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The front side of SCP-XXXX
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a passcode-secured locker accessible to only level 3+ personnel.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an NES cartridge of SUPER MARIO BROS./DUCK HUNT, with white paper taped on from underneath labeled "THE SLEEPING GAME" in permanent marker. The backside of SCP-XXXX is a symbol of unknown origin, seemingly ingraved with a knife. SCP-XXXX seems to be completely untampered with from the outside of the cartridge. SCP-XXXX is playable on any NES or bootlegged systems that will play NES cartridges.

When SCP-XXXX is started, there needs to be a person playing it, as the game will not start if there is no one holding the controller. SCP-XXXX's setting is a dark gray cave with no lights and SCP-XXXX's player controlled character is a humanoid goat with red eyes. On the top of the screen, there is an objective labeled “COLLECT”. The only way to progress the game is to walk right in the cave. Every 5 minutes after walking right, a doll will be on the cave floor, able to be picked up by the player. Approximately every 30 seconds, a message will show up on screen for 0.05 seconds. Playback of tapes show that these messages mainly vary from “SLEEP IS GOOD.” or “GO TO SLEEP.”, although other messages have been recorded. There is no ending to the game, as you can keep walking presumably for an unlimited amount of time.

After using SCP-XXXX, the subject will then fall into a deep REM stage sleep. The length of this sleep will depend on how long the subject previously played SCP-XXXX. The subject cannot be woken up from their sleep by any outside forces or objects, and will have to wake up on their own. After waking, the subject will recall having extremely depressing and painful nightmares. Most subjects recall being tortured, such as their families being murdered in front of them, or being cut and beaten slowly. All subjects, however, recall the torturer as the player controlled goat in SCP-XXXX. This goat is known as SCP-XXXX-1.

Addendum XXXX-01: Retrieval Log
On a raid of the ███████ terrorist camp in █████, Tajikistan, numerous interrogation rooms meant for torturing enemies were found. Most rooms had notebooks with information written down, presumably from making the victims speak out on information. Each of the rooms had a different method, such as the tiger bench, or a room filled with long knives. In the fourth room, several people tied to beds with rope were found. Each victim was found deceased or in a comatose state. In the fifth room, a setup comprising of these objects was discovered:

  • 1 CRT television
  • 1 Oil lantern
  • 10 meters of rope
  • 1 wooden chair
  • 1 NES and controller

No notebook was found in this room, presumably because SCP-XXXX was used for punishment rather than a means of getting information. SCP-XXXX was taken back to the foundation after the raid for testing.

Addendum XXXX-02: Test Log

Subject: D-81754
Test: D-81754 is instructed to play SCP-XXXX for 15 minutes.
Results: After D-81754 was escorted back to his cell, he immediately fell into the REM stage of sleep for approval 1 hour.

Subject: D-35735
Test: D-35753 is instructed to play SCP-XXXX for 1 hour.
Results: After D-35753 was escorted back to his cell, he immediately fell into the REM stage of sleep for approximately 12 hours.

Subject: D-92774
Test: D-92774 is instructed to play SCP-XXXX for 4 Hours.
Results: D-92774 fell asleep on his way back to his cell while being escorted by staff. He was in the deep stages of REM sleep for approximately 2 days.

Subject: D-57211
Test: D-57211 is instructed to play SCP-XXXX for 10 hours.
Results: 10 seconds after the test was concluded, D-57211 fell into a comatose state. After not waking up after 7 days, D-57211 was terminated.