From Outta Town
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a Class 3 Anomalous Object Container when not being tested or under-recording. The container will be kept in a Safe Storage Locker inside its current facility.

SCP-XXXX is to be relocated to a set of predetermined secure facilities every six weeks to allow the accumulation of data concerning SCP-XXXX-1.

When under surveillance, SCP-XXXX is turned on and placed inside of a glass cube of appropriate measurements. These recording sessions last 36 hours and will be monitored, they will be stored in the Foundation's database, available to any Foundation personnel with Level 1 Clearance. Some files are yet to be declassified.

Any experiments should be conducted in Large Testing Chambers located on the ground level of the current facility.


SCP-XXXX is a Sony HDR-CX240E camcorder that records and displays footage of an alternate reality, designated SCP-XXXX-1. When an individual comes into contact with the object they will experience an unobservable transition into SCP-XXXX-1.

They become are incorporeal but remain visible to nearby individuals. In return, they are able to fully interact with SCP-XXXX-1, making them vulnerable to the possible hazards that reside within this dimension.

Research into differences between baseline reality and SCP-XXXX-1 is currently underway; the laws of physics are consistent across both realities as far as testing shows.


On March 19th, 2019, several reports of confirmed encounters with an SCP-XXXX affected individual "walking on thin air" came in from [REDACTED]. The affected individual was deceased upon recovery; autopsy results determined the cause of death to be a fatal fall from an undetermined height. The object and the man's body were taken in by Foundation field agents. Witnesses have been given Class-A amnestics and all traces of the incident have been successfully removed. Examinations have determined that the deceased man was non-anomalous, but the camcorder is. A receipt was found in the man's possessions, which lead to the local department store. Nothing noteworthy has been found at the scene according to forensics.

Test Log

Test #001

Assigned Staff: Dr. Antonov, with Dr. Murray assisting
Location: Site-15
Date: 24/03/2019

Procedure: D-10763 (designated as subject) has been instructed to turn on SCP-XXXX and report their surroundings. Remote observation is being conducted via Audio-Visual equipment attached to the subject's chest harness.


Figure 2: A still taken from the SCP-XXXX-1 documents. This is what Site-15 looks like in SCP-XXXX-1.

Results: After the research staff instructs the subject to turn on SCP-XXXX, he falls through the surface on which he was standing. D-10763 had descended approximately 0.6 kilometers into the earth, a dig has been organized to recover the subject and SCP-XXXX not long after said incident. The object and the already deceased body of D-10763 were eventually recovered. The cause of the subject's death has been determined to be a fatal fall. Recovered camera footage shows a giant crater (See Figure 2).

Addendum #001-1: Forensic analysis on D-10763 has revealed a significant amount of radiation emanating from his body. It is thought to have come from the crater seen within SCP-XXXX-1. The site has initiated a biosafety level protocol for the time being.

Test #021

Assigned Staff: Dr. Wily, with Dr. Light
Location: Site-45
Date: 26/06/2019

Procedure: D-12985 (designated as subject) has been instructed to turn on SCP-XXXX and report their surroundings. A standard procedure as defined by initial testing is to be exercised. The equipment has been modified to withstand possible interactions with water.


Figure 3: A still taken from the SCP-XXXX-1 documents. This is what Site-45 looks like in SCP-XXXX-1.

Results: Researchers instruct the subject to connect SCP-XXXX to his microcomputer harness and to turn it on. The subject complies. Coverage of SCP-XXXX-1 shows Site-45 to be intact, but everything appears to be frozen. While examining, subject D-12985 expresses mild hypothermia and states that he is feeling cold and that he wants to quit testing. The researchers deny the subject's request but offer to bring thermal apparel. Once D-12985 has changed into suitable attire, the researchers instructed the subject to enter Site-45. D-12985 makes his way through Site-45, footage of SCP-XXXX-1 shows the facility to be dormant and unkept(See Figure 3). The subject collapsed and ceased life function after emerging from the facility. The cause of death is hypothermia. Testing ended immediately after.

Addendum #021-1: Later tests have revealed that the marine life in SCP-XXXX-1 appears to be almost non-existent. Causes are currently unknown.

Test #078

Assigned Staff: Dr. Powers, with Dr. Brooks assisting
Location: Site-69
Date: 16/09/2019

Procedure: D-12985 (designated as subject) has been instructed to turn on SCP-XXXX and report their surroundings. A standard procedure as defined by initial testing is to be exercised.


Figure 4: A still taken from the SCP-XXXX-1 documents. This is what Site-69 looks like in SCP-XXXX-1.

Results: The research staff instructs D-13986 to turn on SCP-XXXX and examine the surrounding area. Footage of SCP-XXXX-1 shows no sign of Site-69's existence, but a small group of men is seen praying on the ground, which seems to be covered with drawings of wormholes (See Figure 4). D-13986 is instructed to try and interact with the men, the subject complies and touches one of the men on his shoulder. The man abruptly makes a jumping motion backward and immediately starts revering the phenomenon that he just witnessed. The other men follow suit and start praying unintelligibly. Not long after, the research staff ends the test.

Addendum #078-1: The unintelligible praying has been identified to be Portuguese, these men kept repeating the sentence "Todos saudam o senhor da realidade, todos saudam Kurz", which translates to "All hail the reality lord, all hail Kurz".

Test #128

Assigned Staff: Dr. Lucas, Dr. Roddenberry, with Dr. Scott assisting
Location: Area-32
Date: ██/██/████

Procedure: D-11874 (designated as subject) has been instructed to turn on SCP-XXXX and report their surroundings. A standard procedure as defined by initial testing is to be exercised. The equipment has been modified to withstand UV-radiation from the sun.


Figure 5: A still taken from the SCP-XXXX-1 documents. This is what Area-32 looks like in SCP-XXXX-1.

Results: Seconds after the research staff instruct the subject to turn on SCP-XXXX, he appears to have been hit by an unknown mobile object, resulting in the subject launching upward and out of the test chamber. The subject expresses brief panic before the spacesuit encapsulating him rips open. Upon dispossession of the spacesuit, D-11874 immediately starts suffering heavy sunburns and swelling. The Foundation personnel stationed at Area-32 are able to recover SCP-XXXX and the subject successfully. Recovered footage from SCP-XXXX presents a large asteroid field orbiting the Earth above its exosphere, where the Moon should have been (See Figure 5). The subject has been ruled deceased, cause of death is a ruptured lung due to overexposure to the vacuum of space.

Addendum #0128-1: Certain abnormalities previously discovered within SCP-XXXX-1 are now thought to be explained by the absence of a moon in the Earth’s orbit. It is speculated that the Moon has been blown up, the cause is unknown, but further tests have determined that the results of the explosion are not natural. Due to the nature of this phenomenon, it is currently being considered whether or not to continue testing of SCP-XXXX at Area-32.


Addendum #2: Further tests are yet to be held, and those that have, are classified until further notice.


