Peralin- First SCP
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SCP-#### in it's containment room(tape not visible).

Item #: SCP-####

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is to be secured in a 1.5 Meter by 1.5 Meter room, fully lined with ATS Acoustic panels and rubber padding to prevent injuries, such as the incident at site [DATA EXPUNGED] on the date █-██-████. Lights must have protective inner and outer lenses, and Lights should be on at all times. A small table should be placed in the room directly in the middle, lined with rubber padding on the sides and directly bolted to the floor. When personnel must enter SCP-####'s cell, no more than two one person may enter at a time. SCP-####'s cell must be sound-proof from the inside and outside.

Description: Currently located in Site-19, SCP-#### appears to be a Sony M-560V micro-cassette voice recorder with a strip of tape on it that says: "Repeater" in handwritten letters. Attempts to play any tape with the recorder results in playback of static for an indefinite amount of time, regardless of tape length or tape content.

While SCP-#### is played, any subject within direct earshot of the static slowly becomes disoriented and loses any coherent sense of direction. Within one minute of exposure to the static, subjects are experiencing major migraines and hallucinations. The most common hallucinations reported are:

  • Reportedly seeing dark figures in the corner of the subject's eye
  • Manifestations of faint piano music originating from different areas around the enclosure

Some commonly reported symptoms of exposure to SCP-#### are as follows:

  • Aggression
  • Bloodshot and dilated eyes
  • Nasal discharge of blood(commonly referred to as a nose-bleed)
  • Tunnel vision occurring in intervals of twenty-five (25) minute increments

After approximately five (5) minutes of exposure to the static of SCP-####, any symptoms reported by the subject appear to disappear completely, along with the subject's pupils becoming unresponsive to light up to 35,570 lumens. At this point, all bodily functions of the subject seem to cease, except for the brain and central nervous system. From this point forward, the subject should be referred to as SCP-####-1. Very few have maintained consciousness past three (3) minutes while in the direct earshot of SCP-####.

In the unlikely event that a subject is able to maintain consciousness for five (5) minutes or more while in the vicinity of SCP-####, questioning will commence with SCP-####-1.