Dream Sucker

Item #: SCP-3507


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3507 is currently located in with in the a cell down in Sector-3 in the Humanoid Research Department. The cell is surrounded with Caporfuvaloka. The location is also were they placed SCP-3507-1. The entity also has the power to turn off near by lights if need be.

Description: SCP-3507 is a humanoid entity in which has abilities to teleport to resting people to either have sex with the victim followed by the victims death from SCP-3507 or just to kill. It also has the power to change the dreams of the victim into "wet dreams". The motive of these strange and vile acts is currently unknown due to the SCP ignoring this question, though many people say its just for her pleasure but this is not confirmed. SCP-3507 appears to be a female entity with black hair, dark eyes with eye pupils that change according to emotions, full nude body, skin coloured: light gray. SCP-3507 seems to be fond of humans and some other SCPs such as SCP-049, SCP-056, SCP-2058 and many, I repeat, many more SCPs. SCP-3507 loves talking about its past murders and victims, meaning that it's possible that SCP-3507 has knowledge about its victims, likely due to interest.

Addendum: Interview #01 out of ███

Interviewee: SCP-3507 aka Dream Sucker

Interviewer: Dr. Skylar Michaels

Description: This interview is SCP-3507's first interview of many interviews with SCP-3507 and is just for how SCP-3507 reacts to questions

Begin Log, Day 1 5:00am

Dr. Michaels: Good morning, SCP-3507. How are you?

SCP-3507: I am quite alright, thank you. And you?

Dr. Michaels: Well I'm fi—

SCP-3507: Have you ever killed a person, Miss…
Dr. Michaels: No…?

SCP-3507: It feels great, baby…
Dr. Michaels: M'kay… umm so my first question is that who or what do you kill other than humans?

SCP-3507: Anything that sleeps.
Dr. Michaels: Alright. Why do you kill?

Dr. Michaels: SCP-3507, are you gonna answ—

SCP-3507: Sorry, I feel like I should eat. Do you people have anything that moves?
Dr. Michaels: We have a cafeteria downstairs but I'd advise you to answer the questions I'm giving out to you.

SCP-3507: Okay… By the way, you're pretty. You'd look good in bed…
Dr. Michaels: You wont be able to attack or harm anyone in this facility.

SCP-3507: Yes, I know that my cell is teleproof.
Dr. Michaels: Teleproof?

SCP-3507: Unable to teleport, C'mon baby I thought you people knew what you were doing.
Dr. Michaels: I'm not the designer…

SCP-3507: Ahh, right. Where are we though?
Dr. Michaels: We are in a foundation that is focused on containing objects, entities and other unearthlies.

SCP-3507: Where is the location of this "Foundation"
Dr. Michaels: I am not permitted to say.

SCP-3507: C'mon you wont get fired or anything, I wont tell a soul…
Dr. Michaels: No! That information is strictly confidential.

SCP-3507: Mmm Hmm, you sure?
Dr. Michaels: Positive. I think we're going to end this interview. You will come back to this very spot SCP-3507

<End Log, Day 1 5:02am>

Closing Statement: Overall, SCP-3507 is a very careless SCP and for this instance, thinks more on something else other than the main subject. It also seems that SCP-3507 is highly interested in me and is seeing me as gullible. There will be more interviews over the coming days. - Dr. Skylar Michaels

Addendum: SCP-3507-1
SCP-3507 was in her cell and was guarded by two Security Personnels but some how the entity escaped and headed to Class D. Security cameras didn't detect her probably due to camouflage. SCP-3507 decided to head into D-7724's cell but didn't know that D-7724 was awake, so the entity took D-7724 around the foundation. Security cameras recorded voices, these voices were SCP-3507 and D-7724. They were having a casual talk for about 2 hours. When the NTFs arrived to the location, they were gone. Here is what the recording got:

Begin Recording

SCP-3507: Why are you here, may ask, handsome?

D-7724: Well I'm not sure, I cant remember anything. Except my family…

SCP-3507: Awww, you have a family. [CHUCKLE]

D-7724: Yeah, I know there names aswell. Theres Destiny (my wife), umm Charly (my son) and Amanda (my daughter).
SCP-3507: Aww. you know there names, human.

D-7724: Yeah, yeah.
SCP-3507: Do you sleep?

D-7724: Uhh, yes??
SCP-3507: Yeah I just want to know. I've never slept before because I don't know how to…

D-7724: Really? Its easy just find a bed, rest in it and then close your eyes.
SCP-3507: Really its that simple… lets try it! Hold on to my hand and I'll find a place…

D-7724: Uhhh, I really should be back in my cell.
SCP-3507: C'mon, human, I thought we were friends.

D-7724: Ahh… Okay.

<End Log>

After this, our NTF team managed to track them down due to a chip we placed in D-7724s neck shortly before he was placed in his cell. What the team saw was a new creature, SCP-3507 likes to call it "Night Terrors". The creature had stitches around its body aswell as new eyes, similar to SCP-3507's eyes. When both entities were escorted roughly by the NTF team, they both were taken to an interview room with rooms in one section. Lets just say that the interview was really bad.

The Trouble Interview
Interviewee: SCP-3507
Interviewee: SCP-3507-1
Interviewer: Dr. Francis Firebird

Begin Log
Dr. Firebird: Welcome back, SC—
SCP-3507: Welcome, Night Terrors!

SCP-3507-1: I was always here, babes.
Dr. Firebird: Alright, settle down SCP-35—
SCP-3507: SETTLE??! I overly excited to be here with my new client!

SCP-3507-1: I can slit the throats of my victims.
SCP-3507: See! He can do that but he can do more than just slit throats.
Dr. Firebird: Right. Last night, SCP-3507 what did you do to D-7724 to change him into, well this.
SCP-3507: Telling you just doesn't add to the mystery.

SCP-3507-1: M Y S T E R Y . Say, doctor, have you every killed a human or anything that moves?
Dr. Firebird: SCP-3507, what did you do to D-7724?
SCP-3507: Answer his question so I can answer to yours!

SCP-3507-1: Yeah, doctor. Answer me…
Dr. Firebird: No I haven't… Will you please answer the question SCP-3507
SCP-3507: See, I thought about it but that wasn't a good enough answer so I have no comment.

Dr. Firebird: [INHALES] How did you escape you cell, SCP-3507?
SCP-3507: You know what, I have a question! Where is Dr. Skylar Michaels?

SCP-3507-1: Who?
SCP-3507: A lady friend.

SCP-3507-1: Woah, threesome?
Dr. Firebird: I think I might stop right now, theres no point carrying on with this interview…
SCP-3507: Remember the name of Dream Sucker and Night Terrors.
End Log

After this interview SCP-3507-1 was researched and found out that the only working organ in the body was a new heart, this could be the organ that controls the humanoid. SCP-3507-1 was placed in a cell right next to SCP-3507. This was because of the lack of Caporfuvaloka material. They currently chat about various of different things, that is also a reason why we put them together.


Caporfuvaloka Cape-or-foo-val-oka
known commonly as the material that removes the humanoids ability to teleport but only works when the material is surrounded