SCP-3614, “Mobile Library.”

Item #: SCP-3614 “Mobile Library.”

Object Class: Euclid
Access Level: 2

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3614 is to be kept in a large containment unit located in Containment Research Area ██. It is to be cleaned every two weeks and polished every week. SCP-3614 is to remain under constant surveillance at all times. SCP-3614 is to not have any staff under a second level clearance enter.

Description: SCP-3614 is a tall bookshelf seven feet tall in height. It is made from Aftican Blackwood with a golden lining around the middle of the host. SCP-3614 contains a total of sixty books on its shelf, all of them being classified as SCP-3614-1, to SCP-3614-60. These books are empty on the inside as every page has been hallowed out and usually contains nothing. Depending on what is useful to the person though and how much it is needed it could appear within one of the books. As an example, a security guard with no ammunition could find a magazine for his weapon inside of a book.

SCP-3614 was originally tracked back to ████ ████, who created the bookshelf in 2001. The bookshelf was stored in a storage container until 2008 never visiting it but still paying for the container. After failing a payment for two months, it was found the entire storage unit was turned into a micro luxury library. The other bookshelves beside SCP-4401 were made out of a dark oakwood that resembled similar patterns and colors to the African Blackwood. Deciding to take SCP-3614 home, the manager stored it in his office throwing the books away not finding them useful. It remained dormant for two years without any sign of anomalous properties before being left alone for two weeks turning the office into a luxury library. After returning, he contacted the local police department which contacted the foundation about it’s anomalous presence. It was moved to Containment Research Area ██ in the [REDACTED] islands.

When SCP-3614 is left alone it is able to make significant upgrades to the room it resides in, allowing it to become a top class library. When the library is made it is designated SCP-3614-61. SCP-3614-61 is a comfortable space and has the anomalous effect of making those within it wish to read it’s books. Despite the books being empty, people will read the cover and rear of the book and then move on. The anomalous effect does not make anyone feel forced to read but it does make them have the habit.

Addendum 3614-1 on 27-6-20██.
Two weeks after being placed in Containment Unit ██, security officer ████████ █████ passed out while watching the SCP-3614. He was transported to the medical bay two hours later after being found unconscious. SCP-3614 expanded greatly, even implementing an entire second floor to the library. It used a moroccan theme, with beautiful stained glass for a skylight, and a white pattered carpet.

Later that same year, the facility went over a overhaul upgrade to ensure it’s containment. The skylight was removed and the ceiling was replaced. After being left alone for mere minutes, the ceiling was changed back alongside a grand chandelier was added.

Experiment 3614-1a on 29-11-20██.
Led by Doctor █████ ███████, D-4401 was starved of food for two days but kept hydrated. He was sent into SCP-3614-61 and was navigated towards SCP-3614, which resided in the middle of the library. SCP-3614 was found out by D-4401 that it has manipulated it’s own physical form into a double sided shelf. The amount of books duplicated also until the entire shelf was filled on both sides. D-4401 was instructed to spend the next fifteen minutes looking through the books. After six minutes and thirty-two seconds D-4401 found a bowl of Alfredo chicken, apparently being his favorite meal. He was allows to eat two thirds of the meal before instructed to leave SCP-3614-61. No anomalous properties were detected on the meal or bowl, and then was disposed of.