Draft of Oblivious
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Item #: (pending, using SCP-4842 as a basis)

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4842 are to be stored in an standard anomalous containment locker when not in use. Accessing SCP-4842 for testing requires level three approval.

Description: SCP-4842 are a set of six pendants made out of sterling silver, all of which are shaped similarly to each other, with stones of various materials used as their centerpieces. The pendants vary in size, ranging from 5 cm to 9 cm in length. Currently, five of these pendants are located at Site-77, with the location and status of the sixth still unknown.

The primary anomalous nature of the SCP-4842 instances are manifest when a person who is in contact with one of them activates them with specific vocal commands. Upon being touched, stating the phrase "Take me back to my world." will demanifest the person who stated this and manifest them in SCP-4842-1.

SCP-4842-1 is a highly anomalous world, housing flora and fauna both unique specimens and species identical or anomalously alterated from those found on earth. Anomalous phenomena are more commonplace in SCP-4842-1, but the encountered anomalies are far more benign or inert. alluded to be the origin world of the original creators of SCP-4842 in Documents 4842. SCP-4842 transfers to a geographically corresponding location in SCP-4842-1. The destination is not affected by the differences in altitude of origin, sending people consistently to the highest elevated solid structure in SCP-4842-1 at that point. Altering the terrain in SCP-4842 results in transport occurring to the top of the new structure. In order to return from SCP-4842-1, the transported individual needs to visualize letting go of the SCP-4842 instance that had transported him, regardless if the individual actually held the artifact before transport.

SCP-4842 were found after the recovery of documents, referred to as Documents 4842, detailing their construction and their anomalous properties, which dates back to the 17th century. Using these documents, field agents were able to track down all but one of the owners of SCP-4842 and either coerce the owner into selling said item or, as in the case of one museum, coerce them to transfer it to a Foundation front. After a series of testing, Site Command has determined that the information within the Documents 4842 should be treated as fact.

It is to be noted that SCP-4842 prevents the transport of any material back upon return, including ingested material and inhaled air. It has been demonstrated that breathed in air not transported with the individuals is replaced with a vacuum upon return, resulting in the violent collapse of the subjects lungs upon return, followed by death. The use of non-pressurized atmospheric suits for safe transits is therefore necessary for all individuals being transported.

An instance of SCP-4842 can also be activated by the phrase "Show me my world.". Following this, the individual who activated SCP-4842 will come under an auditory-visual hallucination, perceiving his surroundings as he would upon transport. However, the individual this hallucination does not extend towards their sense of touch. The hallucination will cease upon releasing SCP-4842. The use of this hallucination prior to transport is advised to avoid materializing on top of solid structures, as this can lead to immobility as well as damage to equipment.

SCP-4842-1 is capable of sustaining human life. It has

Addendum 1: Transcription of Documents 4842

24th Oktober 1674,

I am at my wit's end, so Father above help me. The [ILLEGIBLE] those foul child-snathing devils won't stop, and now I may have [ILLEGIBLE] house to yet more of them. The bloody fae, [ILLEGIBLE] imps that they are, have been stealing the children of the farmers here like the Pestilence for weeks now. Now, six of them came to my house, asking for a place to hide. Said they were saying they trying to "seal their world". So I told them that if they hold can hold my cross and not burn, I'd let them in.

They didn't burn as I expected, even entered the church without fear, but I still worry. They are crafting something out of my sight. They say that it'll keep their lot out from coming here, but I can not take their word, as mayhaps they be summoning some powerful demon. Alas, I have nothing else I can do, but have faith in the lord to protect us from evils man can't understand.

31st Oktober 1674,

The fae said everyesterday they were almost ready and asked me to write for them. I said I'll dance for them if they keep their word, but I won't lift a finger before I see their work complete. Today is that day, their work is complete. So today, I asked the farmers after I had said my prayers to all the saints to bless us this All Hallows Eve, and behold! The fae were wisked away without a trace. No more children were lost, here or elsewhere. And as a man of my word, I shall write for them, as they wished, a warning, for those who shall keep them safe once I passed away.

The seals, dainty little things, keep our world from their greedy grasp and need to be kept safe. They made one for each of them, six in their sum, so that the forgers who built them linger once the seal is in place, to see if it worked. I shall swear, as long as I walk this earth, they will be safe. I shall call them angels forged of silver with this in mind. This trickery is needed here, as the clergymen would rather burn all they smell a whiff of magic on than have some devils dealed [sic.] with. Why, I see it rather fitting to have these white guardians that stave off these imps from our lands to be called such. So I asked them if they could forge wings with feathers on them, and they said aye.

Furthermore, these seals allow for the travel to their realm to those that hold them. Anyone that speaks: "Return me to my world." will be sent there. Likewise, speaking: "Show me my world." will hear and see as if he were there. At my behest, they added a way for man to return, but warned me that it may be dangerous nevertheless. They reason that they didn't forge it with this in mind, and like with a sword that was bent into a plow, it is likely dangerous to use.

November 14th 1674,

The fae weren't seen since a fortnight, save for the six hiding in my chuch. They had slowed down since the crafting, saying that they weren't in a hurry anymore. Said they don't worry no more now that no more of man is being taken to their realm, when I asked why. One fairy king is using those children to build a mighty kingdom, but they fear that mankind would overwhelm his forces, and then the rest of their realm, calling him a blind fool.

They showed me the wings now, absolute mastercrafts they were. They said that they'll return to their world soon, once they meld them to our angels. I must confess, I am a hesitent to see them go, as their kingdom may already be doomed, as they described it. I shall bless them before they leave. Curiously, it hadn't occured to me to ask their names.

After that, I plan to have the angels sent away once they leave, to churches throughout the lands. Let the masses be fooled into believing they're reliquiary, they deserve it more than the thousands of bones strewn throughout these lands. With this plan, they may survive the ages. I just hope that one man may rediscover this writing [ILLEGIBLE.]