2016 draft

The Broken Brother

Item #: 3261

Object class: Euclid

Containment Procedures: SCP-3261 is to be kept in a 3.4/3.4/3.4 meter containment unit. The walls of which will exhibit childish drawings of nature on each of the four walls. The entrance to SCP-3261’s containment unit will, under no circumstances, be locked, and must remain unlocked. Two [2] unarmed guards will be stationed at the entrance of SCP-3261’s containment unit, and will be equipped with a distress button in case of emergency. The distress button will dispatch MTF Omega Uniform, in the event of a containment breach. No video surveillance is to be present within SCP-3261’s containment unit, but several Audio devices are located within the area. The entire room of SCP-3261’s containment area is to simulate night and day, six [6] hours for each. Sound recordings of nature shall be emitted through-out the room, including the likes of birds and cows. Security guards are also equipped with tranquilizer darts. In the event of SCP-3261’s memetic properties, any guard succumbing to the influence is to tranquilize themselves and receive psychiatric evaluation while a replacement is suited. If all Procedures are not met at any point in time, Protocol Oni is to be enacted. Only personnel with permission from individuals with level 4 clearance may interact with SCP-3261-A.

Description: SCP-3261 is a standard wooden working bench possessing a multitude of unconfigured clockwork materials. SCP-3261 itself is non-sentient nor sapient and poses little threat by itself. The only potentially harmful effects of SCP-3261 is a strong, persuasive memetic ability that the object contains. This memetic attempts to drive any humans nearby to enter its containment unit to assemble another object using the clockwork gears the table possesses. SCP-3261 was found in [Blackout], Oregon when agent [blackout], while undercover, was subject to SCP-3261’s anomalous properties. SCP-3261 was delivered into the foundation's hands after a distress beacon from agent [blackout] was signaled. SCP-3261 is stationed directly in the center of the wall opposite of the entrance. SCP-3261’s containment unit is confirmed to house two [2] other entities, SCP-3261-A and SCP-3261-B. It is unknown if the containment room houses any more.

SCP-3261-A is an invisible entity measuring 1.8 meters in height. SCP-3261-A claims to be the brother of SCP-3261-B and an entity frequently mentioned by him as [Data expunged]. Despite SCP-3261-A’s claims that the foundation is in possession of this third entity, we have no evidence nor knowledge of the existence of such a being. For the sake of the file, this third being has been classified as SCP-3261-C. SCP-3261-A is highly intelligent, and has been shown being extremely cooperative and non-hostile towards the foundation. SCP-3261-A views its containment unit as “Necessary” and “Convenient”. The behavior of SCP-3261-A is also easygoing, and SCP-3261-A is willing to listen to, and answer, nearly any question asked to it to the best of its ability. Thermal scanners outside the unit can pick up SCP-3261-A’s location, and he is usually standing still next to the wall left of the entrance. Audio devices picked up a very high frequency sound within the containment unit. When sped up, they create a speech of comforting words most likely from SCP-3261-A to SCP-3261-B. There have been no attempts to halt this communication. SCP-3261-A is very protective of his “brother”, SCP-3261-B, and has only been witnessed acting in an aggressive state when SCP-3261-B is in mortal danger. [See addendum-4]

SCP-3261-B is a puddle of black liquid when docile, “he” is usually found motionless in the corner right to the entrance of the containment unit. When in an agitated state, SCP-3261-B assumes a much larger form, a massive humanoid figure 2.8 meters in height. SCP-3261-B’s agitated form looks humanoid in appearance, but is still made up of the aforementioned black liquid. This material making up SCP-3261-B proves to be unexpectedly durable, resisting rounds similar to those used against SCP-096. [See addendum-1] SCP-3261-B is very physically imposing, and incredible feats of Strength and speed have been recorded from the multiple containment breaches caused by said entity. SCP-3261-B shows remarkable strength in its agitated form, easily ripping through reinforced ballistic metal as well as being surprisingly fast, reaching 50 mph from a motionless state in less than 2 seconds. While SCP-3261-B has been shown to be very physically unstoppable, SCP-3261-B is childish in mental capabilities. SCP-3261-B’s vocabulary is small, and is distracted by simple objects or curious noises. SCP-3261-B does not seem to like being incarcerated, and the aforementioned containment procedures are to prevent any aggressive behaviors from SCP-3261-B alone. SCP-3261-B remains in its docile form unless it perceives itself as incarcerated. Anything from armed guards to video surveillance will trigger SCP-3261-B lethal rage. The sounds of nature are vital to SCP-3261-B containment, as SCP-3261-A claims that, “He feels safe”.

The weirdest behavior of SCP-3261-B is its actions during a containment breach. If SCP-3261-B escapes its containment it doesn’t attempt to leave site [Blackout], instead, SCP-3261-B will search for other specific SCP’s. These SCP’s are small, inanimate materials that SCP-3261-B will bring back to its containment unit. After doing so, SCP-3261-B will begin to “construct” an unknown item using SCP-3261. The SCP’s that SCP-3261-B has attempted to retrieve are SCP-[Data expunged].

SCP-3261-C is supposedly the eldest brother of SCP-3261-A and SCP-3261-B. All knowledge the foundation has gathered about SCP-3261-C is through interviews with SCP-3261-A. SCP-3261-A claims SCP-3261-C’s name is [Redacted], and has the ability to [Data expunged].


Addendum-1, First recorded containment breach of SCP-3261-B approximately 15 minutes after initial containment.

<10:43> Arrival at site [blackout]

[an armed guard locks the door to SCP-3261’s containment unit]

<10:59> SCP-3261-B enters agitated state, breaks through containment door and kills both security guards via [redacted]

<11:02> SCP-3261-B is seen through video surveillance sprinting at 45 mph down site [blackout] walls

<11:03> SCP-3261-B tears through SCP-[blackout]’s cell and retrieves SCP-[blackout]

<11:05> Mobile task force Omega-Uniform arrives at site [blackout], tranquilizers are fired at SCP-3261-B. No effect. Tranquilizers are exchanged for rifle bullets. No effect.

<11:10> ATGM launchers are switched for taking down SCP-3261-B. After forty [40] minutes and seventeen [17] casualties, SCP-3261-B is finally incapacitated.

Addendum-2, Interview with SCP-3261-A

Interviewer: Dr.[blackout]

Interviewed: SCP-3261-A

Specific subject: N/A

<start log>

Dr.[blackout]: Hello, SCP-3261-A

SCP-3261-A: Hello Dr.[Blackout]

Dr.[Blackout]: I’m going to ask you a few questions, is that alright?

SCP-3261-A: I understand

Dr: Who are you, and where did you come from?

SCP-3261-A: I believe you are the ones that picked us up sir.

Dr.: That is correct, but we only acquired SCP-3261, we have no records of you

SCP-3261-A: We were there Dr.[Blackout]. My brother was probably at fault for that.

Dr: Ah yes, these brothers…You claim these entities are your siblings?

SCP-3261-A: That they are Dr.[blackout]

Dr: Do your brother’s have any ill intentions

SCP-3261-A: My little brother can be aggressive at times, I take care in looking after him

Dr: And your older?

SCP-3261-A: I have no knowledge of the motives of [Redacted]

Dr: I see. Have you encountered any other SCPs on your stay?

SCP-3261-A: I don’t believe I should be the one answering that question. If anyone was to have seen the others, my younger brother is absolutely the better choice.

Dr: Noted. That is all we need for now. Thank you for your cooperation

SCP-3261-A: Happy to help

<End log>

Addendum-3, Protocol Oni

If any containment procedures aduring to SCP-3261-B’s containment are not met, immediate shutdown is to be enacted. All lights are to be shut off, all doors to be locked and all personnel to be armed. Upon activation of Protocol Oni, two [2] heavily-armed mobile task force units are to be dispatched alongside Omega-Uniform. Class-B and Class-A personnel are to be immediately evacuated through the exit tunnel near SCP-3261’s viewing room. Protocol Oni is only to be disabled once SCP-3261-B and potentially SCP-3261-A are confirmed to be subdued. Additional forces are to be called in when necessary. It is my personal order to have SCP-3261-B terminated as soon as possible.

~Doctor Armillo Baubles.

Addendum-4, Termination log of SCP-3261-B

Location of testing: SCP-173’s containment unit

<Begin log>

SCP-3261-B is purposely agitated, while in this form a foundation helicopter plays music at a frequency similar to SCP-3261-A’s. SCP-3261-B seems to be confused by the noise, and follows the vehicle out of site [blackout] to site [blackout]. SCP-3261-B is tricked into entering SCP-173’s containment unit, where SCP-173 is currently held. Along with 3 D-class personnel, SCP-3261-B is alone with SCP-173. All visual contact with SCP-173 is lost, due to SCP-3261-B having no set of eyes. No visual contact is met for 15 straight minutes, and no casualties are reported. Eventually SCP-3261-B is distracted by an Unknown High frequency noise, where from there SCP-3261-B escapes containment. After SCP-3261-B leaves, SCP-173 kills all 3 D-class personnel. Visual contact is reinstated just in time to recontain SCP-173. It is unknown why SCP-173 refused to attack SCP-3261-B.

Addendum-4-1, Termination log of SCP-3261-B, continued.

Note from Doctor [Blackout]

<begin log>

Upon thermal scans of the encounter, video surveillance shows SCP-3261-A to have entered SCP-173’s containment along with SCP-3261-B without our knowledge. SCP-173’s refusal of attacking SCP-3261-B is not of its own accord, as SCP-3261-A continued eye contact with SCP-173. It has also come to the foundation’s attention that the high frequency noise was in fact emitted from SCP-3261-A, leading SCP-3261-B back to its containment cell. In recent events, Dr.Armillo Baubles has been found dead. His corpse is missing its left limbs as well as being severely [Data expunged]. It should be noted that Dr.Baubles gave the order for SCP-3261-B’s termination, and SCP-3261-A will be questioned shortly.

<End log>


Addendum-5, Interview with SCP-3261-A concerning SCP-3261-C

Interviewer: Dr.[Blackout]

Interviewed: SCP-3261-A

Specific subject: SCP-3261-C

<Begin log>

Dr: Good evening SCP-3261-A, I’m here to ask you some brief questions about the being you call [Data expunged]

SCP-3261-A: Ask away, doctor

Dr: First off, are you aware that, besides your own claims, we have no evidence of the existence of [Data expunged]

SCP-3261-A: I disagree

Dr: How so. We have no records of [Data expunged]. Perhaps our inability to remember said brother could be lessened by a description of appearance?

SCP-3261-A: I haven’t seen my brother in a long, long time. At least I haven’t seen him in one piece.

Dr: You said your brother isn’t full, does this mean he is deceased?

SCP-3261-A: Far from the truth. From what I know my brother is very much alive. He is just missing some parts.

Dr: You continue to play this game of pronouns. What do you mean exactly?

SCP-3261-A: My brother is not conscious. He cannot talk. He cannot see. He cannot walk. He cannot perceive. Parts of him are lost. My younger brother is trying to find them.

Dr: By these parts do you mean the various SCPs he has tried to collect over his, ahem, various containment breaches?

SCP-3261-A: My brother is not an animal. He misses [Data expunged]

Dr: I am not attempting to anger you SCP-3261-A

SCP-3261-A: You are certainly testing my patience

Dr: I think we are done. Please return to your room. We will talk again later.

SCP-3261-A: I understand, doctor.

<End log>

To all doctors attempting to speak with SCP-3261-A please remember he is still dangerous. Subject seems to not enjoy talking about his older brother, and is strongly protective when we mention his younger brother. We need to find a way to ask questions without referencing his siblings. ~Dr.[Blackout]