture is not allowed to be within 20 metres of SCP-6890-1’s cell. All personnel stepping within 20 metres of SCP-6890-1’s cell must leave any forms of liquid on their person behind.

SCP-6890-2 is currently contained in an air tight room 8 feet tall and floor 80 feet squared but can be of any size, no moisture must be able to enter the room and must be kept in dry conditions. Any SCP that produces, contains or is fed liquid/something that contains moisture cannot come within 20 metres of SCP-6890-2’s cell. All personnel coming within 20 metres of SCP-6890-2’s cell must abandon any forms of liquid on their person behind.

Description: SCP-6890-1 appears to look identical to a grain of sand from the human eye, varying in colour depending on what liquids it has absorbed. When SCP-6890-1 is examined with a micro scope it is shown to have over 1 million tiny legs along its whole body attached to a small brain. The more liquid SCP-6890-1 has absorbed the thicker its legs become.

In SCP-6890-1 Experiment 1 1 litre of water and 2 litres of water were both detected by SCP-6890-1 within 200 metres of the liquids, it crawled towards both increasing in speed the closer it got reaching a max of 60 miles an hour. When SCP-6890-1 reached both liquids locations it absorbed the water and multiplied (we will not refer to each grain as a new anomaly to help reports), multiplication getting slower the larger the body of liquid. Studying grains after SCP-6890-1 Experiment 1 showed that each grain had its own brain, each one had its own different shade of colour and each’s legs were slimmer or thicker depending on amount of liquid absorbed. So far it is unknown if there is a limit on how much one grain can absorb.

In SCP-6890 Experiment 2 a Class D personnel 8904 was permitted to enter SCP-6890-2’s cell after 225 grams of SCP-6890-1 was transferred to a separate cell. SCP-6890-2 would cling to the wall closet to a liquid. Once the D class was asked to unzip the zip on the plastic bag of SCP-6890-2 it immediately crawled up his arm entering through his mouth, cuts and eyes, however most entered through the mouth. The D Class reported that after the initial attack he could only feel a small bit of sand in his eyes and mouth, 6 hours into the experiment the D Class’s skin was pale and he complained about a dry mouth and feeling cold, 4 hours following the event they reported having breathing difficulties. At 12 hours in the D Class screamed about feeling the sand crawl inside them making its way into his throat before beginning to cough up sand, dying of suffocation after 6 minutes.

After SCP-6890-2 Experiment 1 it is theorized that SCP-6890-1 and SCP-6890-2 are a hive mind and pose high coordination skills, as shown through nearly all of SCP-6890-2 grains gathered in the throat at the same time to suffocate D Class 8904. It is unknown weather SCP-6890-1 and SCP-6890-2 are able to communicate.

SCP-6890-1 and SCP-6890-2 can be eliminated by reaching an unfixed melting point dependant on how much liquid the grain absorbed, ranging from 1700 C to 4000 C to our current knowledge. If SCP-6890-1 is notified to be in an area said area will be bombed with bombs that will be the correct melting point.

Currently SCP-6890-2 is being used as an infinite source of glass as it is identical to regular glass. Only different dependant on the amount of liquid absorbed. The more liquid absorbed the weaker the glass.

In log:


Dr Byron: “SCP-6890-2 experiment 1, D Class personnel 8904 has volunteered to be put in a space with SCP-6890-2. D Class 8904 please unzip the bag.”
The D Class complies and SCP-6890-2 immediately enters his body through his cuts, eye ands mouth.

8904: “ I don’t feel it as much in my eyes or mouth anymore”


8904’s skin begins to appear pale and eyes blood shot.

8904: “Dr am I aloud to get a drink in here or something?”

Dr Byron: “No liquids are aloud within SCP-6890-2’s cell”

8904: “So much for a last supper”


8904: “hey I'm starting feel a little short of breath in hear Dr”
The D class looks even more pale.


8904: “I can feel it Dr ah, its c-crawling in my viens ahhhh”

Dr Byron: “please describe which direction it is heading”

8904: “m-my throat”
The D Class began coughing up sand till he suffocated to death in 6 minutes and 34 seconds.

Log began: 4/6/2014 5PM

Log end: 4/6/2014 5AM